Fallout Offiicial Survival Guide


First time out of the vault
[Update pending.]

There you are, guys:


zipped in PDF form.

[Edit] These were left raw due to the slight skew and the odd backgrounds on some pages, such as Ol' Slim's notes, that Adobe felt much rage over finding. To correct this, the easiest way is to extract the jpeg for the affected page and use the cropping tool in Photoshop, but it's time consuming.




FOSG Chapter 9

Edited out links that now try to make you install malware. Check the second page for new links. -Per
Many thanks, dude!

Edit: A bit offtopic, but something occurred to me.
See this front cover of the guide? Well, is there a high-res picture of that one? It's the same as the game cover.
I can't find it here on NMA (though I could just be stupid), or on Google.
I'd like to have it as my wallpaper (1376 x 768, btw).
Atomkilla said:
Many thanks, dude!

Edit: A bit offtopic, but something occurred to me.
See this front cover of the guide? Well, is there a high-res picture of that one? It's the same as the game cover.
I can't find it here on NMA (though I could just be stupid), or on Google.
I'd like to have it as my wallpaper (1376 x 768, btw).
Perhaps this is what you seek: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/20/mainmenured.gif/ from http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=54121

Though it is not quite the resolution you asked for, the city background is minimized, and the Fallout logo isn't present.
Meanwhile on the RPG Codex . . .

Palmer Eldritch said:
Seems interesting, thanks!

Too bad that chapter 9 is missing, or am I mistaken?

Checking now.

You are correct. It will be fixed this evening, along with one or two rather embarrassingly scanned pages.




FOSG Chapter 9

Do let me know of any glaring errors so I might correct them.
I'll have a better version up tomorrow. If you're looking for the flaws, you'll see streaks on (average) every odd page due to the duplexer not liking the size of the pages. That, and a few Ol' Slim portions got skewed.

(Glad you received a mail notification, Ed. I saw your post in September and again today, after doing a quick google search. I wasn't sure if I should have bumped the thread (if it was being watched) or just PM you.)
An interesting read, if only because as a source of secrets, it's really not very good! There's a lot of duplicating basic information from the manual and repeating the same obvious things over and over again under the pretense of avoiding spoilers. Lots of things that never made it into the game (e.g. the Children killing Decker, Jain summoning a super mutant, location-specific outcomes of being knocked out), and no mention of important things that are (e.g. Tycho, the weapon upgrades in Adytum, the special encounters).

Interesting that they call the Psychic Nullifier "alien" technology while in the game it's just "weird".

Has anyone ever managed to escape from combat by turning on Sneak? It's not something I've heard of.
Eternauta said:
Could you please re-upload those archives, the links are not working for me :( Thanks in advance!

Apologies for the late reply, Eternauta. I've been sick the past few days and have been trying to clear the backlog of . . . everything . . . that's now resulted. I'll set up a torrent once I finish rescanning it, since every second page had an irritating defect due to the scanner software.
Fallout Survival Guide

Girls and guys hello!

I am new to forum and glad to be here, been a lifelong fallout fan since my early childhood.

I was looking for the "http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Official_Survival_Guide" and couldnt find it anywhere, the price tag with this one is a bit expensive for my current situation so i am looking for an scanned alternative, has somebody scanned it?

If not we could raise the money amongst ourselves, buy a copy and then photocopy it, whadaya say?