Fallout Trilogy selling, Interplay hiring

killap said:
Holy crap on a stick, my work is included in an official release!? Which version of my patch are they using? Does it come with my readme?

Interesting how they didn't even contact me about this...


Does yours come with a "Corrextions file"? 8-)

Seems like it installs both games twice if using the patches (core game and unofficial).


here is the readme that Fallout 2 1.02.25 comes with [spoiler:dd3fdee06c]killap's Fallout 1.02+ (1.02.25) US/UK Patch - Installer

Patch Information:
This is an "unofficial" patch for Fallout 2 which attempts to continue where the official 1.02 patch left off. Over 800+ bugs that were still present in the 1.02 version have been fixed. I try and limit my changes to actual bug fixes and not just include random changes that are not always needed/intended. If you have any questions/comments feel free to e-mail me at "sniper@madd-net.net" You can also find me on the No Mutants Allowed forum found at http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/ If you cannot reach me by e-mail, I suggest posting there. Thanks and enjoy the patch!

The installer will auto-detect where you installed Fallout 2 and install all the needed files. Little action will be required on your part.

NOTE: If this is the first time you have used my patch, then you will have to start a new game since previous save games will no longer work.

NOTE 2: This version includes the Children's patch and thus if you are using a non-US version of the game and missing children, this patch includes everything you need to get them back in.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I use official 1.02 patch saves with this unofficial patch?
A: No, sadly you cannot. Any save game made before using my patch is not compatible. All future versions of my patch, however, are compatible with previous versions of my work unless otherwise noted.

Q: I just finished the Temple of Trials and the pipboy already says I completed quests in Redding or other locations. What gives?
A: Did you follow the installation instructions above? Most likely you still have the patch000.dat file in your Fallout 2 directory. If so, remove this file and RESTART the game.

Q: How do I know if this patch is installed correctly?
A: Before this wasn't an easy question to answer. As of the June 2007 release, I added a small rock at the beginning of the game. This rock is found just outside the Temple of Trials behind Klint. Looking at the rock should display some text and give the version of the patch you are running. If you don't see this rock then you did not install the patch to the correct location.
In addition, you should see a patch version number in the lower right corner of the main menu to the game.

Q: I don't like the speed I am moving on the world map. It's too fast/too slow. How can I change this?
A: Map movement speed was a troubling issue before but has now been effectively addressed. The issue before was a result of the speed of your CPU and thus the faster clock speed you have, the faster you would move across the map. This has been addressed though and the setting used in this mod should be much like the speed that was originally intended with the computer in the late 1990s. If you feel things are still too slow or too fast now, this can easily be changed. Go to your Fallout 2 directory and look for a file called ddraw.ini. Search for something called "WorldMapFPS=" If you did not alter this already, it should say "WorldMapFPS=30" Changing it to a higher value will make things go faster and changing it to a lower value will slow things down even more.

Q: I am getting way too many/too few encounters on the world map. Why is this?
A: Encounter rates, like world map travel speed, were hardware dependant and thus the faster the computer you have, the less random encounters you will experience. This has been addressed in this patch and a reasonable rate has been chosen as the default value. If you don't like the number of encounters you are experiencing, go to your Fallout 2 directory and look for a file called ddraw.ini. Search for something called "WorldMapEncounterRate=" If you did not alter this already, it should say "WorldMapEncounterRate=30" Changing it to a higher value will make you have less encounters and changing it to a lower value will make you have more encounters.

• Without the use of Per's Fallout 2 walkthrough I would not have been able to pinpoint the majority of the bugs fixed in this patch. Thanks!
• Several of these fixes are taken from the work done by Seraph in his patch and I am truly grateful for the work he has done. Thanks!
• I used the updated Official Mapper scripts (1.02D) by Haenlomal as the base to my patch. Much thanks for his work on this!
• This patch utilizes Timeslip's Fallout 2 engine tweaks. Without this, several bugs that exist in the game would continue to remain unfixable.
• Thanks to all those out there that sent in bug reports and thanks to the friendly people over at No Mutants Allowed with all the help they have provided. Thanks![/spoiler:dd3fdee06c]

and a corrections.txt dated

Full List of Corrections:
Last updated on: MAY/31/2008


cute uninstall icon
Looks legit to me.

lolz at the typo in there...this is official?

