Fallout RP- Systematic Annihilation

Vault City

The hispanic pilot felt a rush of adrinaline, scoring his first kill of the day. He began to scan the panarama below, searching for his next target.

Theo, and Travis swooped in, low and fast, only feet above the rooftops.

Less than a mile away, Echo one, the officer, quickly closed the distance between himself, and the other two pilots.

Theo leaned the nose, slowing the craft. He zeroed the sights in on one of the enclave APC's. Theo squeezed the red trigger- the dual 15.2 miniguns wound up quickly- and shreaded the armored vehicle.

"Echo two, Echo - Whiping out hard targets"

"Afermitive" responded echo one

"Afermitive" responded echo three

"Lookey-Lookey! Enclave tech's." Yelled echo three, over the short

"All yours, Squib" responded echo one.
Death from Above

"Orders, sir?" the rookie soldier asked Rex.

The armored mutant surveyed the corpse-strewn entryway of the Vault, and his eyes lighted on the sealed door to the medical lab. His toothy, evil grin couldn't be seen under his helmet. "We finish our sweep of this level. Form up!" He pointed his Hammer at the door while his troops assembled.

The vertichicks soared over the ruins of Vault City, laying waste even further to the already destroyed area. Below them, Alex and Valice continued their seemingly endless struggle. The Shinobi watched from the safety of the cave. The sergeant was amused that they were wasting their ammo on the immobilized APCs that had turned on them earlier in the battle and had given them so much trouble. Then they began to strafe the Enclave technicians.

Only a handful of techs had survived the nerve gas. The sergeant waved them towards the cave, and they began to run there. Whether they lived or died was of little concern to him - but while they lived, they made good bait. With a hand gesture he motioned two of the Shinobi forward, both of them carrying rocket launchers. As the techs raced for shelter, the vertichicks swooped low after them, cutting a couple of them down with their miniguns. The sergeant dropped his arm, and the soldiers under his command fired their rockets at the Brotherhood aircraft.
Military Base

A man in Kevlar, a long brown satchel, with a red bandanna tied arround his head, over his grey hair. his face was whithered, and wrinkled with age, and the effects of smoking; sat crouched against an old mine cart, pressed between the man's lips was a hand rolled cigerette, in his hand, a 10mm pistol, the barrel was smoking, nearly red hott, at the man's feet, lay 5 empty magazines, and 66 spent casings.

The slide was locked back, and smoke poured from the weapon. The man reached into his pack, and retrieved another magazine, and slid it into the handle of the pistol. He then turned, his shoulder pressed firmly against the cart, he then peeked over the cart. A swish, and then a loud crack, had sent his head back behind the cart. "She-it" he said to his self, taking quick drag. He had gathered the information that he needed, the three raiders that he had engaged were advancing slowly.

They were armed with long-arms. He was sure that one was armed with a double-barreled shotgun, but the other two were armed with autoloading rifles. He looked down to his kevlar, three double-ought lead balls were secured firmly in the vest, wrapped in the white fibers that had stopped them in their tracks.
"You young guns just don't learn, Do you?!" He shouted, as he extended his arm arround the mine-cart, and peaked, sighting the weapon on one of three gunmen. He squeezed the trigger, hitting the man square in the knee-cap.

this served as a distraction to the shotgun wielding raider. Quickly, he rolled, switching his gun-hand, in mid roll, his weapon extended arround the cart, he then had aquired another shot. He squeezed the trigger. a loud concussion, and the shotgunner fell to the ground, catching a hallowpoint in the thigh. he then stood, and tried to get a fix on the third, to his surprise, he saw nothing, but two raiders flopping arround. Suddenly, a click, and a burning sensation on the back of his neck.

"Nice shooting, Old man. Just not... good enough"

"Sneaky-mother fu-" said the old man

"You killed my boys"

"You're boys killed my brahmin"

"Should have payed you're fee's, old timer"

"Sould have taken you out when I had the chance"

"All over some fucking brahmin?"

"Souldn't have killed my cow's."

The two damaged vertichicks were struck by the incoming rockets. Their crews ejected just a second before the aircraft exploded, their seats shooting high above the battlefield before the parachutes built into them opened and they slowly descended, fortunately out of the Enclave's line of fire. The third, undamaged vertichick broke off before the Shinobi could reload their rocket launchers and fire again. Its pilot wouldn't fall for the same trick twice. Only two of the Enclave technicians survived to reach the tunnel.

Outside the medical lab, Rex blasted the door with his Hammer. The steel door was blown backwards, twisted and crumbling, sliding across the floor. Rex and his troops advanced through the doorway and spread out. Inside the lab were about a dozen patients in critical condition and a few doctors and nurses. The medical staff raised their hands.

"Sir?" asked the rookie soldier. "Do we take them prisoner?"

"No," snarled Rex, enraged that their victory was incomplete. "Kill them. Kill them all!"
Vault City

Theo had bailed from the vertibird, as the craft began to split into two. Travis had stuck with the bird, long enough to secure the green steel case that contained the hardware- M203, Bloopers, and HE grenades. He then stood, he then charged out of the sliding door- and manually deployed his chute. The seconds that it had taken him to grab the case, had costed many feet of altitude. He held onto the case with all of the strength he could muster, as he flopped helplessly in mid air, at the mercy of enclave ground troops, and the wind, that tossed him violently, as if he were a rag doll.

The hispanic hit the ground, only falling for a few seconds, only being 15 feet from the ground. His chute hadn't deployed, his ankle in emmince pain. Without thought, he drew his dual .40 calibur pistols, and scanned for a potential threat. All he could see down the ally way was flaming schrapnell from his bird, and a large shadow. Uppon looking up- he could see the tail of his craft. The just of the bird had collapsed the single story building's roof. He looked to the sign that was pressed against the wall, with screws. "Servent Allocation's building" it read. He knew that he wasn't far from the vault, and a heavy consentration of enclave soldiers. Hey keyed his squawk, and whispered into the mic "Echo three, Echo two - to Dispatch- Echo two is down - I say again, Echo two is down, in VC."

Echo one quickly applied backward thrust, slowing his craft, and propelling it backwards, evading the rocket, by mere feet. the aquired a fix on the shenobi that had fired the rockets- and fired his last missile, aimed at heavy troops.

