Fallout provides #1 quote on Gamespy's top list

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Fallout's like a retired actor, keeps raking in the prizes:<blockquote>1. "War. War never changes." Introduction - Fallout (PC)

Fallout had terrific writing all around.
This line is part of an unforgettable intro to an unforgettable game. The original Fallout introduced us to a dark post-apocalyptic world through a very effective opening that was both believable and disturbingly beautiful. When the narrator chimes in and says the words above, you know you're in for one hell of game. Perhaps what we like most about this quote is that it's true.</blockquote>Link: Gamespy top 10 quotes list (page 5)

Thanks starwars and cremo.
Just glad to once again see Fallout mentioned, and so highly, on a mainstream site.

Also everyone don't forget to see the other lists in links at the bottom such as "How much of a console fanboy are you?" and "How much of a PC snob are you?".

The Vault Dweller
list couldve been worse. i especially like the System Shock quote.

"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?" SHODAN - System Shock (PC)
Meh. Don't move down from this "Page Five" :/

How can it be missing "AAAAAH, Fresh meat!" ?
gamespy = bethesdas new hype waggon :)
while i think that it is the most memorable and best line i'm a bit wierded out that it made first place ahead of .. all your base and other more widespread quotes

yea the diablo quote and starcraft siege tank quote missing imho .. also no mario quote ?
Entire list fails for not including "But thou must!" and "You spoony Bard!" from Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy IV respectively.

And I too see the Fallout quote being at number 1 to be suspicious.. though it is a great quote.
When half the list is devoted to bad localizations, nearly all of which only became famous on the internet, completely independent of the game itself; feel free not to take the list very seriously.

Or when it is anything written by GameSpy, for that matter.
It's a fun list, the only one I have any objection with is the Resident Evil one, mainly because it's a quote you have to hear to be able to "get".

But what Tannhauser said is true. The list shouldn't be taken seriously.
SuAside said:
list couldve been worse. i especially like the System Shock quote.

"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?" SHODAN - System Shock (PC)

That reminds me.... "MEATBAG!":

HK-47: Statement: HK-47 is ready to serve, master.
Revan: You don't need to call me master, you know.
HK-47: Query: Don't I? I was under the assumption that organic meatbags such as yourself enjoyed such forms of address.
Revan: "Organic meatbags?"
HK-47: Retraction: Did I say that out loud? I apologize, master. While you are a meatbag, I suppose I should not call you as such.
Revan: You just called me a meatbag again!
HK-47: Explanation: It's just that... you have all these squishy parts, master. And all that water! How the constant sloshing doesn't drive you mad, I have no idea...
Revan: Neither do I, come to think of it...
HK-47: Statement: Now do you understand the travails of my existence, master? Surely it does not compare to your existence, but still...
Revan: I survive. Somehow.
HK-47: Commentary: As do I. It is our lot in life, I suppose, master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?

All from KOTOR of course, amazing game. And I just love the term "meatbag" because that must be how a machine would view a human through its sensory inputs.
the wheels are turning (the hype machine wheels that is)

I'm still glad FO was mentioned.
The quotes there are the most memorable so "War. War never changes." fits there very well wehether it is hype or not. I remember more and I love some Harold's quotes, there are even some of them on IMDB. I would love to see them for example in such rankings, I see no chance for such dialogues to be in Fallot 3.