Fallout system requirements revealed, gold confirmed

Well anyone who sees Swedes as rich and good looking is okay in my book...
Finally a positive stereotype!

But really thanks, I didn't want to spend money on a game that's gonna end up looking like slow motion you know.
Bentley said:
But really thanks, I didn't want to spend money on a game that's gonna end up looking like slow motion you know.

Don't buy Fallout3!

Don't finance the clubbing of baby seals!
Wooz said:
HL2 doesn't have dynamic object shadows either, right?

HL@ does have dynamic object shadows altough it doesnt have dynamic lighting. I think you meant dynamic shadows like in Doom III, well then hl2 does not have such shadows.
i knew it, my computer cant handle this game. (hell oblivion runs at a constant slow motion)
Paul_cz said:
frosty_theaussie said:
Got an X800XT here... guess I won't be able to run it?

You will...X850 is the same thing as X800, its just differently clocked.

I finished Oblivion the first time on X800 256MB, and it ran quite well on medium - high, except for forests. And again, there are no forests in FO3. I think you will be okay.

Well then, now I just have to figure out if an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ clocked at 2200mhz is "equivalent" to the minimum required CPU.
frosty_theaussie said:
Well then, now I just have to figure out if an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ clocked at 2200mhz is "equivalent" to the minimum required CPU.

Minimum required CPU usually doesn't matter. The game WILL run on almost any CPU, but the problem is with HOW. The only limiting thing is running games is graphics card (what shader model does it support) and RAM.

So you will run it, but it will be a slideshow unless you put most of the details to minimum-medium.
Bahhh.!!! I have a laptop thats just over a year old and it dosn't meet any of the requirements. Vist OS too. Bahhh.