Theo keyed his short-wave. "Squib, Travis. Sit-rep, Now!"

The hispanic, or Squib as he was known- keyed his shortwave, and whispered into the mic "FUBAR"

Travis than fallowed "203 and bloopers aquired"

Theo than keyed his mic again "Roger that."

Dangeling from theo's foot was his rifle, in an olive green drag-bag.

Travis was rigged simelarly, his 7.62 NATO rifle dangeling freely from his foot.

Echo one listened, as he began to look for new targets.

"Echo one- Echo wing. Engaging threats - Over"

* * *

Militery Base

"Fucking Brahmin."

"Their my lively-hood."

"You sould have spaired us one -One fucking brahmin"

"And now you're punk-ass gun-toating boys are face down on the pasture"

"Over fucking brahmin"

"You sould have told you're boys that lead-poisioning can be a nasty side-effect of attempted murder"

"you sould have just given us that one Cow"

"Now do you know what I'm going to do?"


"Not quite."


"Ever catch a fire-fly?"


The man turned slowly, standing- the muzzle pointed squairly at his nose. slowly, he reached up to his ciggerette, and gripped it between his thumb, and index finger. with one quick motion -he flicked the lit ciggerette at the man's left eye- he flentched- this bought the man the time that he needed. Qucikly he crouched, pointing his shoulder at the gun-men's chest, and rammed him with all of the strength he could muster- the gunmen toppled to the ground. the ciggerette had clung to the man's check, sticking to the half-dry thickened sweat on the man's cheek - where it continued to burn. a faint scent of burning flesh imminated from the man's face.

the weapon had been freed from the man's grip, as he frantically tried to swat the ciggerette away. The man in the ragged jacket kicked his rifle away, and then planted one foot squairly on his sturnem.

"See this face?" he asked the gunmen

"Remember it. Remember this face, and this name. Nick Scarver"

he bent over, and picked up the man's rifle, and then looked to the man on the ground.

"You sould have taken the shot."

"Sir, they're unarmed!" said the rookie Enclave soldier. "They're completely defenseless!"

"You might not think it much of a challenge," said Rex, "but there's no such thing as too much target practice, Jenkins."

"But...don't you want to interrogate them first, sir? Find out what they know?" Jenkins looked around at the terrified people in the Vault's medical lab.

"We can get all the data we need from the computers after they're dead." Rex's eyes narrowed to slits. "You're not going soft on me, are you, soldier? I gave an order, and I expect it to be obeyed! Fire!"

Jenkins raised her plasma rifle, then suddenly spun about and pointed it at her commander. "No, sir!"

"Mercy is for the weak, Jenkins. Perhaps you need an object lesson."

"If I were weak, I wouldn't have done this, would I?"

"Perhaps not. Your mutinous actions do show some courage...but mostly stupidity. Kill her!"

The other Enclave troops opened fire on Jenkins as she shot Rex. In spite of her Advanced Power Armor, several hits penetrated and she collapsed in pain. Rex's own armor deflected most of the blast from her plasma rifle, but he took a slight wound. One of the other Enclave soldiers accidentally hit another one with a Gauss pistol shot fired too hastily, dropping him to his knees.

"More insubordinate scum! Die!" shouted the soldier next to the wounded man. He fired his minigun at the one who had shot his comrade, cutting him to ribbons - and wounding the soldier next to him. In the space of seconds, chaos had erupted in the Enclave's ranks and they were blazing away at each other.
Vault City

Travis hit the ground, and quickly removed his parachute. he then detatched himself from the drag bag, and proceded to unzip it, and withdrew his FN-FAL. His ammo had been stored in his vest. he keyed his mic, and spoke

"Hold up squib. I saw you hit. I'm on my way. "

gripping the weapon by its metalic pistol grip, he flipped the fire selector to F; and turned the drag bag inside out, revieling two berlap shoulder loops. reversing the bag, he had produced a back pack. sliding the M203 and shells into the bag; zipped it; and threw the bag over his shoulders.

"Echo one to Echo wing. beginning straifing runs."

Theo keyed the mic "Roger that, Echo Lead. "

"Echo one to Echo wing. Mark you're targets with phosperessant flairs"

"Roger that Echo lead" said Travis, as he began to run twards the Supply Allotment B building. His bag was ratteling loudly, and his face was red. Sweat began to dribble from under his helmat. He ran his shoulder into the west side of the building. he crouched, his shoulder against the adobe wall. He slid against the wall, his rifle shouldered, but muzzle pointed at the sawd. he approached the corner, and peaked arround, craining his head. crawling twards the relitive safty of a planter, was a severly wounded enclave techy. it took travis but a split second to draw a bead on the target. without emotion, or hesitation, he squeezed the trigger. The enclave tech jumped, but moved no more.

The shot rang out, but was masked by the loud popping of the two burning aircrafts.

Theo had landed nearly a minute earlier than Travis, atop of a two story adobe building. this was a newer building; an Inn. Since the regime overhaul, Vault City had become a much more open society, creating a need for an inn. Theo, however, didn't know who currently resided in the inn...
Over the horde - 64 miles outside of The Den

Four Vertibirds fly information above the vast horde; heading north-west, In the direction of The Den. The massing horde was grouped tightly, gaining members as they moved. Without fatigue, fear, or emotion; barreled across the terain.

Each of the four vertibirds bared the symbol of the Brother-hood Cog, and sword; Though each of the crafts bared a hand painted piece of art. One read "Fly Or Die"; under a picture of a Wasteland Hawk. The second of which bared the Peace symbol; under the symbol read "Peace through superior firepower". The fourth of which had no picture; but a caption that read "Gregor Wuz here". The fourth simply bared the symbol of the brotherhood on its nose; and a caption that read "SN: 035,421,001".

Each of the craft bared the standard armorment, and then some. Rocket pods, 15.2mm Mini-guns; and each heafted an extreme ammount of extra explosives, in the form of old Napalm bombs, 900 lb dumb-bombs, Cluster bombs, and various other goodies.

"Victor-whisky one; to Dispatch. Victor-whisky wing approaching soft targets." spoke the fourth vertibird.

