Critical Hits Table
1 - Shot Bypasses DR
2 - Knockdown (the target must Get Up)
3 - Unconsciousness for d2 turns
4 - Unconsciousness for d4 turns
5 – Crippled (drops weapon)/ Blindness
6 - damage x1.5
7 – damage x2
8 - damage x3
9 – Damage x4
10 – Damage x 5
Critical Failure Table Missle Weapons
1 - Ammo Problems - The magazine was damaged or the ammo was bad. The gun does not fire, and the rest of the magazine must be discarded.
2 - Loss of AP - D'oh! The attacker looses all remaining AP for that round.
3 - Weapon jammed - Should have cleaned your gun out! The weapon will take 1 turn to unjam, and the ammo inside must be discarded.
4 - Dropped weapon – something slipped, and the weapon flew out of your hands and hit the ground.
5 - You slip and fall. All remaining AP are gone, and next round, you must get up (see Getting Up). While down, you loose all Armor Class from Agility.
6 - Hit Something Else - You didn't hit what you were aiming for, but you nailed the next closest target.
7 - Damage Self - You cut yourself on your knife, or shot yourself in the foot. Half the weapon's normal damage is dealt to YOU instead.
8 - Weapon Breaks - the weapon breaks beyond repair. Time for a new one. Oops.
9 - Weapon Explodes - Your weapon explodes and deals d10 to You.
10 - Weapon Desintegrates - Your weapon disintegrates in a ball of fire, deals d10 to and a Critical Hit.
Critical Failure Table Melee Weapons and Unarmed
1 – You purely judge the situation and step into the attackers hit, Your opponent gets a +1 do damage.
2 - Loss of AP - D'oh! The attacker looses all remaining AP for that round.
3 – Your attacker anticipated Your attack You have a –10 to hit for a round.
4 - Something slipped, and the weapon flew out of your hands and hit the ground or You opened Yourself to a hit and lose all AC for the rest of the round.
5 - You slip and fall. All remaining AP are gone, and next round, you must get up (see Getting Up). While down, you loose all Armor Class from Agility.
6 - Hit Something Else - You didn't hit what you were aiming for, but you nailed the next closest target.
7 - You cut yourself on your knife or bite Your tongue. Half the weapon's or Your normal damage is dealt to YOU.
8 - The weapon breaks beyond repair or You twist your Hand and Have a -20 to hit for the rest of the battle.
9 - Your weapon brakes and the tip hits You or You twist Your ankle and get d10 points of damage.
10 - Your weapon brakes and the tip hits You or You twist Your ankle and get d10 points of damage and also a Critical Hit.
Bonuses by Body Part for Targeted Shots
Target Critical Chance Bonus Targeted Penalties Melee Targeted Penalties Ranged
Arms,Legs +5% -15% -20%
Groin/Head +20% -30% -40%
Eyes +30% -40% -60%