Fallout Tactics: Role Play - Multiplayer (FOT:RPG)


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Greetings all,

The other day I was sat around going through some old CD's (I was having a massive clear out) when I came across a very old disk with some of my prototype Fallout Tactics Maps on them.

Back in the day (years ago now) I used to play Fallout Tactics on Gamespy and we had a fairly good communitygoing at one point. One such game mode was FOT:RPG where players would pick a certain 'team' or 'role' to play within a Post Apocalyptic city (be it Sheriff, Mayor, Raider ect.)

The aim of the game was to act out your role the best you could, this led to some very fun play times as it was all community led and based.

I dont know if there is anyone left who used to play this game mode or knows of it but I thought it might be interesting if we could try and set up 'game nights' again.

Im not a bad FOT map editor and i've still got one or two maps sat around.

I'd also more then happily get a website set up so we could download some of the older maps (Such as LC & Boon)

So what do you say? Is it something the community would be willing to get into?

Heres a link to an old forum thread back in 2004 explaining the FOT:RPG mode a little better:

Long time no see Radman lol. Yea i remember those days and i miss them even with my horrible computer at the time. I would be interested in getting the game back up and running with new and old people.
I'll keep searching for people if i have to. But i think its possible we can have those days again. We just need to exchange contact info and start a group.
Radman, i remember those games in 2003-2004. Played a few but i was more involved with the co-op mod, WWII mod and low k guild war games side of the community. Wouldnt mind joining you in this though.

As for getting the old people back. Talked to The Khans and some of the TBC guys. S*T and TRW and one old Drunken Wookie member. All of them are gone...moved on in life or to other games. Last seen was FOnline 2238.
Hi to all !

Yes !
I remember RPG Games ,
i also remember some player's names ( Avia , OTBDragon , Mayorcrommwel etc...) playing FOT : RPG on gamespyarcade
Sometimes , i go back on GameSpy to see if there is somebody online , i often launch game , alone , just for fun ...

Ahhh ...
i remember maps ( Boon 5.22 , Road Side , Oakridgev22 etc ....)
I used to be the Bartender or sometimes , police .
As i live in France , i was playing this from 21h(9 P.M) to 4h ( A.M )

And i also played 10K:REG , i still have all my multiplayer Chars
If someone want to play one day XD
Radman, i remember those games in 2003-2004. Played a few but i was more involved with the co-op mod, WWII mod and low k guild war games side of the community. Wouldnt mind joining you in this though.

As for getting the old people back. Talked to The Khans and some of the TBC guys. S*T and TRW and one old Drunken Wookie member. All of them are gone...moved on in life or to other games. Last seen was FOnline 2238.

Fonline 2238 went down some time ago, but shortly after SOT (a faction within 2238) Purchased a server and got things running Very smooth with the fonline engine, they called it Fonline 2. its a grind but its deff close to home when it comes to the old fot style gameplay.
It would be good to be a FOT:RPG,but don't worry you'll have that in my FOT2 mod,after i get it finished i'll try something to make an online RPG.

Holy Shit you guys. I barely remember all of you. Back in 11 when radman first made this post, though it was far earlier, I bought FoT online when I was in the stan. I found an app that played online but nobody was interested in RPG it seemed and also they spoke mostly eastern European languages. I will buy this game from Steam right now if you guys are down to kick some of this back up every once in awhile. If you guys are like me and moved on in life with school, work, wives, kids, the biz, I understand, but if I can make an effort to tabletop one saturday night every couple weeks I dont see why a night of FoT RP isnt in order. Im going to actively try to contact yall, and we can get some of this shit going, but I think the best method would be to use social media such as facebook to reconnect and organize. You know you want.
Hey guys, Its Gen.Barnaky, I remember playing Boonville, Lost Celestial, and ninjaville with all of you guys! I fired up my old dell and came across a bunch of pictures i took during gameplay. A google search of "fallout tactics roleplay" brought me here. I would definitely be interested in playing once again.
Fonline 2238 went down some time ago, but shortly after SOT (a faction within 2238) Purchased a server and got things running Very smooth with the fonline engine, they called it Fonline 2. its a grind but its deff close to home when it comes to the old fot style gameplay.
So, Idk who else besides Barnaky has beed here since, but anyone else that comes on this forum hit me up. I really would like to try and pull together some games in the future.