Gotta say it looks rather promising. Like SNorth, I feel the urge to join in. Maybe when FMF is done... Or maybe I could freelance with a quest idea or something. Who knows.
I found frissy's idea (albeit off-topic) to be intriguing. Still, I do believe it would fail. Allow me to explain.
frissy said:
True, you would get a lot of useless shit, but you can pick. Have shitty graphical artist on the team that makes shit, the whole thing will be on pause. Because you can't pick. Unless you get a new member.
If you have a team, you don't accept shitty artists (and if you do and find out that they suck, you kick them, because they are useless). That way, you avoid what would be a fact if a whole community would try to make a game together - people who suck. Believe me when I say that they are out there, and if you want a serious project, you really don't want their ideas. Have a look at
this for a good example of what kind of contributions you would get tons of. If there's no team, there's no easy way to regulate what is being done by whom. That would be one of the major weaknesses in your idea.
When making a game such as fallout, with a plot similar to that of fallout, and with quests like those in fallout, you will have a big problem with continuity. The problem will be there anyway you do it, no matter who is doing the game. It's not easy to design good quests. It takes time. If people come and go, if random people throw their random ideas around, you'll end up with random things. The plot would be poorly connected, the quests would be linear and the characters uninteresting, unless you have a solid core of people who really knows what's going on, who can see the whole picture and tie things together. I daresay it's next to impossible to make a good fallout-like quest without at least one person working on the same quest from the beginning to the end.
The quest and plot details would be the easy part however. With some big chunks of luck, and a lot of people with too much time on their hands, that might be doable if you don't have too high expectations on the outcome. Writing the dialogue will be the big fall, however. Unless you settle for some really poor quality of course. I'm telling you, you'll need tight leadership to get any dialogues finished. Besides that, you need to know exactly what you want. As far as dialogues are concerned, if you don't know what you want, you'll never get it.
No, I don't think your idea will work, although the idea itself is pretty beautiful. It will fail for much the same reasons as communism never worked. It's the reason why some people are dying of starvation, while others die of obesity.