Fallout Trilogy

Patch (we have a DL section) and enjoy. See which version you have and look for the children patch if you have a censored version.

Buy a rope from Seth at Shady Sands for Vault 15.

Bring a rope to the Glow.

You'll need an M2 and/or energy weapons to kill robots in Fallout Tactics.
A ROPE! Jesus, thanks you guys. I'd be lost. This game really has shed some light on why people are pissed off at Fallout 3, this game is WAY harder.
FO:1 -
-- patch + play!
-- ropes.. yea!
-- don't piss of mutants (in conversations)
-- Ian (helps out early on..)

FO:2 -
-- patch (+children patch as mentioned...) + play
-- see enclave? not in decent armour? run away.
-- don't get annoyed by Lynette.
-- short on cap's ? help the caravans.

FO:Tattletales -
-- must patch (some big glitches)
-- sneaking is good.
-- Actually pay attention to your surroundings and your position
-- Sniper teams set up behind main group.
-- have at least 1 guy with huge STR. for the bigger guns.

(note on robots, Either big fuckin' guns, energy weps, or my personal fave... EMP shotgun ammo.)

Oh holy fondue! I almost forgot. FO:1 & FO:2 .. never give any form of automatic weapon to your companions. You will die in a horrible horrible fashion as they WILL run behind you before firing at the guy right in front of you. This is fallout lore, it cannot be altered!
Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Unfortunately my current problem is that I bought a rope, used it, only to find a 2nd elevator shaft. : |


I know a lot of people complain about FO3's story telling, er.. dialogues or something. FO seems to be more descriptive, but I don't know if I'd call it more immersive. I think it had to be more descriptive to describe the setting as the graphics were limited, unlike Fallout 3 where you could see something for yourself.
Michael of the Wastes said:
Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Unfortunately my current problem is that I bought a rope, used it, only to find a 2nd elevator shaft. : |
[spoiler:076ff11c56]iirc, there is another rope at vault 15[/spoiler:076ff11c56]
another thought:

In all of the trilogy.. use first aid and doctor (from skilldex) on your char or your companions.

It will heal you (if you pass the skill check...) ad you get XP for using your skills.
Also, for Tactics don't take the Super Mutants or the Behemoth (the robot one I mean) lightly. And in the first SM mission, St. Louis I believe, stay in side the APC at all times. The SM's love them some Heavy Machineguns and rocket Launchers.
Aside from the Gauss mini, which is so good I never use it, the M2 is most baddest ass weapon in any Fallout game. And in the St. Louis mission, there is a mountain full of supermutants with M2's.

Which you can actually avoid, but damn all that ammo.
Actually, the Fallout Trilogy pack already contains the latest official patches. It's recommended to install also the latest fan patches, though.
P90c is the best gun in fallout 2. Combined with the trait that lowers one action point needed to use guns, and with enough AP that I can fire on full auto twice and reload in a single turn.
Why would I fire a P90c twice when I can fire a minigun, energy weapon, or sniping weapon once and kill shot!
Or knock out someone with a well placed punch to the skull.

My main point is there are lots of different ways of fighting. Find one you like and stick with it (unless its throwing)
*throws plasma grenade at pack of dogs 92% chance to hit*

player hits Sulik for 1quntintillion points of damage

*sulik explodes in gibs*
:freak: :dance:
Sephis said:
Why would I fire a P90c twice when I can fire a minigun, energy weapon, or sniping weapon once and kill shot!
Or knock out someone with a well placed punch to the skull.

My main point is there are lots of different ways of fighting. Find one you like and stick with it (unless its throwing)

I would get right next to an enemy and actually target another one behind him with burst mode, which would often kill or heavily damage both. And you don't have to worry about as much collateral damage or big gun skills.