Fallout tidbits roundup


But best title ever!
We have rounded up a few Fallout-related tidbits. Not much in truth, as there hasn't been much in the way of news lately.

- First, Tech & Gaming News has a brief Q&A with Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquheart, who gave the full story behind the Lone Wolf Radio location in Fallout: New Vegas. Nothing terribly exciting, but some people might enjoy reading it.

- Second, Kotaku has a fairly basic mod guide for Fallout: New Vegas. All of the mods listed are more or less among the most voted/most well-known for the title, but if you have never played the game modded before it's a decent starting point.

- Third, for people who want to actively mod Fallout: New Vegas or simply check how some of the architecture of the older Fallouts looks in the 3d engine of the more recent titles, modder TrickyVein has uploaded a resource mod which adds concrete/adobe buildings in the vein of Shady Sands. He also has been actively remaking (and sometimes slightly touching up) some locations of the old games in the engine, you can see his work in his Nexus gallery. I have to admit I personally like his slightly more rundown version of NCR.
Holy hell, the remake stuff looks pretty good. We could even render some of these models in 2d for Fo2, like these fancy lamps and such as scenery... :>

But seriously, the screenshots are pretty damn good looking.
Yeah, those old Fallout pics look AWESOME! Maybe a small mod in that region would be tolerable...
Surf Solar said:
I just had to throw up a little seeing those Shady Sands like huts in "glorious" 3d

What's the problem? They look exactly the same as in the originals. Unless the problem is that they're 3d period.
It's good. Really good.

I mean this looks more like Fallout than any FNV screen will ever look.

I think I'll render these in the original scale and Fallout angle, just for research purposes. :P

Thanks TrickyVein...

Good god, if I had run across that in new vegas I would have sprung a leak from all the pure joy
The comments on that Kotaku article make me depressed.

But then again, it's Kotaku. Probably the lowest form of life amongst gaming sites.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Surf Solar said:
I just had to throw up a little seeing those Shady Sands like huts in "glorious" 3d

What's the problem? They look exactly the same as in the originals. Unless the problem is that they're 3d period.

Seeing them rendered in this piece of shit engine reminds me how horrible New Vegas/Fallout 3 looked. That stuff being rendered in 3d looks much more horrible to me and makes me want to punch the monitor.

The models itself are fine, just not the way they are presented.
Surf Solar said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
Surf Solar said:
I just had to throw up a little seeing those Shady Sands like huts in "glorious" 3d

What's the problem? They look exactly the same as in the originals. Unless the problem is that they're 3d period.

Seeing them rendered in this piece of shit engine reminds me how horrible New Vegas/Fallout 3 looked. That stuff being rendered in 3d looks much more horrible to me and makes me want to punch the monitor.

The models itself are fine, just not the way they are presented.

I hate the engine too, but even I have to admit that the games look good at times(especially with mods). Sure it would look better with a new engine, but damn I wish New Vegas looked like that.
Izual said:
It's good. Really good.

I mean this looks more like Fallout than any FNV screen will ever look.

It does? It looks like it's from a fantasy RPG.

The adobe-built Shady Sands is not what I think of when I think Fallout, though. It was always kind of a weird location, stylistically.
First thing I thought when seeing it was Morrowind, to be honest. Still, it is pretty well done and looks good- even in the engine, imo. Wouldn't look much different in a different engine.
I always like the way Shady Sands looked, because it looked like a town that was actually built by the people that lived there.

After 200 years would you live in an old bombed out building? I wouldn't. I'd build my own. In the American southwest, the best thing to build for the climate, without modern equipment would be adobe.
Brother None said:
The adobe-built Shady Sands is not what I think of when I think Fallout, though. It was always kind of a weird location, stylistically.

I never had a problem with the adobe dwellings, I alway thought of them as simple mud brick structures, something unskilled people could construct. The real beauties in Fallout are Junktown, and the Hub IMO - (a shanty town, and a ruined city). What I didn't like about Shady Sands was how sparse it felt. A few more dwellings wouldn't have hurt.

Those are some really good Modder Resources.

I love some of those comments in Kotaku "Installing mods from the Nexus is for pros" reading and copying archives are some of the most complex operations a computer user could ever hope to perfomr.
Brother None said:
Izual said:
It's good. Really good.

I mean this looks more like Fallout than any FNV screen will ever look.

It does? It looks like it's from a fantasy RPG.

The adobe-built Shady Sands is not what I think of when I think Fallout, though. It was always kind of a weird location, stylistically.

Honestly, the screenshot in my post looks just like I imagined the interior of these houses to be like, mostly due to Arades's talking head background.