Fallout's been banned

Role-Player said:
And we all know who we have to thank for that, don't we?
Yes. Thank you, Mr. Teatime.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..
Hmmmmz... My primary desire is to want to burn Mr. Teatime at the stake (serves him right for trying to kill the Hogfather) over this, however as this is my first post here I feel that might be demanding too much.

I don't think this will be permanent, however it'll probably be for a little while, while they consult on what to do to prevent the situation IPLAY had with the POS forums.

Ofcourse the solution on how to prevent that is easy: give us what we want. :p
Dude i just told you many guys were attacking NMA for pure trolling or complete ignorance of how it works and it`s story.

Look DMKW we have a great past of beeing quoted in mags, having discussions with developers, exchanging info with other sites, supporting modders and and doing everything a good fansite does and more. One of those things is keeping a critical eye on things that happen related to the Fallout games and franchise, is sticking our neck and make tough answers and unpopular remarks to the mainstream gaming world. That allowed us to have the reputation of beeing the best, most complete and with faster news Fallout fansite around, besides beeing the older. Now one thing must be clear, that doesn`t mean there`s some hive mentality here, the members are individuals that many times even argue quite brutally between themselves, and take stands based in personal beliefs.

If for instance BradyLama wants to defend a mix of Morrowind and Fallout, that`s fine, if many like Teatime want a more tradicional Fallout game that`s fine too, and they do it freely.

We have strict rules regarding the community itself, much more strict then they were a couple of months ago, focused on new members that don`t know what grounds they are steping, and Bethesda could have something like that, without banning everyone that it`s not happy with them, of course, to defend the community. But Bethesda is making the game, not us, so they shouldn`t cut their feedback relating fans, it´s not good for them, if they have problems with some posts than moderate them, because i`m afraid everyone is going to say that they act like Interplay, and they need to prove that they wont fall into Interplay mistakes.

Just because they got critical posts doesn`t mean they have to ban any discussion on Fallout, but moderate the threads better. With all the insults NMA got from those threads there are still bridges between NMA and Bethesda, they should try to do the same and see what they gain now but can loose in the future with this acts.

Again i hope reason prevails.
Blackwing said:
Hmmmmz... My primary desire is to want to burn Mr. Teatime at the stake (serves him right for trying to kill the Hogfather) over this, however as this is my first post here I feel that might be demanding too much.

I don't think this will be permanent, however it'll probably be for a little while, while they consult on what to do to prevent the situation IPLAY had with the POS forums.

Ofcourse the solution on how to prevent that is easy: give us what we want. :p

I really don't think I single handedly caused the bethsoft admins to lock down the forum. If that was the case, they'd have banned me, and also makes them into a bunch of pussies. I was very vocal on there, and I'm very vocal on here. I still believe I have every right to be suspicious of Bethsoft's motives. This forum lockdown just enhances that suspicion.
I also felt that if I wasn't hostile there, and made sure I was heard, the FO people would get drowned out by the retarded ES fanboys who were clamoring for real time, first person views, KOTOR combat, and so on.
Mr. Teatime said:
Third, the lockdown on the forums which Roleplayer thinks I'm responsible for - I'm honoured that I had such an effect on their well being, if that's the case.

I'm starting to get worried about the number of people who recently suggest they have been able to tap into my brain. 'Tis chilling.

On a more serious note, where did i claimed the lockdown was because of you, exclusively? No single person would achieve that. It took several people who thought Bethesda owed them something that cause problems. Your demands for info and blatant trolling posts against users weren't the sole reason as to why the forums were locked down, but they helped. In fact, I'd say that dumbfuck Visceris was one of the primary posters responsible for the problems, but each and everyone one that posted there in an antagonizing, idiotic manner are responsible.

You weren't the sole reason, but you damn well contributed to it. God knows i even had conversations with some folks over there via PM to ask them to give people the benefit of the doubt, to not let the actions of few become damning to an entire group of people. But like always, it was put to waste.
Damn, I was hoping that once Iplay closed their boards down I'd never hear the name "Visceris" again. That guy is truly a moron of epic proportions.
Montez said:
Damn, I was hoping that once Iplay closed their boards down I'd never hear the name "Visceris" again. That guy is truly a moron of epic proportions.

