This ghoul has seen it all

So, I posted a topic with my idea in a very primitive state before, nobody payign too much attention to that one I think editing it would just be useless so I am amking a new Thread with the reworked Idea, piece by piece.
Lets Start with the Basic idea:
The goal of making Vaults was for the Goverment and the Enclave in turn, to see how would a space colonization work, they knew the war was approaching and that the results would be catastrophic, so they gestated the plan to colonize another planet, and to do this they needed the Vaults. But just studying the effects of isolation and multiple situations in that isolation would not be enough to base your colonizing plan on. You would need to make sure that yo ucould build somethign that could survive in the trip through space and keep their inhabitants alive. But also you would need to make sure the inhabitants wouldn't grow lazy and unhealthy like the Humans from Wall-e, a ship sustained by its occupants, but that woudl keep them alive for enough time for them to be able to sustain it. Vault X (working name) was a colaborative work between Repconn, Vault Tec, Poseidon Energy and muliple food producing companies, its constructuion started at the same tiem as teh Other Vaults, btu it took a lot more time to be compelted, the construction program suffered various sabotage attempts, even when the nature of what was being built was kept a secret. FInaly in 2076 the Orbital Vault was ready to start its experiment, Memebers of the Staff and their Families were chosen as the Inhabitants along with selected control civilian Families, their departure was covered as promotions, vacations and even with stories about witness protection moves.
"The Experiment" was meant to be a 5 year mission on the Orbital Vault, monitoring the progress they made on selected projects to keep them mentaly and physicaly stimulated, and finaly the effects of livign in Orbit during a long period of time.
Unfortunately, the war happened two years later, everything was detroyed, communications with eart were lost. The Vault Inhabitants were on the brink of rioting out of desperation, but the Leaders of the experiment managed to control the Situation, they camed eevrybody and even managed to resume the experiment, putting everyone in charge of the projects they were meant to eb doing, with the promise of going back to earth once the radiation and danger died out, and an oportunity to have more power when they returned down there.
220 years Later after some robot scouting down in the Post Apoc planet, the Vault X inhabitants decendants (who have kept thsi goal in mind after all those years) finaly decided to send a group to find the landing shuttle that was meant to take them down back when the experiment started, and use the tecnology they have been developing over the years to have a chance at rebuilding society down there, but also because it was jus a matter of time before the Vault would just fall apart, the genetic variability to run out and before they couldn't adapt to Earth ecosystem anymore.
You start the game here, you are part of the group sent down there, your character construction woudl be direct, you make yoru face withotu some excuse about using a maic genetic fortunetelling device, or having your face blown off, then you would be given a little formulary where you would fill in your STATS, SKILLS and Traits specifications. Your are a run of the mill Vault Dweller, you are of no particular field up there, a Blank Slate. Your intiial equipment will be given to you based on the tagged skills, like in NV, you are also given a Commboy, a PIPboy specialy designed to matain communicatiosn with the Vault after you are down there. You are briefed on the mission, and you along with 9 Vault Dwellers would be launched in small scape pods to land on earth, every scape pod would be 1 person capacity maximum, so they have to send a bunch of them to carry the whole team, this scape pods were not part of the original Vault Desing.
When you and the other pods are reaching the planet surface, a mysterious cannon bullet impacts one of the pods, causing an explosion and scattering them all, sending them away from their original target, only 5 Vault Dwellers out of the 10 survive the incident, but they are far apart from each other.
You wake up trapped isnide of yoru scape pod, depending on your luck and Endurance you woudl have a number of limbs crippled, and depending on your Skills you can scape the pod in multiple ways, either by Blowing a hole with your weapon, Using your science skills to open it etc.
After your little encounter with death you will receive a signal on your Commboy. You will meet your mission control, he will inform you that you need to find your crew members, and of course compelte your mission. You will have 3 in-game years to do it. And a Calendary System that would obviously keep track of time and time related events.
This is a Skecth of the commboy:
Now for the main characters, The other 4 Vault Dwellers. Each oen had their role on the Vault, and each one will tackle the mission completion in different ways, some might not even want to complete it.
First one:
Jacobo, the Vault Guard
His role on the Groups was of course to protect them against any danger.
He is a very goal focused person, he only cares about the mission and its compeltion, he doesn't care about the filfthy mutants that live down there, as logn as they don't get in hsi way he doesn't care, he might cause some chaos during the 3 years, you might be able to stop him and his arc, or side with him, or any other approach to his path.
Laura, The Vault Guard
Her role on the Groups was of course to protect them against any danger.
After the fall she starst to scout this new Land, discovering the societies that have formed there, and takign an interest in them, The Vault woudl beneficiate from allying with some of the Factions there.
Curtis "Red Star"
Field Leader of the Group
After the Fall and not only scouting the place but also studying pre war terminals and texts, even soem post ar documents, he comes to the realization that the pre war society that led to the destruction of itself is not what he wants to be using the Vault Tecnology, The people up there are the result of pre war values filled raising, and he Decides to start his own Faction to take control of the Vault once it lands, Under the values and vision of what he considers to be the only rescatable values of Pre-War society and the new found values of post war societies. The Faction of The Red Star. Wich means is he gonna use to achieve this? He will appear after a certain phase in the Main Quest.
Richard "REPCONN" The Medic
of course he was in charge of keeping everyone alive and healthy.
He wasn't as Lucky as the others during the Fall, he lost an arm and suffered major burns all over his body, even hsi tounge, leaving him completely mute. He was rescued by a group of Energy Weapons worshipping tribals. They named him after the plate on the side of the pod they found him. REPPCON. He has decided to stay with them for a while, His filled with guilt over something.
Nex to come, secondary characters, Factions and the Territory.
Lets Start with the Basic idea:
The goal of making Vaults was for the Goverment and the Enclave in turn, to see how would a space colonization work, they knew the war was approaching and that the results would be catastrophic, so they gestated the plan to colonize another planet, and to do this they needed the Vaults. But just studying the effects of isolation and multiple situations in that isolation would not be enough to base your colonizing plan on. You would need to make sure that yo ucould build somethign that could survive in the trip through space and keep their inhabitants alive. But also you would need to make sure the inhabitants wouldn't grow lazy and unhealthy like the Humans from Wall-e, a ship sustained by its occupants, but that woudl keep them alive for enough time for them to be able to sustain it. Vault X (working name) was a colaborative work between Repconn, Vault Tec, Poseidon Energy and muliple food producing companies, its constructuion started at the same tiem as teh Other Vaults, btu it took a lot more time to be compelted, the construction program suffered various sabotage attempts, even when the nature of what was being built was kept a secret. FInaly in 2076 the Orbital Vault was ready to start its experiment, Memebers of the Staff and their Families were chosen as the Inhabitants along with selected control civilian Families, their departure was covered as promotions, vacations and even with stories about witness protection moves.
"The Experiment" was meant to be a 5 year mission on the Orbital Vault, monitoring the progress they made on selected projects to keep them mentaly and physicaly stimulated, and finaly the effects of livign in Orbit during a long period of time.
Unfortunately, the war happened two years later, everything was detroyed, communications with eart were lost. The Vault Inhabitants were on the brink of rioting out of desperation, but the Leaders of the experiment managed to control the Situation, they camed eevrybody and even managed to resume the experiment, putting everyone in charge of the projects they were meant to eb doing, with the promise of going back to earth once the radiation and danger died out, and an oportunity to have more power when they returned down there.
220 years Later after some robot scouting down in the Post Apoc planet, the Vault X inhabitants decendants (who have kept thsi goal in mind after all those years) finaly decided to send a group to find the landing shuttle that was meant to take them down back when the experiment started, and use the tecnology they have been developing over the years to have a chance at rebuilding society down there, but also because it was jus a matter of time before the Vault would just fall apart, the genetic variability to run out and before they couldn't adapt to Earth ecosystem anymore.
You start the game here, you are part of the group sent down there, your character construction woudl be direct, you make yoru face withotu some excuse about using a maic genetic fortunetelling device, or having your face blown off, then you would be given a little formulary where you would fill in your STATS, SKILLS and Traits specifications. Your are a run of the mill Vault Dweller, you are of no particular field up there, a Blank Slate. Your intiial equipment will be given to you based on the tagged skills, like in NV, you are also given a Commboy, a PIPboy specialy designed to matain communicatiosn with the Vault after you are down there. You are briefed on the mission, and you along with 9 Vault Dwellers would be launched in small scape pods to land on earth, every scape pod would be 1 person capacity maximum, so they have to send a bunch of them to carry the whole team, this scape pods were not part of the original Vault Desing.
When you and the other pods are reaching the planet surface, a mysterious cannon bullet impacts one of the pods, causing an explosion and scattering them all, sending them away from their original target, only 5 Vault Dwellers out of the 10 survive the incident, but they are far apart from each other.
You wake up trapped isnide of yoru scape pod, depending on your luck and Endurance you woudl have a number of limbs crippled, and depending on your Skills you can scape the pod in multiple ways, either by Blowing a hole with your weapon, Using your science skills to open it etc.
After your little encounter with death you will receive a signal on your Commboy. You will meet your mission control, he will inform you that you need to find your crew members, and of course compelte your mission. You will have 3 in-game years to do it. And a Calendary System that would obviously keep track of time and time related events.
This is a Skecth of the commboy:

