Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

This companion; America; is not the same thing as Clover?


Clover already was slave when you buy her. With America you break her down and then put the collar on her. It does't help that America is possibly a underage teenager. That Happy 18th Birthday feels like ass covering to me. She refers to herself as a teenager a few times in her dialogue, and Mollie treats like a kid.

no. as the slave thing with her is supposed to be a joke about how people don't read skill checks when they do them. which was done better with dean domino.

I call bullshit on that. You can put the slave collar outside the Crusader's HQ and they made ending slides for it. There are also dialogues options like this.


Even without the underwear line, 50% of options are kinda mean.
I read back on some of the posts here and am quite amused that some users on here are uncomfortable with the subject of rape and abuse in an M rated game about the post-apocalypse. As someone who was a victim of abuse I hope that maybe I can make people feel less uncomfortable about the subject.

The subject of rape and abuse is a very heavy topic to talk about. The difference is how it is portrayed. The person that probably does this well is Mad Max creator George Miller. In Mad Max rape is a common occurrence in the Mad Max films. In Mad Max 2 Max and The Gyro Captain see a women being brutally raped by serval members of Humungus gang. What makes this scene eerie is how both Max and the Gyro Captain are indifferent and unemotional to what is happening. It indicates that something as evil and heinous like rape is sadly a regular occurrence in a lawless wasteland. The difference is that this scene is not glamorized but instead is to show how awful the world of Mad Max is. Even mods made by Someguy and th3overseer don't glamorize something like rape and torture. Instead it is to show how awful a lawless wasteland is as well as give a sense of danger to the player. If these raiders raped and killed an innocent person for meager supplies what makes you think that they won't do the same to you?

One of the biggest problems with this mod is how the subject of emotional abuse and sex slavery is glamorized in this mod. Believe it or not I wasn't really offended by AJ being portrayed as a victim of rape. The Legates sex dungeon was more on the nose then kinky. I take that as the writer for the NCR Quest not really knowing the meaning of subtly then being turned on by that stuff. Now America and Charlene on the other hand. The abuse they go through definitely felt like the writers, Nazo and Odin, were turned on by this shit. That, to me, is what makes the Frontier way more uncomfortable and more nefarious.
i think the main issue is people are starting with fallout 4 where the setting got sterilize. to the point the eliza mod has an npc that jokes about how the east coast has no prostitutes.
I have to say, one of the things, besides the fetishes, that really bother me with this mod is how hypocritical both Blackthrone and Valerius are. Blackthrone we are told cares about his soldiers, which was why he exiled himself from the NCR, and doesn't want them to die needless deaths yet according to his own men he kills deserters if they try to go back home and wastes a ton of men and resources in order to rescue a mailman.
Then you have Valerius who we are told wants to make the Legion more progressive and forward thinking yet has a kinky sex dungeon filled with female sex slaves. Like, I know that there were multiple writers but did none of them go over each others notes and just went with the rough drafts that they had? I mean, they unintentionally made Blackthrone and Valerius two of the biggest hypocrites in fiction.
The writers could have done something really interesting if their intention was to make the two be hypocrites and have the player call them out on it but you can't do even that.
You can call valerius out on his shit if you side with rancor. The dialogue and questing suggests a 3 way conflict between his loyalty to caesar, pragmatism and forwardthinkingness, and own personal ends (another example of this is him protecting his in law). Blackthorne, no, unfortunately, as he is the supposedly the self insert of one of the people that worked in the mod.
Heard that many on the Frontier team hated Someguy's mods as they were "triggering" and "offensive". At least with Someguy's mods he was inspired by western movies made by Sergio Leone, Sergio Corbucci and Sam Peckinpah and books written by Cormac McCarthy (NVB1 and Russell was inspired a lot by Blood Meridian), Larry McMurtry (The character of Red Bear was inspired by Blue Duck in Lonesome Dove), Louis L'Amour, Elmore Leonard and Elmer Kelton. Since New Vegas is at it's core a western many of those themes fit well with New Vegas and can be considered lore friendly.

With the Frontier there was nothing lore friendly about this mod. The progressive Legion was, perhaps, one of the most insulting lore breaks I saw. The fact that they tried to make the Legion "progressive" and conform to current year gender politics shows that not only did they not understand New Vegas but also couldn't separate art from the artist. Also, the devs political views and logic are quite strange to me. The Enclave are evil, racist, fascist, Trump supporters but the Legion are fine as they have strong women in their ranks now so that makes them progressive. Just because you have women now engaging in the horrible war crimes that the Legion commits doesn't make them progressive. True progress would be the Legion not doing things like slavery or crucifixion anymore. This is the type of political outlook and logic I would except from a Twitter gremlin.

I think most of the critiques you have posted about the frontier have been on point, but I can't agree with this. The mod is not lore friendly, but the northern legion is explicitly written to be different from caesar's legion for a reason. The distance gives valerius a degree of autonomy. You can question almost any difference in conduct between the northern and regular Legion and you can even find characters that agree that it is not right for the Legion. You can talk to the guy who serves under one of the strong women, and he says it's stupid and he would rather have her sucking him off.