Is this only for the European release?

I still wish they would have contacted me since I have a new patch in the works and would gladly have released whatever I had ready.
very legit American release, its on amazon and ive seen it on Walmart shelves.


edit: i dont see any reason to install modded versions since these are probably already (or soon to be) outdated?

Can you install over a modded game killap, or is a fresh official fallout 2 patch install needed for each update? (Im guessing save games are broken anyways)

the fallout 1 high res patch doesnt come with artwork, or the ingame gui for res changes, so thats already outdated.
ZombieSupaStar said:
very legit American release, its on amazon and ive seen it on Walmart shelves.
And yet they have such a blatant typo in the installer? Interesting.

It's cool that my work is in the stores now. :)
killap said:
ZombieSupaStar said:
very legit American release, its on amazon and ive seen it on Walmart shelves.
And yet they have such a blatant typo in the installer? Interesting.

It's cool that my work is in the stores now. :)

shame the couldn't have contacted you, they could have setup a better installer, maybe even some sorta auto updater if your patches updated in the future, oh well your now an unofficial interplay employee congrats! :twisted:
ZombieSupaStar said:
Can you install over a modded game killap, or is a fresh official fallout 2 patch install needed for each update? (Im guessing save games are broken anyways)
In the case of my patch, you can install any new version over previous versions and save games will work just fine unless I say otherwise at release time.

I was going to make a change in my upcoming unofficial patch to make it compatible with official 1.02 saves (but breaking compatibility with previous unofficial patch saves) This made sense to me since most people are upgrading from 1.02 and would like to have the fixes without starting over. Those who use the unofficial patch wouldn't mind since they are likely not playing at the moment and would rather start a new game when ready. Not sure if I am going to do this now...
killap said:
ZombieSupaStar said:
Can you install over a modded game killap, or is a fresh official fallout 2 patch install needed for each update? (Im guessing save games are broken anyways)
In the case of my patch, you can install any new version over previous versions and save games will work just fine unless I say otherwise at release time.

I was going to make a change in my upcoming unofficial patch to make it compatible with official 1.02 saves (but breaking compatibility with previous unofficial patch saves) This made sense to me since most people are upgrading from 1.02 and would like to have the fixes without starting over. Those who use the unofficial patch wouldn't mind since they are likely not playing at the moment and would rather start a new game when ready. Not sure if I am going to do this now...

could do both, just have a question asking which version they're playing


1. If playing for the first time or have official 1.2 patch saved games click here

2. If playing an Unofficial Patch saved game click here
ZombieSupaStar said:
could do both, just have a question asking which version they're playing


1. If playing for the first time or have official 1.2 patch saved games click here

2. If playing an Unofficial Patch saved game click here
Easier said than done, but worth considering.
# 9 is impressive but what I find more impressive is the company it keeps at #10.

Fallout, Star Craft and Diablo II continue to sell to this day... The words quality and timeless come to mind.
Maybe they thought that because is "hidden content" they didn't have to said or ask anything.

They just want more money for games realeased more than 10 years ago. Surely they had a meeting and said:
- well, we need to recycle Fallout, what can you fix?
- C'mon, just add some patch, google fallout and put everything you like in a dvd.
I'm more concerned about whether or not putting in additional content, fanmade/free or otherwise, doesn't violate their contract with Bethesda.
Characterizing NMA as "friendly people" in pseudo-official documentation surely violates their contract somehow.
cronicler said:
Bn: Does patching the game (Bug Fix, Resolution Fix, etc) count as new content?

Depends on the wording of the contract. I believe the Interplay-Bethesda contract stipulates Interplay is not allowed to put out any new off-line material related to the Fallout license: not concept art, not design docs, not source codes, and definitely not new patches.

Then again, they can argue that they didn't make this, it already existed, and all they did was package it in. Still kinda odd.
Why the fuck does it matter what Interplay does with games they created. Beth got what they wanted they should leave the real Fallouts out of it.