"Victor Whisky 2 to wing. Sound off." Spoke the pilot, flying the "Fly or Die" vertibird.

"Victor Whisky 1" spoke the pilot, of the verti-bird bearing the Cog, and longsword

"Victor Whisky 2" shouted the pilot of the verti-bird with the image of a Hawk on the nose

"Victor Whisky 3" responded the pilot, who's craft bared the image of a peace symbol

"Victor Whisky 4" said the pilot refered to as Gregor.

Victor Whisky 1 keyed his short wave. "Victor Whisky 1, to wing. Commince bombardment of soft targets. I say again - Weapons free; Over!"

Victor 2, and 3 both immediatly dropped; loosing nearly 100 feet of altitude in only seconds. The two remained in formation; Victor 3 at a 45 degree angle behind victor two.

Victor 2 keyed his comm. "Victor 2, to Victor wing. Bomb's free" he said, flipping a dipswitch on the controll console, that armed 3 of the 900 lb bombs; firmly attached to the underside of the bird. At the press of a red button; all three were dropped.

Victor 1, and 4 could see the dammage, from their vantage point. As the bombs hit, the bodies of the redemption were hureled, en-mass; like ragdolls.

Victor 1 keyed his Comm. "Victor 1, to Victor 2. Confermed hit, Over"

Victor 3 keyed his Comm. "Victor 3 breaking formation. Over"

Victor 2 looked over his shoulder, to see victor 3 break hard left, and drop another 50 feet. He was buzzing the Redemption; a mere 25 feet over their heads. He maxed the throtle; increasing his thrust, and speed by 175%.

Victor three had armed his mini-guns. Personally, he made sure that the tech's back at navarro hadn't reduced the RPM of his miniguns; to conserve ammo. instead of the normal 2,500 rounds per-minute; he had the weapons tuned to their true potential. 7,500 rounds per-minute.

This was truly devistating, by any standard. Squeezing the red trigger, on the craft's controlls; instantly the craft became a shreading machine from hell. Spitting hot lead, and brass casings at insane speeds, and rate of fire. the miniguns seemed to part a path in the redemption cluster, dropping bleeding corpses the ground, in pieces.

"Victor 1 to Victor Wing. Beginning bomb-run. Over" he spoke through the comm.

At that; Victor 1 dripped altitude, leaving Victor 4 by his lonesome.

He reached for the switchbord, and selected Weapon Port 4; which was his Napalm Bomb. He too, increased his throtle, speeding ahead of his wing. Dropping altitude, as he went. He found his way twards the center of the cluster. This would be the most devistating place for a napalm bomb to be used. He dropped the 2000 lb bomb; and quickly pulled up. Flames quickly consumed the battle-field; as the fire spread.
Turning Point

"Cease fire!" bellowed Rex. His troops obeyed - the ones who were still standing, that is. The others had already ceased firing, due to their wounds or in some cases, their deaths. The situation had changed drastically, all due to one rebellious junior soldier who suddenly decided to feel sympathy for the enemy and worsened by other careless and jumpy soldiers who didn't know who the enemy was. He couldn't kill the medical staff any more. At least, not yet. He pointed his Hammer at a doctor. "If you want to live, you will treat my wounded troops! For every soldier of mine that dies, I shall kill you!" He paused, shaking his head. Even he was getting a little confused. "I mean, I shall kill one of you!" He smirked, baring enormous teeth.

The medics sprang into action, moving the worst off of the wounded Enclave soldiers into the beds and giving them emergency treatment. Rex surveyed the rest of his troopers. He was down to ten Shinobi and five regulars, and some of those were walking wounded. When a doctor moved towards Jenkins, Rex raised his Hammer and shook his head. "Not her!" The doctor backed off. "Surround her!" he ordered his soldiers, and they complied. "Any last words, Jenkins?"

She nodded weakly. "Go to hell,' she croaked, "...sir." Then she opened her hand, letting a live plasma grenade roll loose.

Rex sprang back just in time, but his troops weren't so lucky. The explosion killed Jenkins and several of the soldiers closer to her outright, and none of those who survived escaped injury. Things had just gone from worse to unimaginably worse for the Enclave.

<center>* * *</center>
In the Brotherhood's Council Chamber in the bunker beneath NCR, Lord Paladin Jackson approached High Elder Yogi Maxson. "We just got the latest reports from the aerial sorties against the infected," he said.

Yogi raised an eyebrow. "Hmm. And what do they say?"

"Those infected with Redemption show unusual toughness, able to sustain wounds that would kill an ordinary man and continue to function. Their rage seems to allow them to ignore pain and operate at peak efficiency. Some of them have been observed to crawl forward after having their legs blown off or shot out from under them."

"Rage they have, but theirs it is not. Their master's rage is what empowers them. A great darkness there is within him."

Jackson nodded. "There is some good news, though. While the bombardment isn't stopping the hordes, it is slowing them down. We now predict that it is much more likely it will take them four days to reach the Den rather than three."

"Good. Need all the time they can get to prepare, they do."
OOC ( Medical lab on the first level of the vault, correct?)

Vault City.

Squib looked to his left leg. he kneeled, laying one pistol on the grass that grew along the building. he removed the knee-pad, and pulled up his left pant leg. His knee-cap was off center; and swollen. he reached into his satchel; and withdrew a long cloth bandage. He began wrap the bandage tightly, around the kneecap. he then looked at his surroundings, for anything that was straight enough to use as a stint. he knew, that he would have to immobilize the joint; or risk further injury.

Less than a Block away from Squib.

Travis walked towards the downed enclave, and kneeled beside him. He rolled the corpse over, and began to pat the body down, looking for anything of use. His corpse looting, however; was interrupted; with the crackle of gun-fire. The shot had missed by mere inches; hitting the pavement. grabbing the tech' by his spider-harness, he dragged the body to the relative safety of an external airconditioning unit. he had been met with automatic, and plasma fire, upon finding his cover. Travis keyed his mic. "Hey, Theo! can you get a visual on these bastards?!"