Now for the main characters, The other 4 Vault Dwellers. Each oen had their role on the Vault, and each one will tackle the mission completion in different ways, some might not even want to complete it.
First one:
Jacobo, the Vault Guard

His role on the Groups was of course to protect them against any danger.
He is a very goal focused person, he only cares about the mission and its compeltion, he doesn't care about the filfthy mutants that live down there, as logn as they don't get in hsi way he doesn't care, he might cause some chaos during the 3 years, you might be able to stop him and his arc, or side with him, or any other approach to his path.
Laura, The Vault Guard

Her role on the Groups was of course to protect them against any danger.
After the fall she starst to scout this new Land, discovering the societies that have formed there, and takign an interest in them, The Vault woudl beneficiate from allying with some of the Factions there.
Curtis "Red Star"

Field Leader of the Group
After the Fall and not only scouting the place but also studying pre war terminals and texts, even soem post ar documents, he comes to the realization that the pre war society that led to the destruction of itself is not what he wants to be using the Vault Tecnology, The people up there are the result of pre war values filled raising, and he Decides to start his own Faction to take control of the Vault once it lands, Under the values and vision of what he considers to be the only rescatable values of Pre-War society and the new found values of post war societies. The Faction of The Red Star. Wich means is he gonna use to achieve this? He will appear after a certain phase in the Main Quest.
Richard "REPCONN" The Medic

of course he was in charge of keeping everyone alive and healthy.
He wasn't as Lucky as the others during the Fall, he lost an arm and suffered major burns all over his body, even hsi tounge, leaving him completely mute. He was rescued by a group of Energy Weapons worshipping tribals. They named him after the plate on the side of the pod they found him. REPPCON. He has decided to stay with them for a while, His filled with guilt over something.
Nex to come, secondary characters, Factions and the Territory.