Fallout: Nuka Break fan film

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Remember the trailer? The full, 16-minute fan film is out now.

<center><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q9UwlAAnlmg?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></center>
Pretty good. Had a laugh or two. I like the whole idea behind Vault 10 and Twig's character. Should be cannon :P
It's amusing, and yeah, Vault 10 is not a bad idea. It gets a bit slapsticky and most of the jokes don't work but a good amateur effort.
This is actually pretty damn good, the scenery and costumes were done really well. Vault 10 experiment was better than most in the new games. Only real negative for me is they showed to many of the jokes in the film in the trailer a few months back.
Definitely didn't have a Fallout-like comedy style, but it wasn't horrible. The acting was meh and the comedy was average, but it was well done (for an indie movie like this).

I enjoyed it for what it was, but nothing more.
It's alright if you don't take it too seriously. It had a pretty decent production value for a fan film, wasn't just a cheap camcorder thing. It has some big flaws in the lore but not as bad as I thought it would be.
From the credits: "Very special thanks to Chris Avellone for making sure our story made sense" - looks like they consulted MCA on it.
Not as bad as it could easily have been. Definitely better than most fan films. I liked the tidbits from the originals (like the NCR flag). And I imagine the Vault 10 bit is what comes from MCA, although I could easily be wrong. Could be they had ideas they scrapped because he said it just didn't work.

So, enjoyable overall.
I liked the tidbits from the originals (like the NCR flag).

Well, it's more likely taken from New Vegas here than from the originals. I don't see any references to stuff from original games that isn't also in FNV.
wow, much better than I expected. Kind of want them to make more...maybe more serious in tone. Really great effort.
It's nicely done, really nicely. But there are no 1 & 2, references only 3 and NV. I'm having my doubts whether MCA really helped in making, or anything...
Loved the idea for Vault 10. It wasn't really "haha" funny but I chuckled at the very end when she screamed, lol.
First I thought it will be bullshit, but I watched it anyway. It was much better than I've expected.
It's amateurish alright, but it's way better then previous clips I have seen. Actually, this is watchable to a degree. Great effort too.
Wanted to turn this off after two minutes, but fortunately got better later, nice costumes, VATS use, narrator voice, and Vault 10 experiment idea. For amateur and free flic it's good.