A quick response. "Roger. That." . From theo's roof-top perch, he was given a good vantage point. Though his lack of a long-arm hindered his ability to intervene otherwise. He reached into one of his waist packs, and withdrew a pair of 13 power Binoculars. Peering through the optical assistants; he struggled to find the shooters. The crackle of gunfire gave him the clue that he needed; in-order to find his targets. He keyed the mic with one hand. "Two enclave; one armed with a Squad Assault Weapon; one with a Plasma Rifle. Both in Power Armor, Over"

Over the Horde

Victor Four had began to descend on the horde; Arming his 70mm Rocket pods. strafing the horde, he let the rockets fly; firing three rockets a second.

Victor two was forced to reduce thrust; to a near stand-still, though inertia had pushed him fourth. his craft took a moment to slow; but he soon found him self hovering slowly. A loud crack had drawn victor two's attention. Another loud crack. To his surprise, he was being pelted from below, with spears, and rocks. "Shit!" Shouted victor two; as he began to apply thrust. the sound of objects hitting the under-carapace of victor two became more frequent. the radio crackled

"Victor one, to Victor Two. Watch those spears."

"Victor Two, to Victor one, Roger that. Taking evasive action."

Victor four had ceased to fire his rockets; flipping the Dip-switch labled with the Number Four, Arming his Cluster Bomb. Pulling up, he quickly gained altitude, and released the bomb; breaking up in mid-air. The anti-personal weapon dispersed into a multitude of small anti-personnel fragmentary explosives, creating a kill radius of 35 yards.

The Den

Within the last few hours, The streets have turned from a bustling town, into a desolate battle fortress. The open-air bazaar and been turned into a bunker. The stands torn down, and componates used for barricades. The town square was obstructed, the volunteers, and steel knights had banded together; building a machine-gun nest from old tires, and car-parts scavenged from the junkyard. Two maw-duces, commandeered from the brotherhood armory, from their bunker, had been placed on two roof-tops; separated by a street. This basic machinegunner's tactic would create countless casualties. two steel knights, and four deputon's pulled a derilicked economy car from the junkyard, into the street, pulling it into position. From the western entrance, there was a large corse of obstacles, overlooked by four sharp-shooter's post's, and two machine gun nests.

The Den, East Exit

This was the hardest entrance to defend, but they had to. Two brotherhood combat engineers lay on their stomach's; priming anti-personnel mines; claymores, and even modified Anti-Tank mines, designed to explode up, and out- instead of up. the mine had been placed in a burlap sack, filled with nails, ball-barings, Nuts, and bolts; and even 10mm Slugs. Anything that could create casualties was used.

A section of Galvanized fencing had been moved, secured between two buildings, and backed with junked cars, taken from the junkyard had been used to cut-off the west entrance, from the rest of the town. atop the building, was a machine-gun nest, that consisted of a M249, and some sand bags, and an old folding chair. an ammo-create had been stationed on the roof; the box filled with ammo belts, and standard 5.56 30 round magazines, and four 100 round BETA magazines. across the street; on the next roof-top; was a create of grenades, and a flat of Molotov Cocktails; and a pre-placed .223 Win. hunting rifle, the standard magazine port, replaced with one from a mini-14. A bandoleer of 20 round magazines lay wrapped around the stock of the rifle.

Brotherhood Bunker.

The bunker had sprang to life; deputon's and steel knights coming, and going; moving fire-power and ammunition. Kagel, Gabe, Steve and Two steel knights stand around an aluminum, and composite plastic table, atop of it, a map.

"East exit?" asked Kagel

"Closed off". responded a steel knight, this one, was the commanding officer of the Den's detatchment

"West?" asked Kagel

"Its a Killzone, Ma'am."

Stephan interjected. "What about ammo?"

"Well.. Thats...."

"Don't give me any horse-shit, Dunkan." said Stephan

"We sould have enough."

"I don't think you understand the numbers." said Stephan

"Initiate... " said Dunkan

"Fall back position?" asked Kagel

"The bunker, and church." said the second steel knight, the Second in command.

"What about the church?" asked Gabe.

"Windows have been secured, and the door can be barred from the inside. A Short-wave radio has been allotted, and enough food, watter, and ammo to last a month. " responded the second steel knight.

"personnel?" asked Kagel

"at last count, 24 Steel Knights, and 35 Deputon." responded Dunkan

"Howmany of those Deputon are combat ready?" asked Kagel

"23 said that they had some form of combat experience." responded the Second in command

"what do we have to work with as far as weapons?" asked gabe

"6 MAW-Duces, 7 M249's, 2 M240's, a couple of recoilless Rifles... and some assorted small arms, mostly assault rifles, SMG's, and shotguns. Deputons have their pistols... a few have chosen to use their own weapons. Others have accepted our issued weapons, taking up 5.56'ers. " Said Dunkan

"What else do we have to work with?" asked Stephan

"Well... our friendly Weapons dealer has offered his wares... for a price ofcource. Old tech, but effective; none the less." responded the Second in command.

"any word on Sabre team?" asked Kagel

"Sabre team?" responded Gabe.

"Their Scimitar Team's sister unit." responded Stephan

"Combat Recon?" asked Dunkan

"Well... Their role is... a little bit more sinister than recon."

"You mean... Their- " the second in command was cut off

"Yeah, Bones- Demolition." said Stephan

"Explosives?" asked Bones

"Everything." said Stephan

"so..." Responded Gabe, Blankly

"These guys are the real-thing. Six man Wrecking crew" said Stephan

"When was last E.t.A?" Asked Dunkan

"25 minutes" responded Kagel

"Any other arrivals?" asked Bones

"Just Sabre, and Dagger" said Kagel

"Dagger?" asked bones

"Nothing special. Just some Initiates. Their C.O. is a CQC instructor, and their pilot is an expert; but other than that, their pretty green." said Kagel

"Uhh- In Basic, I saw their Gunner smash a raiders head in, with his fist. thats something... Guy's a brute; dumb as a stump though."

Team Sabre Vertibird; Over the Horde.

Team Sabre's vertibird was a different model, than the standard vertibird. The wings were lengthened, and the cockpit was non-existent; only an inverted phane of glass slanted into the carapace of the craft, shortening the profile of the craft. The troop compartment seated eight, instead of twelve; and had no door guns. The weapon racks were under the seats.

