Fallout: Shattered Destiny 2 Announced

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Trying to catch up with modding news, as Lexx announced a sequel to his Shattered Destiny TC mod.<blockquote>So, yeah. I thought it's about time to post some more details about my actual main-project, which gets right now the most of my fallout-modding-love.

Shattered Destiny 2 is the second chapter (out of most probably three) and the follow-up from my past Fallout 2 mod, "Shattered Destiny". Over the last 10 months, I didn't really worked on it because of FOnline: 2238. There was just not enough time to spend on both projects beside the rest of the stuff that is going on in mostly everyone's lifes (such as job for paying the bills, etc).

Anyway... like I already wrote above, I am spending most of my Fallout modding time now on SD2. With much more experience and a shitload of new and cool ideas and everything else, I started to rewrite the SD2 design documents, changed the whole story completely and added more complexity here and there. Right now, the design documents ONLY for story relevant stuff have a size of approx 50 DIN A4 pages, including the storyline, the details of each chapter of this story, NPCs, maps, quests for the locations and so on and so on. Still, there isn't everything written down yet and so it's still growing with time...

So much for the introducing. Let's go to the details.

Shattered Destiny 2 is set in the year 2176, 14 years after SD1, and will now feature 7 big locations plus various smaller ones (and not only 2 anymore). In size (sectors), the worldmap is now as big as Fallout 1 or 2. SD2 will be a story driven roleplaying game and no sandbox game. The focus is set on the main story and on the actions the player is doing while going further. While this, every players decision will have influence on the game world and how the NPCs reactions are towards the player. Good things will not always be good, bad things not always be bad and in the end... who knows what will be the outcome of this.

Since the main concept for the storyline is written down (player needs to do this and this OR this or this to get the next step done, etc.), I started to work on all maps and also started to recreate a lot of the already finished ones to make them a) looking better and b) fit with the new storyline. As soon as all maps are done in their main parts, I will start with writing the scripts and dialogues (working step-by-step. First the concept, then the maps, then the scripts,...).

As additional "features", we started working on other deeper mechanical changes of the game, like changing the players traits in the character creation screen.
Here as an example, I never really liked the "gifted" trait... which is a blatant lie, because I always used it and I am still using it. Everybody is using the gifted trait, because even though it gives a penality on every skill, the +7 SPECIAL attribut points weight a lot more. For Shattered Destiny 2, this trait has been deleted and replaced. The same goes for "Sex Appeal", which never really got much attention in my opinion.

In replacement for these two traits, there has been added the Van Buren traits "Red Scare" and "Feral Kid", with some edits:
  • "Red Scare" gives the player now +1 additional perception point, but he also gets a penality on his total hit chance, because of his "shaky nerves".
  • "Feral Kid" has influence on the throwing skill, the worldmap travel speed and additionally to this, a big influence on the dialogues
The following screenshots are out of the german version. It is planned to translate SD2 into english too, so don't worry.

The ingame screenshots are from the first bigger town, the player will most probably stumble accross. This location is called "Traderfalls" and is a part of the ruins of Phoenix / "New Phoenix". Also it is the biggest trading outpost in the area. Everything you can see on the images is still work in progress. No dialogues or scripts have been assigned yet.</blockquote><center>
From what I remember, Lexx's old work got a lot of flak for its meh-ness, but it's great to see how much work he's done. Dude's a machine when it comes to modding. I'm looking forward to see what he's done with all his experience.
SimpleMinded said:
From what I remember, Lexx's old work got a lot of flak for its meh-ness,

Dunno, if I read the old threads, it looks a bit different. :P I think, the main problem was the english translation, which has been really bad. I couldn't do the translation by myself back then, because my english sucked even more back in the days, than it does today. Also I have to note, that the translation has been done in one week by only a few people, heh.

Beside this, I know what I made wrong and why and I am not planning in doing this again. Biggest problem with the development of SD1 was to me, that I have done everything without any kind of design docs. Everything was straight out of my mind, which explains some more strange parts of the mod.

But I am also pretty happy that I've released it back then. If I wouldn't have done it, I would have scrapped everything instead of working more on it.
well all people that just think "meh" are always free to make it better.

To just not like something isnt any issue at all. Everyone has a different taste. But its always the tone of the criticism one should try to keep an eye on.
i had a great time playing the first one and am really looking forward to this one.

good luck!
The new traits are red scare and feral kid, described in the newspost. The rest seem to be the old, stock ones, at a glance.
Most of the trait description is like on the wiki pages (with adjusted values. VB related special-stuff doesn't fit 100% in the original games) and in the newspost, like BN wrote above. Other traits are not touched and I am not really planning to do this. (yet?)

Right now it is something like this: (Retranslated the german to english)

Red Scare: "You are paranoid in the extreme and think that everyone around you may be trying to do you in. You are more perceptional, but your shaky nerves in combat makes you hit others less good." - This trait has big influence on dialogues and the reactions of npcs towards you. Also it gives a penality on the max hit chance. Right now it is 85% instead of 95%, but here I am still playing around with the values.

The Feral Kid trait: "You grew up in the heart of the savage wasteland. You are swift and powerful, but you tend to shun the company of others. You are more skilled in throwing and move faster on the worldmap." - This trait changes the forumlar for calculation the throwing skill. In original it is base 0% + (4*AG). If you choose this trait, it becomes base 0% + (5*AG). So if you have 10 AG, you start with a 50% throwing skill instead of 40%. Also you move 20% faster on the worldmap and you can't take companions with you.
Hrm looking back at your old mod's release, I stand corrected. Sorry, it's been so long, I felt like I'd remembered a modder who put out some mods back in the day that weren't too warmly received. I guess my old timed ness is just killing my memories.

At least you seem to have a knack for design now, everything you've shown so far looks great.
SimpleMinded said:
Hrm looking back at your old mod's release, I stand corrected. Sorry, it's been so long, I felt like I'd remembered a modder who put out some mods back in the day that weren't too warmly received. I guess my old timed ness is just killing my memories.

At least you seem to have a knack for design now, everything you've shown so far looks great.

Your thinking of Lich I think, which was mainly a bad translation issue IMO. He had allot of good ideas. It's a shame he is not around any more :(

Don't forget to check out the new talking head on the SD2 ModDB :)
The "new" talking head is a bit older already. ;) Right now, I am not even sure anymore, if I will still use it for SD2 or not. If I decide for no, then I will release the *.frm files. But I am not sure yet.
Lexx said:
The "new" talking head is a bit older already. ;) Right now, I am not even sure anymore, if I will still use it for SD2 or not. If I decide for no, then I will release the *.frm files. But I am not sure yet.

That TH looks like it would be good for Kahgan in MR, if you choose not to use it. Our TH guys are MIA at the moment, and we may need to release the mod without all the TH we want.
The biggest problem might be that he was made with Poser and so he looks somehow off, compared to original talking heads (not comic-esque enough). Not sure, if it would be a problem for MR, etc.

I think, I release him in the next days or so... even if I will still use him for SD2, the release of the frms would just get a long delay.