Fallout Zero screenshots

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Glowbewohner informed us that you can now find some new screenshots of the Fallout-clone called Fallout Zero on Supermutants.net.

In related news, Supermutants.net is looking for some help:<blockquote>Hi folks.

We're looking for a compepetend Admin-Team for our english part of Supermutants.net . Currently the page is in offline-mode. We want to reaktivate it. Nearly all contend is available.
Conditions are:
-HTML or PHP knowledge
-interest in Fallout and The Fall
-German-knowledge (optional)
-much time

Do you interessted in that?
Write to: webmaster@supermutant.de</blockquote>[url=http://www.supermutants.net/deutsch/include.php?path=content/content.php&contentid=473]Link: Fallout Zero screenshots on Supermutants.net[/url]
AND they speak mad deutsch! "Ich bin Tifa" ! Tough i wish they went for the more arcane "Ich Heisze Tifa" (with the fancy beta ess-zet thingie)
Or they could have chosen a more adventurous approach and gone with - *gasp* - "Mein Name ist Tifa"! Now that would turn the CRPG world upside down.
Silencer said:
Kharn said:
In related news, Supermutants.net is looking for some help:

We should, like, invade them and make them our German section :P
Brilliant idea but maybe you shouldn't be the one that starts this overtake. You know what happens if people from Poland attack Germany :roll:
Yes: we take your Eastern lands, abduct your women, trample your villages and scatter your ducks*.

* Per quote.
I don't know how to say this in German, so I'll just say it in English.
The artwork sucks.
Whoever is doing the artwork for these screenshots would seem be misinformed about his talent level: That is, it would appear someone has been lying to him and saying that he has real talent.
Sorry, but as they say "I don't know art, but I know what I like" and I don't like this.

So, what does talent look like, you ask?
Like this
mvBarracuda said:
Silencer said:
Kharn said:
In related news, Supermutants.net is looking for some help:

We should, like, invade them and make them our German section :P
Brilliant idea but maybe you shouldn't be the one that starts this overtake. You know what happens if people from Poland attack Germany :roll:

we pwn them^^

@TheSarge: make it better, or be quite
You mean quiet, Glow.

I do like some of the interface shots, most noteably the not-ingame looking ones.
However, some of the screenshots look like elements have been added with copy&paste, very odd. :?
Some of the screenshots show only "the way" we create the clone. The design is not finished and you see very fast which screens show the game at the first phase of constuction and which at later phase.
Please tell me you're joking and not ignorant, mvB, otherwise I might have to go to Dresden to kick your butt personally ;)
Silencer said:
Please tell me you're joking and not ignorant, mvB, otherwise I might have to go to Dresden to kick your butt personally ;)
Okay, okay Silencer I'm joking :wink:

(I've got nothing to fear because I'm a student and I GOT NO CAR! :roll:)

High Elder said:
Some of the screenshots show only "the way" we create the clone. The design is not finished and you see very fast which screens show the game at the first phase of constuction and which at later phase.
To be honest: the screenshots aren't the main problem IMO. An alternative Fallout engine just makes sense if it offers something the original Fallout didn't have. For example Fallout Zero could support Linux and even other platforms or it could use xml for saving data and so making modding easier. You could even add superior scripting support by including python, lua or any other of the new scripting languages

ATM it seems that you can't do anything with Fallout Zero that can't be done with the normal Fallout 2 engine, too and even better (in therm of graphics). So people ask themselfes : "What's the purpose of the whole thing?". If you just want to create a PA mod that offers a scenario set in Germany: go for the Fallout 2 engine! But IMO the people won't support Fallout Zero just because it offers a different scenario. You should think about adding features to the engine that the original Fallout didn't support and advertize them to attract attention.

The whole graphics aspect you be changed later anyway. But if you make an attemp to create a good engine for your mod, do it right!