7 of the seats were occupied; all members were clad in brotherhood issue Power Armor. Each of the members had their names printed on the breast plates of the armor. The scent of cigarette smoke filled the troop compartment. Parezze's helmet vents spewed smoke. On parezze's left braicer; there was a seriese of tally marks; carved into the composite.

Another of team sabre's members sat next to parezze; his last name- Allen. his helmet was dented, and his armor chared. Carved across the fore-head of the full face head- "Shoot Me"

Across from parezze, and Allen- was A steel knight with the last name "Quent". Sprawled across his lap, was his weapon - a Remmington 870, with a shell cylinder extension. "Have a Nice Day!" was carved into the Stock. Across his shell, was a 12 gauge bandoleer; and a shell belt.

Davis, sat next to Quent. His helmet lay in his lap. The bald caucasain held a Cigar between his chapped lips. He had removed the HUD display from his helmet by hand; replacing the optics with Optical grade laminated glass.

Siting in the rear of the craft, was the Knight Grant. he held his weapon, disassembled. He meticulously cleaned his Armor-Piercing Barret M82 .50 Cal Rifle.

Next to Grant, was Trenton. He was re-assembling his Glock 18. Under him, lay an M79 Grenade launcher, and a bandoleer of grenades.

Sitting back to Back, with the pilot, Sit the Squad Leader; Barnett. He sat, loading .223 Magazines by hand- for the coming fray.

The Seventh seat was occupied by the pilot; Valloton. Valloton was to fly support, and evac, if nessacery.
ooc: Bored, and want to post some updates for my more seldom herd-from characters. Jim and Skeet, will make their move on bishop, when they hit Reno, and the opportunity presents its self. The Old Man will return to his Ranch... but, I'll get on that tomorrow... Now's for Pete, and Smittie.


The Den, West Side

Pete had sat in Smitties Shack for the last hour, staring blankly at the old man, and a Steel Knight, who had suffered a leg injury, inflicted by a falling drive-train. Pete had stared with a blank smile, and said nothing.

The Steel Knight had felt pretty awkward, though any personal feelings were masked by a broken leg, and extreme discipline.

"Hi there!" said Pete.

"Greetings, Civilian." said the steel knight.

"why ya' laying there?" asked pete.

"Piece of junk took my leg out, Civilian"

"My name's not Civilian, It's Pete!"

"Civilian. Retrieve a Medic. I've been waiting for nearly a half hour."

"Why... Can I help you wit' you're leg?" asked pete, with a smile.

"I...Don't think so, Civilian. Please, Find a medic." The steel knight said.

"Who's Medic?" asked pete

"Civilian! Just go outside, and yell Medic."

"Oh... Ok!" Pete said, Jumping up, and walking with a bounce. He opened the door, and exited. The door slammed shut behind him.

Smittie laughed, and looked to the Steel Knight.

"Kid aint too bright.. But he's got more heart than any one I've ever seen." Said the old mechanic.

"Heart doesn't go very far, in times of war, Civilian" Said the Steel Knight.

"Its not Civilian, My friend. Its Deputy." Said Deputy Smitty

"Is The Kid a Deputy?" Asked the Knight

"Yeah. He's staying."

"Aren't you a little old, to be fighting, Deputy?" Asked the Knight.

"Just 'Caus I'm old dosent mean squat, son. I've Swung a pistol once or twice, in my time. Besides; This is My town."

"thats a reason, Deputy."

"So, Steel Knight... *Deputy Smitty stairs at the man's armor tagging.* Jenkins. Are you sticking around?"

"I would like to. I Think I'm more of a burden on the battlefield than a functioning soldier."

"Well, Steel Knight Jenkins, Perhaps you sould be moved to that Bunker, you're pal's were jaw'n about."

"Theirs a good chance, Deputy; I might get stuck on a MAW-Duce."


Pete had stood infront of the shack, for three minutes. "Medic!" he yelled "Medic!!" he shouted again. A man in combat armor came running. He wore Mollie Gear, In one hand, an AK-122 Assault Rifle; and in the other, a Duffle Bag. On his helmet, a Red Cross.

"Civilian! Where's the wounded!" he shouted, while running toward pete.

"In Smitties Shack!"
A Brief Respite

(OOC- Yes, the medical lab is in the first level of the Vault. In Vault City's Vault ( Vault 8 ), as in all Vaults, it is located on the right as you enter the airlock. In this case all of the doors have already been blown open. Also, the elevator shaft has been collapsed and is blocked by rubble which would take days to dig through.

In terms of game time, the story has been moving slowly since the battle started at Vault City. Now that it's winding down, I'm hoping we can move the clock a bit faster once it's over. The next four days of game time should move more quickly. At that point the Den will be attacked, with the attack on Navarro starting not long after that. The action in New Reno should start in about 4 1/2 days and culminate in about 6 days. I'll be continuing the storyline with Rachel and the group heading there to rescue her later. Jim and Skeet's chance to take out Angela Bishop will arise once that group reaches New Reno around the 6 day mark; I'll let you know when that happens.)

"Fall back!" ordered Rex. The few of his troops capable of moving followed him as he retreated from the medical lab. The medics were already grabbing weapons from fallen Enclave soldiers and opening fire. Rex and the others ducked around the corner and out of the line of fire.

"That'll show 'em!" said Lenny, gripping the plasma pistol he had just seized tightly and fired into the back of a fleeing Enclave soldier. "Ah, this brings back memories..."

"Doc," said a nurse, "what should we do with the wounded enemies?"

"We ain't killing 'em if that's what you're asking. That's what makes us better than them. Besides, I'm sure they've got all sorts of useful info in their heads. Don't rightly know where we're gonna keep 'em all if they get better, though. Bring the wounded into the back room of the lab and start treating them."

Rex and a handful of his troopers dropped back through the airlock and into the cave, where the six Shinobi he had left there stood guard alongside the two plasma turrets.

"Sir, what happened?" asked the sergeant.

"We had a little mutiny that screwed things up," said Rex. "I've got a plan, though. What's going on outside?"

'We shot down two enemy aircraft, sir!" he said proudly. "Only one remains, and it must be low on ammo by now. It wasted most of it on some techs and those APCs."