If he just kept to being a moron under one account at least it would be more tolerable, but this guy thinks that making multiple accounts somehow is a cool thing. Little does he understand his brand of stupidity always shines trough.
I am well aware that trolling occurred from "both sides" but the main problem with trolls are the people who feed them anyway.

Also, I did get the impression the threads were poorly moderated and blantant trolling attempts just ignored, and sometimes I felt the admins were biased against fallout fans.

But in the end, Teatime directly provoked an admin and that was the last straw. It was a stupid thing to do. I wish the admin had just banned you instead.

I truly resent that I was deprived of the chance to tell a couple of people on "both sides" how stupid they are.
Claw said:
But in the end, Teatime directly provoked an admin

This part I will agree with. But if the admin's going to cry and overreact by locking down the forum because I called him out... well, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. The thread will be unlocked sooner or later, and the admin probably will get a warning.
Mr. Teatime said:
The thread will be unlocked sooner or later, and the admin probably will get a warning.

I wouldn't hold your breath on that one - I doubt any of Bethesda's higher ups are going to chastise him for killing a thread which from all accounts sounds like a public relations nightmare. They'll probably wait until they have an official site up, or at least a subforum.
i know about NMA's great history as i've been reading it for 2 years now. and i know how some of the people are here on this forum...but its when they take their crap to other forums...and i was here when beth announced they bought the rights and people here openly planned to go to the ES forums and troll the hell out of it..and then they did and said they represented NMA and thats why NMA was was insulted. i have never posted on this forum because i've never had anything to say...but when people like teatime want to come in here and blatantly lie to everybody i feel i need clear shit up

"I also felt that if I wasn't hostile there, and made sure I was heard, the FO people would get drowned out by the retarded ES fanboys who were clamoring for real time, first person views, KOTOR combat, and so on."

again more bullshit! it was rare that a TES only fan came into the fallout threads and posted anything and it was even rarer that they requested that F3 be first person...all of us posting are fallout fans and it was our discussions being drowned out by your pointless and unrelentless trolling is where the problem was. why do you insist on feeding the people here this bullshit?
DMKW said:
i know about NMA's great history as i've been reading it for 2 years now. and i know how some of the people are here on this forum...but its when they take their crap to other forums...and i was here when beth announced they bought the rights and people here openly planned to go to the ES forums and troll the hell out of it..and then they did and said they represented NMA and thats why NMA was was insulted. i have never posted on this forum because i've never had anything to say...but when people like teatime want to come in here and blatantly lie to everybody i feel i need clear shit up

"I also felt that if I wasn't hostile there, and made sure I was heard, the FO people would get drowned out by the retarded ES fanboys who were clamoring for real time, first person views, KOTOR combat, and so on."

again more bullshit! it was rare that a TES only fan came into the fallout threads and posted anything and it was even rarer that they requested that F3 be first person...all of us posting are fallout fans and it was our discussions being drowned out by your pointless and unrelentless trolling is where the problem was. why do you insist on feeding the people here this bullshit?

I like making conspiracy theories for you to unravel and expose.
Can someone lend this guy a clue?
Montez said:
Damn, I was hoping that once Iplay closed their boards down I'd never hear the name "Visceris" again. That guy is truly a moron of epic proportions.

Gods did I hate that guy, without him it'd have taken atleast a week more before I'd have been banned...

Then again I blame IPLAY in the end, for letting him exist on and for making POS.
I think (and hope i am right) that the fallout discussion was locked because that is after all, a Morrowind board, and they're now getting ready to launch a decent forum to discuss fallout in.

Anyway, discussion there was impossible by the simple way the threads were structured, i even registered, but nothing good could come out of that.

But, i do think some of the guys (on both sides) got a little too "exalted", The morrowind guys seeing our posting as an "invasion" of their territory, and our people getting angry at all the stupids who only read the last few post of those huge threads and went to make the same retarded stametements over and over again.

