OOC- 100 houers is fine, Mr. Handy.
Vault City
The Radio crackled, with Echo Lead's voice. "Negitive, Sir. Bingo Fuel. Until we find some servaceable fuel, We're grounded."
Travis Keyed his radio. "We knew the risk of abandoning our post, Sir. Probably wouldnt have done it, had we known their was a fucking ace on site... sir-"
"This was a mistake-" Said Theo
"No Shit. But atleast we tried." Said Travis.
"Think that equipment could have been put to better use?"
"Well shit yeah! Those cannon's could strip a deathclaw clean in under a second."
"Didn't think we would be facing air assets though."
"Not much we can do about it now."said Travis, slinging his FN-FAL over his shoulder.
"So- You boy's are dippin?" Travis Asked Lenny.
"But Juily" Said Charley, as Juily Beckoned.
"Charley; Come-on." Said Juily.
"I dun-wanna go" Said Charley, steying put.
"You've gotta Go." said Juily. "Its not Safe here."
"I'll be okay-" Said Charley
"Sweetie; You have to go."
"... Nuh-Uh!" said charley, with the childish smirk of a deffiant 9 yearold.
The Den
"Negitive! Negitive! King Six!" Barked a sweaty dispatcher
"King-Six to Dispatch! We're running dry!"
"Are you Dry yet?!"
"Negitive. Uhh- Mini's are down to the last 1000 rounds, Cannons are dry."
"Copy that, Kingsix. We need to milk those shots. I want no less than 100 kills... Each!"
"Copy That, Dispatch. King Six out."
The dispatcher stood. "Ashton! Cover for me." He shouted to another steel knight. "What for?" asked the knight. "Gotta suit up."
"Were you not paying attention?" Asked the dispatcher
"Well - Yeah - I was. But-"
"Pick up that headset, and start relaying information." Said the dispatcher. He began to make his way towards the Armory.
"You can't just leave me here!" Shouted Ashton.
"I out-rank you. That was an order." Said the Dispatcher.
Vault City
The Radio crackled, with Echo Lead's voice. "Negitive, Sir. Bingo Fuel. Until we find some servaceable fuel, We're grounded."
Travis Keyed his radio. "We knew the risk of abandoning our post, Sir. Probably wouldnt have done it, had we known their was a fucking ace on site... sir-"
"This was a mistake-" Said Theo
"No Shit. But atleast we tried." Said Travis.
"Think that equipment could have been put to better use?"
"Well shit yeah! Those cannon's could strip a deathclaw clean in under a second."
"Didn't think we would be facing air assets though."
"Not much we can do about it now."said Travis, slinging his FN-FAL over his shoulder.
"So- You boy's are dippin?" Travis Asked Lenny.
"But Juily" Said Charley, as Juily Beckoned.
"Charley; Come-on." Said Juily.
"I dun-wanna go" Said Charley, steying put.
"You've gotta Go." said Juily. "Its not Safe here."
"I'll be okay-" Said Charley
"Sweetie; You have to go."
"... Nuh-Uh!" said charley, with the childish smirk of a deffiant 9 yearold.
The Den
"Negitive! Negitive! King Six!" Barked a sweaty dispatcher
"King-Six to Dispatch! We're running dry!"
"Are you Dry yet?!"
"Negitive. Uhh- Mini's are down to the last 1000 rounds, Cannons are dry."
"Copy that, Kingsix. We need to milk those shots. I want no less than 100 kills... Each!"
"Copy That, Dispatch. King Six out."
The dispatcher stood. "Ashton! Cover for me." He shouted to another steel knight. "What for?" asked the knight. "Gotta suit up."
"Were you not paying attention?" Asked the dispatcher
"Well - Yeah - I was. But-"
"Pick up that headset, and start relaying information." Said the dispatcher. He began to make his way towards the Armory.
"You can't just leave me here!" Shouted Ashton.
"I out-rank you. That was an order." Said the Dispatcher.