Sin Lucifel Angel
First time out of the vault

White Knight said:You know the job pays well and where you have to meet. You don't know what the job is, and what your part is in it. If I have information I need to tell you, it will be included in posts involving Edward or just possts introducing Locations. So stop using OOC information in character. Yes, the job involves hunting the Eagle, but your character hasn't been told in the RP, so they should know nothing. If I don't tell you something, assume your character is ignorant, and if you need to know, ask me OOC, or ask Edward.
1. Grammar correct - and what your part in it is
2. It's a merc job you made that clear
3. Do you take our characters to be idiots? If so I will pull out now and delte my posts because I don't apreciate when someone changes their color. You said it was a merc job in intro as if the. Characters already knew because well they're fucking mercs! And as for the job matter do you seriously think they wouldn't put 2 and 2 together? Hmm let's see best mercs? Check! Large amount of money? Check! Guy killing off old people who seem important? Check! Guy calls himself eagle which was the simple of freedom? Check! Dude the characters aren't idiots if they were they WOULDN'T mersc! So don't bitch me out for thinking logically.