Fallout: Zero becomes Zero Project

Excessive said:
but if they managed to do that, it will surely blow up the entire MMORPG market.

meh....why ?? :roll:
I mean Interplay has done utter crap during its last period of productivity. Why would they come with the ultimate MMORPG now ?
I don't really understand the legality of something like this, or the feasability, really, but wouldn't it be possible for one of us to make an mmorp mod for fallout?
Technicaly impossibilities concerning turning Fallout into an mmorp asides, there are no real legal issues there. That said, it is impossible. And highly undesireable.
Suffer said:
And highly undesireable.
Definately. Fallout wasn't meant to become a MMORPG, it that always meant to be played as a single player game. They even added the whole party aspect late in Fallout 1 so this was no initially planned. That's the reason why FIFE is build as single player engine and won't support multiplayer.

So if you want to rape the FO setting with a MMORPG, you'll need to find another engine. But I guess nobody is interested in an oldschool 2D MMORPG anyway.
I wasn't interested in raping the game, or turning it into an mmorpg as defined by the current ones. I think it could definitely be a good online game, if done correctly.
Stag said:
if done correctly.

That means turn based, which is incompatible with massively online games...Indeed, what would happen if somebody walked near a combat zone ? Would he enter combat mode or something ? Considering that most MMORPG players are complete morons, it would turn cities into combat zones and soon your screen would be invaded with highly illegible messages like "OMG I am teh roxxor, I just pwned u wiht my bozar llo !!!!11!!!!"

Yeah, it could be a fine game if done well AND IF PLAYERS WERE NOT UTTER MORONS ( which is unfortunately not the case ).

mmh.. what about entering combat mode only if you are attacking? If separating combatmode from the time-system of the engine (which generates the daytime and such), that might be possible... (just a thought...)
Right, Mr. Bumble, I totally agree with you. But, this is why I said that one of us should do it, and it shouldn't be a sold product. If only Fallout fans played it, it would be quite enjoyable.
Speaking of time, how would time compression during travel be resolved? I mean, seeing as it takes *days* to travel from one town to another, whereas traversing the entire game world takes months.

Even if such obstacles were overcomeable, the game would still be shit, mainly because the "RP" bit in "MMORPG" can never be achieved. How can you have true consequences in a world populated by thousands of players? If a twinked level 60 BOS paladin imaginatively named ~~|Teh_v4uLt_dW3lL4R|~~ goes on a rampage and wipes out Junktown with his übar-Bozar +7, how will other players react to the fact that Killian the merchant is no longer around to buy all the shiny stuff they looted by farming near the Khan base? Of course, you could make Killian and other townsfolk respawn after a while... and thereby nullify the consequences of ~~|Teh_v4uLt_dW3lL4R|~~'s action and flush any notion of roleplaying down the toilet.
Hm. Good point you bring up. Of course, you could always just make it so that NPCs can't die, but then, of course, you eliminate the idea of true world interaction.

You could simply replace Killian with a new character? You could also add some UBER badass Enclave guards in there with him...

EDIT: My solution is to go cry in a corner, because the FO MMORPG is impossible to do correctly.
MrBumble said:
Excessive said:
but if they managed to do that, it will surely blow up the entire MMORPG market.

meh....why ?? :roll:
I mean Interplay has done utter crap during its last period of productivity. Why would they come with the ultimate MMORPG now ?

By "they", I meant original creator team of Fallout. But they are not working for Interplay anymore. Interplay just can't do it. And I totally agree with above post regarding gameplay.

But a workaround may be found for areas which seems impossible to do.
Meh! MMORPG's and RPG's are different beasts. There will always be idots in MMORPG's ruining the experience. The only way I'd play an online game, is if I could choose the people I was playing with and it was just me and that group in the world.

Perhaps a peer based role playing ranking given by your fellow players would be a good way to weed out the idiots? Anything below 4 stars and they are cut.
Yeah, that's definitely the biggest problem besides the actual mechanics. I think that if it was something made by an NMA kind of fan, and was a mod, that would almost be an auto boot.