Fallout Trilogy selling, Interplay hiring

New Interplay Concept artist

I believe this guy http://artofserg.com/

was recently hired at Interplay

"When the contract ended, I decided to get into video games and started an internship at high moon studios. I was working on Bourne game, where I met a lot of talented artists. After my promotion at HMS, I was offered a concept art position at Obsidian Ent, where I ended up working on Alpha Protocol as the Lead Environment Artist.

I now live in Orange County working at Interplay on project V13, and doing freelance work on the side. "

He recently started posting messages on Interplay board so he might be a very recent hire but I cannot confirm this.
Thanks for correcting me with the right date there. I'm glad you are on top of things more than myself I suppose so I ask you this: what else can you state?

Any other recent hires related to the Fallout MMO?

I can't find any news but maybe you know whether or not Interplay's 6/8/2009 Concept artist position was also filled?