"Excellent, Sergeant. Hand me some Cordex. I've got stuff to blow up."
OOC: Gotcha. Ok. The horde is about 65 miles south of The Den. Running steady, at about 15 mph. giving about 7 houers. Yeah, I lied. I.E. Intel was wrong.


The Den: Smitties Shack

The door opened with a slam. The medic walked in, his back hunched. He set the bag in the ground, next to the cott, where the Injured Steel Knight lay. The Medic sat his weapon down, and opened the Duffle Bag.

"Morphine?" The Medic asked

"Yes, Medic. Morphine" said the Steel Knight

"Gotcha. Where's it hurt?" the medic said, reaching into the bag, withdrawling a small black zip pouch, about 10 inches in length, and 4 inches tall.

"Leg, Doc."

"Alright, There Jenkins." he said, unzipping the black bag, reaching in, he withdrew a Hypodermic Needle; and a 350 MG bottle of Morphine. He uncapped the needle. He drew the clear liquid from the glass phile.

"Where am I headed?" asked the knight

"Oh. You're steying here." said the Medic, Removing the Knight's load bearing harness.


"No use moving you right now, Steel Knight."


"You're suffering from what appears to be a fracture." said the medic

"What? How can you tell?"

"You're Leg is swolen nearly twice its normal size; It dosent take a genious to tell that its-"

"Ok.. Ok"

Gripping the needle, the medic un-capped it; and without hessitation, he stuck the Knight in the leg; and depressed the plunger.
Tick, Tick, Tick...

The sergeant gave Rex a block of Cordex. The huge mutant signalled for three of the soldiers to return through the airlock with him and into the Vault entryway. "Bring proximity grenades," he said with an evil grin.

When they reached the entry hall, Rex set the explosives' timer to three minutes, armed them, and chucked them into the doorway leading into the medical lab. He nodded to his troops, and they tossed their proximity grenades next to it. Then they retreated back to the tunnel.

Lenny watched with alarm as the live bomb landed at the medical lab's entrance, and grew even more alarmed when he saw the proximity grenades. "Stand back!" he said. "If you get too close the proximity grenades will go off, and they'll set off the big bomb."

"But it's going to go off soon anyway!" said a nurse. "What can we do?"

"I...I'm not sure."

When Rex and his squad rejoined the other Enclave forces, he motioned for them to head outside. "We've got to get out of here fast!" he said. "This place is coming down in 150 seconds!"
24 Miles NORTH of the Den

Recon Team Bravo two, a six man recon team ride north from The Den, using a Fast Attack Scorpion Buggy. Mounted to the Buggy, was a 7.62x51 M240 HMG. "Bravo Two to Foxtrot Three. All's looking clear." yelled the team leader, into his communicator. The six Steel Knights zoomed over the harsh terrain, the craft bouncing off of the banks, and rocks seemlessly.

"Foxtrot Three to Bravo two, Roger that. Maintain patroll, Check in, in 10. Over" sounded the knight's radios

"Copy that. Bravo two Out."

"So... What are we doing out here anyway?" shouted one knight to another

"Hell - I don't know!" responded another

"So.. What are we supposed to do If we see any of those critters?!" asked another knight.

"Fall back!" a Knight shouted in responce

"Fall back?! Thats it?!"

"Well. We've got enough Plastique to slow 'em down!"

"We' gonna blow this box?!"

"Only if we see one of 'em!"

"Hey! You fellas ain't gonna like this!" shouted the driver

"What is it?!"




"She-it!" yelled another of the steel knights.

The FAV slowed to a hault, and the engine was killed. The sun beat down on the black vehicle, the knights immediatly felt the wasteland heat. The high desert terrain surrounded the vehicle that was in a slight deffelade. Rocks and shrubery impeaded any visability beyond a mile.

"Goddamnit! It figures!"

"What?" asked a steel knight, reaching for a Tool Kit

"This 20th Century Crap"

"Ah." said the knight grabbing the toolkit.

"Just our luck. Whats next?! The Redemption hits us!?"

At that, a faint rumbeling could be felt beneth the feet of the Brotherhood Steel Knights.

"What was that?!" asked one knight, as the rumbeling grew stronger.

The knight holding the kit, bent his knees, and dropped the kit. Reaching into the FAV, in his seat, Withdrawling his assaultrifle, a 5mm AK-122. He shouldered the weapon, and took a knee.

"Jesus Christ!" yelled the driver, as he walked quickly to the FAV's Cargo Create. Opening the steel case, he withdrew a SPAS-12, and took a knee at the rear of the craft.

"Goddamn! Don't be so Jumpy. Probally' just a deathclaw err somthin" said the nonshalaunt knight, whilst the others were arming up. At that the rumbeling subcided.

"See?! Aint nothin to worry about."

"Well, Can't be too carefull out here. Don't know what's coming at ya'." said the driver.

At that, the rumbeling had started again. Over the horizon, a human figure was visable, and bareling twards the squad.

"Sheit! Lock and load!" yelled the formerly non-chalaunt knight, as he reached into the craft, grabbing his rifle, a .223 COLT M16A2

"Bravo two to foxtrot three! Fast movers en-bound! On our position! I say again! Fast movers! South bound!" shouted one of the knights.

Two, and three- six, 12, 20, and 30 poured over the hill, running at a nearly supernatural speed, without signs of fatigue.

The six had taken up armed positions behind the buggy, their muzzles pointed at the massing redemption.

"Knock 'Em Down!" shouted one of the knights. At that, the muzzles began to flair, the pilot laying his weapon on the ground, and jumping on the turret. He puled the bolt back, and flicked the safty off. With a quick twist of the body, he had the muzzle pointed at the redemption. With a quick jerk, the muzle began to flair, with a steady beat. the redemption quickly fell, struck down with the combined fire of 6 weapons.

"Bravo Two, this is Foxtrot Three, King Six is Enbound! Three minutes. What is you're position?!"

"Uh- Huuh- 36 By 12, By 15! I say again! Charley Foxtrot; Alpha Bravo, Alpha Echo! Over!"

"Roger that! hang in there, Bravo Two."

"Copy that!" shouted the responder, as the redemption scrambled twards the squad, hopping over the corpses of their fallen.

The first break in the continuous fire, was a knight reloading his M16A2.

The bark of the 240B easly subdued the other weapons.

