Fallout trilogy re-released on Steam

IMO, FoBOS should be available on computers.
It is not fair for non-console users to suffer from console exclusives on a franchise that started on computers.
(as awfull it could be)
They also added Sfall. I hope they asked the modders' permission this time!

No, they didn't, but how sure are you that they're using sfall? Just because there's a ddraw.dll file doesn't mean it's sfall; I've seen some fallout releases with a ddraw.dll file that wasn't sfall, but seemed to just be a mini fix for the 8bitiness problems.
Because readme says so?

Ha. Yes, that would appear to be a bit of a give away.

Ah well. In that case, no they didn't ask, but I don't particularly care, as long as they've done a better job of setting it up than interplay did. But from the description of this new launcher, it seems they've put at least a tiny bit of effort in.

Edit: I have spoken to them since posting that. T'was just a tad delayed. :)
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I'm generally a fan of consolidating my games into steam, but I think I will stick to the GoG versions.
Random thought that occurred to me; Interplay never picked up a version of sfall after I started tampering with the credits, but that readme snippit mentioned 3.2, which is the latest... Does that mean that it displays the 'Thanks to interplay for stealing sfall' message when you view the fallout 2 in-game credits? Wonder if anyone at Bethesda noticed that... Would have thought their lawyers would complain about publishing a game which accuses a third party of theft. :p
You should update it to say "Thanks to Interplay and Bethesda for stealing sfall" now. :)
The words aren't the same but the credits are there. (and should be updated for a more comical effect)
IMO, FoBOS should be available on computers.
It is not fair for non-console users to suffer from console exclusives on a franchise that started on computers.
(as awfull it could be)
I honestly think it'd actually sell based purely on Fallout name confusion, completionism and just curiosity a la "I gotta play this to see how bad it is"

I actually own second-hand copies of it for both platforms. Never actually played though.