Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

Someone pointed out on Reddit that this image is almost certainly AI generated.


  • v17bfo5s7u3npWU14cRZqFbWzEiGzzO-nfd6mYGScFs.jpg
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I don't know when this show is set, could possibly be after Fallout 2 when the BOS does have the know-how to make Vertibirds.
Yeah see I just don't buy it. BOS has a bunch of holes in the ground, and at soon enough after Fallout 2 they'd get into a war with the NCR. I just don't see how they would have the logistics or facilities to create Vertibirds. They'd have to fix old ones, dunno how many vertibirds are just lying around. NCR got some. Dunno how many BOS would have been able to nab. Not saying it's impossible, but I do suspect that it's just there for rule of cool and that there wasn't much thought behind it.
Someone pointed out on Reddit that this image is almost certainly AI generated.
Fucking kek now that you pointed out, yup it's full of artifacts. Specially on the cars, AI couldn't decide on whether they should be facing away or towards the viewer and bungled it all up. Man this shit is peak low effort.
From the leaked trailer, there's Brotherhood in Fallout 4 style vertibirds wearing T-60 power armor. If they were going to set the show on the west coast they could've at very least tried matching the designs of existing objects and worldspaces there.

It'll be interesting to see how the residents of Vault 33 have interacted with the people of the Boneyard and whether or not the Boneyard is even still a thing or not. From what I've seen though, it does seem to be trying to fill the gap between Fallout 2 and New Vegas maybe, showing the NCR-Brotherhood war, so they could retcon Boneyard out considering we've only seen them in Fallout 1, nearly 100 years prior.

I'm hopeful this will get more people to look into the classics, but I'm somehow doubtful. I'd much prefer for them to screw up a TV show showing new content than try and remake the originals, add in their own retcons and make the remakes the canon definitive, which would just push the classics further into the ground.
Maybe it's the BoS vs NCR war? By that time both BoS and NCR would probably have vertibirds taken from the defeated Enclave. Also the Master would be long since dead and the ruined Los Angeles be a whole different location than in Fallout 1.
I was thinking the same. Could be the NCR/BOS war. Would be cool if it was, but this show is such a mystery it could literally be anything. It’s not even known if this show is supposed to be canon or just an adaption in its own world, which it very well could be.
Yeah see I just don't buy it. BOS has a bunch of holes in the ground, and at soon enough after Fallout 2 they'd get into a war with the NCR. I just don't see how they would have the logistics or facilities to create Vertibirds. They'd have to fix old ones, dunno how many vertibirds are just lying around. NCR got some. Dunno how many BOS would have been able to nab. Not saying it's impossible, but I do suspect that it's just there for rule of cool and that there wasn't much thought behind it.
This show will definitely include the lore from Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76, so going by Bethesda’s lore, Vertibirds were pre-war and used by the military. It definitely is just there for rule of cool, but they’ll probably explain it off by saying they got it from old military bases or something idk. If they even explain it at all, they really don’t have to. Bethesda turned the BOS from an isolationist loser cult doomed to die to the Warhammer 40k Space Marines so the show runners probably just assume they have all this shit lying around.
I guarantee you a remake of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 would do far more damage to the franchise than this show could ever possibly dream of causing. At worst this show will be shit and forgotten about like the Halo show and time will move on, but a remake of Fallout 1 whether made directly by Bethesda or another company overseen by Bethesda will include retcons from Fallout 3, 4 , and 76 as well as copious amounts of changes to the originals. Not to mention it will become the definitive canon version of that game, meaning that the originals will be forgotten.
Yeah I would absolutely not want Bethesda to do a remake of 1 and 2 in any capacity ever.


hell, depending on how much of a bag of royal cunts they wanna be about it they might just remove the original from even being bought. Like Rockstar did with old GTA games and Blizzard did with WC3.

Not to mention that if you go and look up Boneyard you'll get wiki articles leading to Boneyard, guess what'll happen if a remake happens? It'll take priority, always and it will make information gathering about anything a colossal pain in the ass.
One of the problems here is that the only stories that would be good or interesting here (ie NCR-BOS war, post Unity super mutants or ex-Enclave survivors etc etc) are all also bad entry points to the series. The average streaming viewer has no idea who these factions are or the history of them. At best they'd know the guy from the one game cover is fighting the guy from the other game covers. It's possible to do these stories and make them accessible to a new audience...but that would require very competent writing and directing....and I just don't believe that's a plausible reality.
They can shit all over the canon and lore all they want as long as they make it so Walton Goggins' character is actually Ghoul Baby Billy, then I'm happy.
You mean I'm supposed to watch it? I think I will just watch bits of clips that people link on this site and then base my opinion on that...
@Lexx will you add the entrance to Vault 33 as a random encounter on the world map in Fallout Et Tu if the player is travelling that part of the map?

Yeah I'm fine playing whatever slop Bethesda releases (when it goes down in price heavily) but the only way I'll "watch" this show is if EFAP (a podcast of right wing extremists) does a breakdown of it. If I feel like something is trash when I'm watching it I just turn it off as it can't keep my attention anymore.
I’ll try it like I did Halo. I only watched Episode 1 of Halo though so we’ll see how far I get with this show.