Fallout Stupid Game

It's nice to see you enjoyed Fallout so much, but man, that slide show is really awfully long, you know? Maybe you should edit it and throw out some screenshots.

That said: 'Wub-wub.' And lots of 'Hng!'

Yeah, it is awfully long, and I debated with myself about it. 500 some screenshots is a lot. But I think it works better as a story. Playing a stupid character has some subtle aspects to it that four or five screenshots won't easily show. The consistent style of dialog choices had to be established to emphasize the few times you can speak normally. It works a lot better if you click the speed up to 'fast' rather than 'medium', and then watch it like short film.

How did you inform the guy in Shady Sands of crop rotation with intelligence of 3?

I didn't. There are a number of quirks and glitches when playing stupid. One is if you talk to the farmer three times and choose your one and only response you will get that quest reward. Bug? Probably. Another is if you talk to one of the Skulz in Junktown three times he'll blow up. That one is in the slideshow too.

I tried to play this run straight. I only used terms in "Tell Me About" which an NPC had said to my character in a previous conversation.

Also, I only used Mentats one time and that was to get inside the BoS and acquire power armor.
Sorry if it's a stupid question (even so, it's somehow related to the stupid character!) but is there an option of watching these slideshows in some kind of fullscreen mode? I looked but never found.
Long, but nice. The few times they forgot to add stupid responses really stand out. I haven't played a dumb character, and "Where my Mommy?" completely cracked me up.
From this game now know the truth of why the overseer used the Water chip excuses to make the Vault Dweller leave.
Makagor said:
I didn't. There are a number of quirks and glitches when playing stupid. One is if you talk to the farmer three times and choose your one and only response you will get that quest reward. Bug? Probably. Another is if you talk to one of the Skulz in Junktown three times he'll blow up. That one is in the slideshow too.

That quest is fairly bugged anyway, you can go to "tell me about", type in "crop rotation", and the quest will be finished.