And this might be controversial but I think what they said about the Enclave might not be what they actually believe, and instead could have been just deflecting their inability to write or code a playable enclave route in a way that earns them brownie points with a certain crowd (not that they could write a playable NCR route either lol).

Some interesting take aways

  • They don't know why they chose Portland
  • Nazothedark wrote the Trochilli
  • Nazothedark thinks the plagiarism is more of poorly done reference then outright plagiarism
  • Everyone thought that Rancor was too obvious of being the Legion mole
  • Ostia is not based off a real world place. One of the team members made the tileset and the team wanted to use it.
  • Nazothedark wrote the Charlene shock scene
  • There was no collaboration about character backstories. That's why Rancor and Valerius are different depending on what path you take.
  • Everyone considers the NCRMQ a trainwreck
  • Nazothedark wants to put this on his resume
  • The Mojave C finder uses different satellites then the Portland one.
  • Anderw (Maybenexttime?) just picked modders if they did something cool to work on the project.
  • NCRMQ took around 5 years. Crusaders 2 1/2 years and Legion half a year.
  • Wrench's Love a Leash perk is named after the B movie of the same name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_on_a_Leash
  • Nazothedark and Odin wrote the companions

If those two wrote the companions and part of the legion route I have more mixed feelings than I thought. I really did enjoy the robot dude and the legion version of prodigal station. A lot of people said the writing was bad because it had scripters instead of writers. This just shows that the writing is bad because competent writers chose to inject their degen fetishes instead of putting their best foot forward.
The line of logic was very clearly:

> base game takes place in desert
> opposite of desert is snow
> portland = snow
> people will think our mod is cool and unique if we base it in portland, because of the snow

I have a feeling i saw this exact same message on a youtube comment section related to the frontier.
it does not even snow the much in Portland. but atlest they were not lazy and just set it in Utah for the 5th time.
If those two wrote the companions and part of the legion route I have more mixed feelings than I thought. I really did enjoy the robot dude and the legion version of prodigal station. A lot of people said the writing was bad because it had scripters instead of writers. This just shows that the writing is bad because competent writers chose to inject their degen fetishes instead of putting their best foot forward.

The companions in the mod were ok, not great but not terrible. Wrench and Skitters were interesting. Hanged Man was ok; but the commutation through cards was stupid because he can talk and even if he couldn't he can still read and write.

it does not even snow the much in Portland. but atlest they were not lazy and just set it in Utah for the 5th time.

According to the FAQ

Where does it take place and why ?
The base idea of the Frontier was to construct a completely new environment from the Mojave Desert and Capital Wasteland.
Portland, Oregon was chosen for many reasons. I know some of you from Oregon may say, there is no way in hell that Portland gets this much snow and some location in Canada may fit better with the Frontier. While this is true, keep in mind that it would have been even harder to fit the NCR and the Legion that far up north with a reasonable explanation. Right now, the reason for a lot of snow in Portland is, when the nukes hit this location, a cloud of dust and ash went up and blocked the sun. So everything under, essentially froze over.
The city really lucked out all things considered, enough nuclear detonations to create a nuclear winter and yet all that seems to have happened on the ground is a bunch of broken windows.
As more and more games are made, it seems that the only cities in the world that actually got destroyed were LA and Salt Lake City. In Fallout 3 of course, the capital of the nation remains intact, with the only iconic building that wasn't destroyed in the war (never mind two centuries of decay) being the White House. In Fallout 4, I think that there are three large craters scattered around that have absolutely no destruction surrounding them, and overall the city is very much intact, except for the one fuck big one that has some reason rendered the area surrounding it into something like the surface of Venus (weird the Chinese didn't use these every time). Finally, I believe West Virginia received zero nukes... despite the fact that it was a renewed center of mining and high-tech development, host to several nuclear missile silos and other strategic targets (including the primary continuity of government facility), and is, y'know, an entire fucking state.
The line of logic was very clearly:

> base game takes place in desert
> opposite of desert is snow
> portland = snow
> people will think our mod is cool and unique if we base it in portland, because of the snow
Actually, according to Tgspy, they said they choose Portland because the city is by a river, the Columbia River. That was the only thought they put into it. They wanted to have a city by a river. Now, as I have said before, the Pacific Northwest is more mild and wet then snowy. They could have, as you said, decided to make Portland snowy because "it would be cool!".
The city really lucked out all things considered, enough nuclear detonations to create a nuclear winter and yet all that seems to have happened on the ground is a bunch of broken windows.
Portland should have been like what Randall Clark described Salt Lake City. A crater with a bunch of twisted rubble. Portland is a major city in the Pacific Northwest as it is a major port city. The busiest port district in the Pacific Northwest. Lot of things get shipped in and out of there, including military equipment. Naval ships and submarines are also docked there. It is also the most populated city in Oregon. A city of such a population and strategic importance should be a crater. Once again, the writers and devs for this mod went with "Rule of Cool".
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