Fallout Online Newsletter


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Interplay has started sending off Fallout Online newsletter to those who has signed up. And this is actually a letter with concept art attached:
<center> </center>
Chris Taylor says about the newsletter:<blockquote>The first newsletter is on its way out. The emails are going out in alphabetical order and it will take a little while to email everyone. Check your spam filter if you don't see anything in the next three days or so. (Yes, it will take three days to get all the emails out.)</blockquote>
Also, Interplay website has a press release on this:<blockquote>Interplay Entertainment announces the first newsletter from the official FALLOUT® ONLINE registration site.

Mutants and non-mutants who registered at the FALLOUT® ONLINE site are starting to receive tales from the wastelands. Interested players who sign up are on the fast-track for beta-testing and get the added bonus of a free subscription to the pre-release electronic newsletter. (No additional flora will be harmed by the production of this newsletter.) Subscribers may end their participation at any time, again without cost or additional fees. We are just that kind and giving.

Interplay's FALLOUT® ONLINE is a massively multiplayer RPG set in the award-winning and best-selling FALLOUT® universe. Player characters roam the desert wastes, the radiation-blasted mountain tops, and the mutated forests of the post-apocalyptic world. A land where decisions have consequences and there are multiple solutions to every challenge. Players can decide to participate in the rebuilding of this broken land, seek the adrenaline pumping pleasure of conquest and destruction, or just go launch anvils and ride the merry-go-round.

The registration site is available at http://www.fallout-on-line.com. Register today. Registered players are winners.¹
¹ In a very metaphysical way. Registration does not, by itself, actually win anything. It may also earn a meager amount of our respect and affection, but results may vary.</blockquote>
Also, the footer note at the Fallout Online website has been added again with "...is used by Interplay under license from Bethesda Softworks LLC" part.

Thanks PainlessDocM, adambott and Ausir for informing us.
Mutated forests? Were those present in the original games? I guess there were dead trees, and forests should be dead too, but there wasn't any forest area. Anyway, I'm ok with this, since it makes sense. Just not the WoW type of excuse for area with its unique inhabitants - I want it to be based on reality, rather than what would fit the game perfectly - at least, I don't want to see when it's obvious that it's just an excuse for something gameplay-wise.
Blackened said:
I want it to be based on reality, rather than what would fit the game perfectly - at least, I don't want to see when it's obvious that it's just an excuse for something gameplay-wise.

i agree lets just not get to carried away with 'reality and science'

nagasaki today,

chyrnobil roday, 2
Blackened said:
Mutated forests? Were those present in the original games?

Fallout 1 and 2 took place in mostly deserty areas, so there haven't been much forests anyway. Fallout 2 got lots of growing trees already as well.
also as Ausir pointed out we got seattle concept art, so probably we are going far to the north, where its much more fertile land...

obviously FO wont be FO without its desert desolate look but this image of desert in the game is mostly gamy, as those are not real "deserts"

here is some pictures from those "deserts" :
You know: I'm actually kind of charmed by this newsletter. I just discovered it in my mailbox and it's... well, let's face it, this is nice.

As for mutated forests: fuck yes. I've been complaining my ass off about the lack of flora in the Fallout setting. This is a wise and possibly a very fruitful expansion of the world.

I dig that little sketch on page 1. That's neat.