Fallout: The World At Large (OOC)

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Character Load Out
Name: Randy “Highway” Westland.
Age: 28
Appearance: Average built, nearly six-foot. Wearing militia clothes (army pants, white shirt and army jacket) stained with dirt and mud.
Faction: Michigan Militia.
Weapon(s): Pre-war Heckler & Koch PSG1 sniper rifle. Cracked scope taped to the gun.
Brief History: Parents were part of the Militia and he has stayed in Detroit for his life, only ever leaving to city limits if The Rats were causing an uprising outside. Joined up in the militia and passed the qualification test with average marks. Surviving one day at a time.
Location: Detroit, patrolling the water limits.

That all good?

Name: Nixon Davis
Age: 26
Appearance: Around six foot, longish black hair, usually seen in his power armour.
Weapon: AER9 Laser Rifle
Faction: Brotherhood of Steel.
Brief history: Being born into the BoS, he had been training in Detroit, as a result, he is now a paladin at the start of the RP.
Brendo, your all good to start.

Fraust, the BoS influence isn't strong enough for a Player Character to start as one...
If you drop the weapon down to a basic laser pistol, make yourself a recruit instead of a paladin, and take the BoS combat armor instead of the Power Armor i'll okay it.
But remember no goddmodding.

Also please give a little back story on Nixon. What are his motives? Why did he join the BoS? Where did he come from? Were does he stand on the water issue?
Please more description....
Name: Marshall Trenton
Age: 22
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160lb.

Appearance: Tall and lanky; short brown messy hair, chin goatee. Green eyes, left eyebrow pierced. Tattoo's covering both arms, chest and neck. Shirtless. A pair of ragged gloves, fingerless(of course). Newly sewn pants from tattered pairs. Combat Boots

Weapons: 9mm, Combat Knife, Shiv
Inventory: two stimpack, 32x 9mm HPJ, Canteen
Um; he's chillin with your character Ben, Benedict as the obvious best henchman.. So whenever your ready to bust a move, I'ma follow :]
Sounds like a good deal. Benedict is a Canadian nationalist who escaped into Michigan and joined the Rats...

I'm gonna repost my character sheet from the "Character" thread, I hope it's ok. I'd like him to join the Rats faction :) He's a newcomer to Michigan, migrating all the way from NCR.

Name: Brother Arm
Real Name: Not known so far.
Age: Around 40, it is believed.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Birthplace: Oakdale, South California
Occupation: Preacher
Family: None he remembers

Physical appearance
Eyes: Gray nearly whitened (also poor vision)
Hair: Dark brown, clean cut, shaggy
Height: 6 feet / 182 cm
Weight: 154 lbs / 74 kg
Body type: Caucasian, strong and resistant build, scarred and burnt skin.

Background: Memories are often fuzzy for this man. He knows that he was born in the ruins of pre-war Oakdale, and he vaguely remembers being raised by locals, but not parents particularly. He also recalls an event, where all these people but an elderly sick man disappeared, and his last memories of his early social life were of the old man dying a few weeks later. It's not very clear for him what that all means. All he remembers clearly is how he spent his teen and young adult years alone in the city, living in the library who had barely survived a series of events, until the day he felt an entity who called itself the Rat God calling him out to march through the cities and spread such a faith. Ever since, he kept wandering from city to city.

Moralist and easily annoyable, he takes everything as personal and has difficulty bonding with people due to his "mission's" impopularity with the wasteland people. Most of the time he might prefer solitude, but forces himself to stay in the company of other people for his own goals, and that makes him quite irritable. He's had as quite knowledgeable, but a bit mental and more often than not the knowledge he espouses is questioned, even when he doesn't add to what he read. He has a burning hatred for those who try to reach the truth through logic, which he calls perverse and untrustworthy. He favors his personal experiences over logic when solving problems.

Weopons: His poor vision renders him nearly useless with most ranged weapons, although he can throw rocks and other projectiles. His main attack weapons however are his own fists, due to intensive training and self education he learned a mixture of martial arts and self defense in a way he can swiftly attack vital points of an opponent to quickly bring him down. Melee weapons like hammers and knives are common in his hands too.

Items: Often living in abject poverty, he usually carries with himself a dull knife, some fruits and a small, old and dusty handbook conataining prayers wrote by his own hand, and a journal.

Clothing: A long, brown robe sewn from some different sort of fabric. It feels rough to the touch, and covers him entirely, from feet up to the hood that tops his head.
Name: Eric Chang

Birthplace: Phoenix, Arizona


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Occupation: Mercenary

Family: Slain by raiders


Eyes: Brown

Hair: Dark

Height: 5'4

Build: As toned/healthy a human merc can be in a wasteland. (Imagine a not so meaty Bruce Lee)

Background: Eric remembers being born in a town just outside of the ruins called ironically "Phoenix". The young boy and his parents were in a caravan headed towards NCR. Unfortunately, the caravan was attacked by raiders a week into the journey. As his father and mother were guards, they were the first to fall as the group entered the raiders killzone. With his parents dead, the raiders sold the young boy to one of the many growing private miltary outfits located outside NCR. Thus began Erics life as a soldier.

Time passed and the child soldier turned into a grizzled veteran. The war between the NCR and the Brotherhood had ground on for years with neither side making any significant progress. Many times, Eric wondered why he was denied the peace of death. Always kept alive for the next invevitable fight, Eric got his chance to escape when most of his unit was killed by a remnant of the masters army.

After hiding out in various caves, Eric eventually ran into a caravan headed to NCR. Upon arrival, Chang looked for a job but couldn't adjust himself to a soul sucking civillian job. Since the war was still raging, Eric became a mercenary, a gun for hire.

Personality: The best word to describe Eric would be apathetic. Atleast thats what he wants the world to see. Best way to avoid trouble.

Equipment: Eric carries an old pre-war XM-8. In the way of armor, he managed to salvage a suit of combat armor which he had to have repaired.
ANOTHER rp that get hammered in nonexistance by being lame. IS THERE ANYWHERE WHERE RP's make it outta infantcy?

What happened to the good ol' days of "GunRunners" and the monkey gang? for real, know your history because that was the shit.. including BOOGER the badass mutie that squashed Syphon in the backseat of a overcrowded highwayman and smelled like puke...

Name: Philly Nightkin
Occupation: None
Job: Masters annoying brother
Does all day: Walkin down the streets begging money for eye transplant
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