What i find the most appaling is that handful of particularly dumb Moronwind fans who didn't have any knowledge of the fallout license and still tought it was a good idea to get into your arguments about a "true" fallout; but hey it's not their fault they are ignorant, just imagine interplay was still up and running, bought the elder scrolls license, announced it in the fallout forums making some statements that point to a 3rd person, turn based elder scrolls game. I don't think i'd have any problem with a TES game like that, but it's a sure thing the boards would soon be swamped with morrowind fans saying that wasn't a true morrowind.The big difference as i see it is i doubt any of us would be pretentious enough to argue about what makes a *true* elder scrolls game.
Montez said:
doubt any of Bethesda's higher ups are going to chastise him for killing a thread which from all accounts sounds like a public relations nightmare.
You are certainly correct on the first part, especially since anyone could have seen it coming in the end.

However, the thread was far from a nightmare of any sort. I know several people here would probably disagree with the ideas that were brought up, but for the last few it was an interesting debate about possible features in Fallout 3, irregularly interrupted by trolling, and I don't care if it was a TES or Fallout fan, it was crapping on the thread, nothing more.
"Just please try and respect the rules of the forum. I understand Fallout fans all over the world and internet have extremely strong opinions and want to express them here, and I promise we read and listen to them. But understand that trying to bowl us over with insane profanity-filled flames does nothing to further your cause, and will only get you banned. We respect your right to be happy and we respect your right to be cynical or even angry, but if you can't remain civil then you've got no place here.

Thanks, and enjoy the forums. I look forward to actively engaging in these discussions when the time is right. Until then I'm reading and listening and I promise the rest of Bethesda is too. "

this is my point flaming does nothing but makes it harder for beth to actually hear the good points...it also looks like they aren't going to put up with the shit anymore so we can finally get some civil discussions going again.
DMKW said:
Wooz69 said:
Argh! Punctuation!

i'm not going to waste my time

Then nobody has to waste their time reading your garbage. It's simple as that. Hold on, I'll get onto your other hopeless point.

(Snip a lot of cluelesness about NMA and people representing them/)

Sparky, you have exactly one post to prove that you have a clue, or I'll make your presence here a temporary one. It's been pointed out a number of times that SA and PA trolls go to other forums, claiming to be Fallout fans, and deliberately stir more drama up for their juvenile pleasures. And, if you had been around for some time, you would know that what you have done has so far earned you two strikes in this thread alone. Not because you were clueless, but you decided to give an attitude to one of my moderators when they pointed out a very valid problem of yours. The one line of garbage you posted in reply, with a quote pyramid that served little purpose in that form, is the other strike.

But apparently you think you know the situation, and think you know how to use a forum. Maybe if you don't want to be treated like a complete idiot, you might want to sound a fair bit more intelligible and sentient.
I just want to comment on something that Che said. You seem to think that the people at bethesda are in control when in reality man, they aren't.

I can understand counselling patience, but what the people at the elderscroll forum didn't get was that it was vital for us to make our presense known BEFORE work actually begins on FO3. If we waited until they had screenshots and whatever it would be to late. We needed to hit them right up front, and hard.

It would have been nicer if people would have been cooler about it, and not made a lot of enemies over there, but that can't be helped. A community like this is large, and it has a lot of different people in it. It's a shame that we can't be more unified and disciplined but atleast we made our voice heard.

POS sucked because they didn't listen to the community. They did not give us the game we wanted. They just gave us the shaft. We paid them back by not buying it, and their game vanished into the crowded console market along with their profits.

At this point I'm getting really worried that it's going to happen again. This has all the signs of another company just blazing ahead making a game without considering who's going to buy it. It's gonna be MOO3 or POS all over again, and that just bites. Dumb bastards could have enough money to fucking swim in if they would make FO3 like FO2 and so on.....But I digress...

No Che.. They are not the ones in control. It's true, they will make whatever product they want. But when it sits on the shelves at EB and Gamestop collecting dust, Bethesda will know who's in control.