Fallout Online tidbits


First time out of the vault
From the Interplay forums.<blockquote>"Since April 2009, Interpay has mapped the MMOG environment including approx 65,500 square miles of in-game terrain."

"Textures, objects and characters have been implemented into the game environment. Base models for player characters and non-player characters have been created. The computer models for many types of creatures have also been designed and the 3D geometry and textures created. Several game zones have been blocked out, textured, and populated w/ 3D objects."

"The initial starting zones for each of the player character races have been designed."

"Many environmental object and weapons models have been created and textured. Some Non-player characters have been placed live in the game. Fallout Online combat, leveling, character development, item crafting, skills, and item stats were written prior to April 2009 and have been tested. Since April 2009, Interplay has refined and further developed its design regarding the funnctioning of player-run towns, social centers, and guild compounds."

"Interplay has created and continues to create additiional concept art and has created and continues to create player and non-player character concepts, names, characterizations, dialog and game scenarios. Quest content and design is ongoing and includes content and mechanics for multi-part intra-zone and dynamic world events and quests. interplay has created and written a large multi-part, game-worldwide meta-puzzle including the puzzle structure, code system, and planned locations, which is designed to foster cooperation and competition among players for an extended time period. Masthead continues to revise and improve its technology, including its game engine, tools, and network software for the specific development of the Fallout MMOG.</blockquote>
But there's one question we all want answered. Is it isometric?
I wish somebody would put a stake through Interplay so it would just die already.
Odin's address is just that, Odin's address. I don't think even he checks it anymore and he's not around anyway. NMA can be reached via news submit or brothernone@
Courier said:
Why wouldn't it be?

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korindabar said:
I wish somebody would put a stake through Interplay so it would just die already.

The sad part is that this will be* the first FO to have different playable races. I'm looking at you FO3 and (I bet my ass) FO4!

* will it?
generalissimofurioso said:
Surprised that wasn't Ausir.

Also, meta-puzzle?

I don't like the sound of that.
I think that sounds pretty good. Just curious now how it will look and work, especially with players-- who never do what the developers want.
i'm pretty curious about that meta-puzzle too.

multi-part intra-zone and dynamic world events and quests

i don't know mmogs very well, does those kind of things exists in other games ?

or is it some crazy dev bs ?
As an MMO Veteran the interesting parts are completely different ones:

Interplay has refined and further developed its design regarding the funnctioning of player-run towns, social centers, and guild compounds
dynamic world events and quests

Which means that there might be hope for some Sandbox gameplay (like Ultima Online), instead of Theme-park Item-Runs (like in WoW) and I think this is somethink to look forward to.

However I also played Earthrise, the direct product of Masthead, who are supplying Fallout Online with the Engine.

And this game actually had not one of the promised features and the engine didn't really seem to do well at all.
Earthrise has improved a lot


Earthrise has come a long ways since launch. Currently, on the test server they are putting the finishing touches on territory warfare. The graphics have always been good. the main problem had been with lag and stuttering. They have totally corrected this problem now on the test server, and territory warfare is awesome. Zero lag or stuttering. Really fun and engaging. Also, the developers are very involved, and have completely reworked the game based on player feedback.

They are currently fixing the last couple bugs and then the main server will be patched with improved client and server performance and many other tweaks. I'd suggest you check it out again. They are planning on rolling out a free trial once the patch is released so you can see for yourself how it is going.

Interplay will get Earthrise engine 2.0. It is looking better and better to me.
Re: Earthrise has improved a lot

troybilt said:

Earthrise has come a long ways since launch. Currently, on the test server they are putting the finishing touches on territory warfare. The graphics have always been good. the main problem had been with lag and stuttering. They have totally corrected this problem now on the test server, and territory warfare is awesome. Zero lag or stuttering. Really fun and engaging. Also, the developers are very involved, and have completely reworked the game based on player feedback.

They are currently fixing the last couple bugs and then the main server will be patched with improved client and server performance and many other tweaks. I'd suggest you check it out again. They are planning on rolling out a free trial once the patch is released so you can see for yourself how it is going.

Interplay will get Earthrise engine 2.0. It is looking better and better to me.

Glad to hear they are working on it. I keep being sceptical though as the world I experienced at release was 100% static. Even the elevetors placed in the world did not work but just ported you upstairs.
So basically what you could do at release was: Exploring a static world, grind enemies with bad AI in a very unbalanced way, kill other players without a real system behind it, spend your time on a horrible crafting system.

Coming back to the original topic: Fallout Online and the statement that they are working on dynamical content since 2009, it's very hard to believe that they could really actually "work" on it. I am not saying that Earthrise must have all Features Fallout Online wants to have, but Earthrise releasing in 2011 with ZERO dynamical content makes it hard to believe that Fallout Online is working since 2009 with this engine on dynamical content themselves.

In addition you also have to see the financial situation. Interplay does not have any money. And normally they are the ones paying Masthead, so that they can use the engine. With the horrible release of Earthrise I highly doubt that Masthead is doing that well themselves. So basically what we are seeing here is two companies connected with each other which are both at the edge of collapsing. Thats not exactly the best circumstances.
Kordanor and Earthrise

I'm not sure I would call it a "launch" when Earthrise was released, more like a more involved version of Beta whereby people had to pay 80 dollars to get the priviledge to play 3 months of the 3/4 finished game to provide direction and guidance to the developers. Personally, I don't think that they should have charged at all for the game during that unfinished state.

Regardless, it is what it is, and Earthrise is now finally ready for the real "launch." The game has benefitted from those hardy souls who were willing to stick it out as the game and engine were tweaked. Again, I'd say to try it for yourself. It's an entirely new game with "dynamic" content, good graphics, sandbox gameplay, and zero lag (at least on the test server). They created a dedicated test server to be able to have players test for any bugs on the frequent patches that they've been releasing. The game on the test server now, finally, fulfills the promise that the game had but for some technical issues that needed to be ironed out. Most MMO's have a fair amount of issues when released, granted Earthrise had more than most. Still, what matters to me is how the engine looks now and the fact that Interplay is going to benefit from all the tweaks and growing pains that came with Masthead learning how to get their game running up to snuff with real world dynamics occurring. (you can see for yourself on the test server or shortly, in a few days, when the patch is released--Masthead is hinting that a free trial will also be coming with the patch's release or shortly thereafter.)
I think its a sad state of affairs. It sounds like the MMO is at least in it's alpha stage, but its being completely held up because of this legal battle. I won't pretend to know all the details and truths of this case, all I know is that a game that could very well be solid is taking longer to be released because of a dispute that amounts to little more than adult children crying about who stole who's toy.

I've read a number of the details of what's been completed thus far and it sounds enticing, but with any MMO its dicey. I foresee this being not unlike the Fallout 3 ordeal where a long stretch of time it will be little more than a hope, but will eventually be released, whether or not it'll be the Fallout Online we've read about today remains to be seen.

I want Fallout Online for no more eloquent a reason than because I've been dreaming about it for the last 10 years. And hell, someone has to show Fallen Earth how its done.