A second break in the fire, as another knight reloaded his AK-122

the redemption continued to pour over the hill, endlessly.

"Jesus Christ!"

* * *

The Den : Brotherhood Bunker

A sweaty initiate sit hunched over a radio console. His eyes windened, and mouth wide. a lit ciggerette laying on his hip

He stood quickly. "The Redemption! are less than thirty miles north of The Den! South Bound!" The room seemed to jump to life immediatly.
A Hasty Retreat

Alex Stowes and Valice Reins had been beating on each other for nearly 24 hours as the battle around them raged. Though Alex was feeling more confident as the battle turned against the Enclave, Valice only became further enraged. And the angrier he got, the stronger he got.

"You've lost!" shouted Alex as he slugged Reins in the chest. "Your vehicles are toast and your men are dead! Give it up, Frankie!"

"DON'T CALL ME FRANKIE!" roared Valice. With all of his pent-up anger strengthening him, he hurled Alex into a crumbling building which collapsed on top of him and buried him under the rubble.

At that moment, Rex and his men emerged from the cave at high speed. Rex and the Shinobi took to the air, flying at a low altitude. Then Rex scooped up Valice Reins, and he and his troops flew south towards the staging area. "We have to get out of here, Master," said Rex. "There's going to be a big explosion real soon!" They began to climb, the two soldiers with the rocket launchers facing backwards in case any threats approached them. The few surviving foot soldiers were left to fend for themselves.

Lenny continued to stare at the bomb and the proximity grenades that were keeping everyone trapped in the Vault's medical lab. "There's got to be something we can do," he muttered, squinting at the timer. "Whatever it is, we'd better find it fast. There's less than a minute left!"
24 Miles NORTH of The Den

The brass and red plastic began to pile, and bodies began to pile. One of the knights had stopped to reload his Remmington 870C. The slow reload time was covered by five wepons firing.

Another break in the fire, as a knight dropped a .308 Mag, out of his H&K G3A2. quickly, the knight slid another 20 round magazine into the rifle, and smacked the reciever. The bolt slid forward, loading a 7.62NATO FMJ round into the chamber. His weapon's fire S, M, F selecter was set to M. The simi-automatic function made the weapon extreamly controlable. The seemingly calm Knight took aimed shots, carefully firing his shots, never missing his mark.

"Get the Lead out!" shouted the formerly nonshalaunt knight, firing short bursts into the advancing redemption.

"Hit you're god Damned targets!" shouted another knight in responce.

A thick layer of gunsmoke began to obstruct the fireteam's vision, though they could still see their targets beyond the smoke.

The team's radio man lowered his weapon, and crouched. He withdrew the handset radio, and powered the system up. "Bravo Two to Foxtrot Three! Requesting an ETA for KingSix! Over!" barked the radioman. his eyes scaning his weapon. The bolt was jammed at a half-cock position, a misshapen shell rendering the weapon inopperable.

"Foxtrot Three, to Bravo Two. ETA on King Six is currently unavailable."

The radio crackled, and sounded again

"King Six to Bravo Two. Off the ground, and en-route! Two minutes!"

"*Sigh* Roger that. Bravo Two out."

The radioman shouted. "Two Minutes! Two minutes until airsupport! HOLD THE LINE!"

* * *

King Six

A single gunmettal Grey vertabird glides over the wasteland, afterburners on, running at maximum capacity. The craft was lightly armed, only with the standard cannons. The craft was only manned by a pilot, co-pilot, and two door gunners, to man the light machineguns that adorned the side doors.

"Dispatch, This is King Six. Enroute to coordinants Charley Foxtrot; Alpha Bravo, Alpha Echo; on Recon Team BRAVO Two's current position. I say again. Redemption are currently at coordinants Charley Foxtrot, Alpha Bravo, Alpha Echo. Over!"

The copilot ran a quick Diagnostics check. "Whats the plan chuck?" asked the co-pilot. "Spin the tires, Light the fires!" shouted the pilot.

"Cockey Sunuva-bitch" thought the left doorgunner.

"Ya' know, chuck - People tend to die, when people have that attitude behind a piece of equipment like this" said the right door gunner

"Pshh - Aint' no one diein' today." responded the pilot.

"Nice dream, Chuck. Make it happen." said the co-pilot

"Thats the plan." responded the pilot.

* * *

The Den

Three runners sprinted from the bunker, up the stairwell, and into the streets. Their job, to spread the news of the Redemption's position. One of the runners headed to the church, the other to the west exit, and the third to the junkyard, each of them yelling, as they ran.
24 miles north of The Den

The slide of the Beretta M9 kicked back, but refused to return forward. The soldier reached to his side for another mag, then yelled, "I'm out!" Another solider yelled as his arm swung towards the horde, "Frag out!" The grenade slowed the horde a small amount, leaving some time for more of the horde to catch up. The six soliders kept firing and reloading, but their efforts were in vain, their demise provoked by their own devices. One by one some of the Redemption got over the buggy, tackling a soldier. The soldiers ignored their comrades being devoured by the starving infected. There was finally one solider left. He kept firing, knowing he was going to die, but still tried to stay alive. He ducked and covered his head as one more infected launched itself over the buggy. There was a gunshot and the soldier opened his eyes. The infected fell to the ground in front of him, a bullet in it's forehead. The soldier looked to his right. A man, wearing an all black suit with black leather gloves was standing, firing two Glock 24's at the horde, the magazines of the weapon protruding a good 6 inches from the handgun. Extended clips. His profile wasn't visible under his neck-length silver hair, but he was dropping infected like it was nothing. The man didn't speak, just continued to fire. The man dropped the Glocks as the magazine went empty. He reached to his waist, then pulled out two Mac-11's, he raised the weapons then opened fired, sending a hail of gunfire to his right.

James grabbed the plastique from the buggy, showing his face. He was wearing glasses over his red eyes. James activated the plastique and threw it over the buggy. He then grabbed the soldier and ran away from the buggy. James suddenly planted his feet forward and yelled to the soldier, "Run to the truck!" James then ran towards the buggy, holdstering his Mac-11's. He placed his weight backwards, crouching down, causing his feet to slide out from under him. James used one hand to keep himself up, the other to grab the two Glocks. James then stood up, holdstering the Glocks. He then drew a Taurus Raging Bull .500 magnum from the back of his waistband. James raised it and fired, taking out two targets every shot. He exhausted the weapon of it's magazine then ran back toward the truck.
King Six

"KingSix to Bravo Two! Bravo two! Sit-rep now!" barked the co-pilot. the hailing message came to no avail.

