First time out of the vault

Years ago I made some big changes to the maps to make them feel more life like adding a lot more buildings and other bits to make the settlements feel like they are a bit more realistic (i.e. feel like a town rather than a place with only 12 people in it!).
It should be 100% compatible with the latest Fallout Restoration project.
Please see the drop box link below to download the maps, also there is a changelog which I'm still updating as I edited quite a lot and want to put screenshots of the changes with them so please bare with me.
Also if someone does like them and, is good with script editing, would be nice if someone could add a few unique scripts to a few characters to create one or two unique rather than generic bar tenders and shops in several locations. Currently, I basically just used existing scripts for all the people I added, which isn't quite satisfactory to me. Might be nice to have one or two back stories added in for people to find.
Vault City:
New Reno:
Broken Hill:
Vault 15:
If they join NCR the whole are changes, not only just gaining a farm, toilets and a brahmin pen and one proper building but now an
Village near VC:
It should be 100% compatible with the latest Fallout Restoration project.
Please see the drop box link below to download the maps, also there is a changelog which I'm still updating as I edited quite a lot and want to put screenshots of the changes with them so please bare with me.
Also if someone does like them and, is good with script editing, would be nice if someone could add a few unique scripts to a few characters to create one or two unique rather than generic bar tenders and shops in several locations. Currently, I basically just used existing scripts for all the people I added, which isn't quite satisfactory to me. Might be nice to have one or two back stories added in for people to find.
- Added a large tent and normal size tent to village map and a few more villages to village map and bridge map.
- Also added some very basic items in some tents to find.

- Added a new building just above Vic's home made our of a ruin reinforced with scrape to fix borken walls.
- Added lots of homes to the 'mall' on the trapper town map, lots of slum homes and a farm to the south side.
- Made a bar area and some homes out of the unused buildings on the north side of the Trapper town. (this does mean you can get the car part bit a lot easier though! So may I will move this so it's harder again).

- Added a bedroom on the first map to the BoS bunker to make it feel more real and some gear in the locker if you join them which you can use (not that you need much of it at that point!).
- Added a house and repair shake which appear if you help make the orphanage to make it feel like the town improves in other ways once you finish this quest. Also the gangers house their becomes filled with a normal family, again making it feel like things have improved.
- Added two large residences next to the slavers both merchants, one who makes his money from selling slaves to other settlements like Vault City and the other who hates the slavers and follows the ideals of the NCR and trades with NCR bringing in Brahman meat from Modoc and NCR (though not scripted to say this for now).

- Added a church on the main map bottom corner for now

- Added two farm houses and reduced the amount of crap that gets thrown round the map when the toilet blows up.
- Also put in an extra farm house on the main map.

Vault City:
- Added a new house to the courtyard area with a merchant to the top of the map
- Added a new communal home in place of a park in the enclosed area.
- plan to expand the vault so it looks more like 100+ people could have lived there, not 12...

New Reno:
- Changed what was a useless building into an apartment block which is inhabited.
Broken Hill:
- Place a row of 3 houses to the back of the house row to make it feel more populated with people/ghouls and a farm to the back.
- Added in 1 larger house to the end again to make it feel like more people live there.

- Added a school, a factory, a water plant, a billiards hall, bar, park and several house to the government area map to the south.
- Added in a residential area to the east of the main map with many houses and residence
- Added a park to the main map which is also visible on the government map.
- Painstakingly made sure all maps correlate with each other as they overlap (this process was oddly satisfying!).

Vault 15:
If they join NCR the whole are changes, not only just gaining a farm, toilets and a brahmin pen and one proper building but now an
- Ian/restaurant/house
- general store/house
- caravan stop/house
- Farm house

Village near VC:
- Added a few more bits to stage 2
- Added a proper wall for stage 3 and expanded the buildings quite a bit
- Added armed guards and more detail to the rest of the map

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