"King Six to Bravo Two! Bravo Two! come in! over!" said the Co-pilot.

"Bravo Two?! Bravo Two! Come in!" barked the Co-pilot

"King Six to Foxtrot three. No sign of Bravo Two! Orders?"

The radio instantly crackled

"Inflict asmany casualties as possable. Make Them Pay! I say again! Weapons Free!"

"Roger That! Make 'Em Pay!"

"King Six! Current ETA?"


"Copy That."

The Co-Pilot looked over his shoulder. "Lets go to work."

The side doors slid open, the door gunners prepping the miniguns, pulling them into position.

"Dispatch, This is King Six, Taking orbit above fast movers, Over!"

At that, the miniguns began to crackle, inflicting losses on the quickly moving horde. spent casings fell, and rolled off, falling on to those blow the bird, as traicers flung freely, hitting their destined targets.

"King Six, This is Foxtrot Three, Diverting assistance. ETA, five minutes. Callsign, Gamma Hotel. Over"

"King Six, to Foxtrot Three, Copy that."

"Hey! Chuck! We've got a black Vehicle down there! Orders?!" asked one of the door gunners

"Cover it!" shouted the pilot

"Could be a friendly!" the pilot added.
Medical Emergency; Outflanked

Lenny watched the seconds tick away, his mind racing to find a solution to their deadly problem. "If only we could defuse that bomb without going near it..." Suddenly, an idea came to him. "That's it!" He rummaged through the dead Enclave soldiers' corpses until he found what he was looking for.

With only a few seconds to spare, Lenny armed the pulse grenade and threw it for all he was worth at the bomb. The grenade went off, frying not only the sophisticated electronic detonator, but the proximity grenades' sensors as well. "Whew!" he said. "That was cutting it mighty close."

<center>* * *</center>
As Rex, Valice Reins, and the Shinobi flew south towards the staging area, the huge mutant checked his chronometer. "Where's the kaboom?" he asked. "There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"

Valice growled. "What has gone wrong now?"

"The bomb I planted at the medical lab entrance had proximity charges placed around it," said Rex. "There should have been no way they could have defused it."

"Unless they used a pulse grenade to disable it! That lab has to be shut down. If they're able to continue researching a cure, it will give them hope. They must have none!"

Rex and the others landed at the Enclave staging area. He gently set his master down. "Master, we lack the forces to finish them off. Myron wasn't in the medical lab. Either he was already killed, or-"

"Or he's still alive! We must find him and take him. If he cannot be...persuaded...to work for us, he must die."

"It came at great cost, sir, but we have won a victory today. Redding is destroyed, and Vault City is reduced to rubble. The Vault's elevator shaft is blocked up with rubble, and it will be a long time before anyone can get the survivors out. No more serum will be manufactured here."

"You call this a victory? These puny mortals will claim victory simply because they yet live! They no longer think we are invincible. If they band together to fight against us, they may still threaten our plans. They must be stomped out like the insects they are!"

"They shall be, Master. For now we must return to headquarters and regroup, but the other elements of our plan are already in motion. The Den is being outflanked even as we speak. They will be unprepared. Then all of those thousands of people will swell the ranks of the Redemption Army and move onwards to Klamath, where they will grow even stronger."

"And Navarro?"

"It shall fall, my Lord. Our reserve forces attack in a little over 100 hours. The Brotherhood has given no indication that they are aware of our intentions there. They are redirecting their assets to the Den and leaving Navarro vulnerable, just as you anticipated."

"How go our operations in the NCR?"

"The assassination of Congresswoman Darkwater has been arranged. It will take place within two weeks, and soon afterwards the Republic shall be plunged into civil war. They will not threaten us."

Valice rubbed his fingers together as they reached the landing pad where Halle Richter stood beside her vertibird. "Excellent. If our other plans succeed, what happened today at Vault City will not matter. Nobody will even hear of it before it is too late. Once we have recovered, we will come back and finish the job."

"God bless America, sir!" said Richter, saluting.

"Ah, Lieutenant Colonel. Is your steed airworthy?"

"The techs say the repairs will be completed within ten minutes, sir!"

"They had better be. We must return to base and prepare for the next phase of our masterplan." He closed his eyes for a minute. "I can feel my children out there, feeding, growing stronger. Many of them fall, but there are many more and their numbers increase continually. They are unstoppable!"

"Our agents will track down this Myron," said Rex. "There is no place where he can hide and resume his research. We will hear of it and take him."

"Alive, if possible. I believe he can be turned, and he would make a great asset. Then there is that bounty hunter, Amy Velasco." Valice rubbed his temple. "I can still feel where she shot me yesterday...and she has been marked as well. Redemption courses through her veins. Soon she shall be mine. I want her taken alive as well. I have plans for her."

<center>* * *</center>
Lord Paladin Jackson burst into the council chamber in the Brotherhood of Steel's bunker under NCR. "High Elder!" he said, out of breath. "The Den is under attack! Now! From the north!"

Yogi Maxson looked up, his meditations interrupted. "Most disturbing this is," he said. "Are our forces adequate to stop them?"

"I do not know. We still don't have any definite numbers at this time. We only know that there are a lot of them. The count we've got of the horde approaching the Den from the south seems too high, though. Given the population in the local area and the number of casualties reported, there should not have been enough people infected with Redemption without being killed to account for the numbers we're seeing."

"A mystery we have, then. If the Den cannot be held, evacuate to Klamath the people must!"

"I still don't understand how this is possible. And the reports from Redding didn't indicate any bodies. There ought to have been thousands of them. How can they be gone...unless..." Jackson gaped. "I think the solution to both mysteries is the same. We have thousands of bodies missing from Redding, and thousands of extra bodies in the Redemption horde. Can it be? Can Redemption actually reanimate the bodies of the dead?"

"Hmm. If so, then in deep peril all of us are."