Fallout's Future per Critical Gamer

Blackened said:
Hey, what about riding horses? It would be sooo AWESOME!!!1111 Even Bethesda never thought of that, did they?

Given the state of brahmin, one must wonder about the state of horses . . .
Not sure why i even bothered to comment this piece of something, but i found the following quote rather humoristic:

Imagine a city in the Fallout world that’s dominated by people online, where you could acquire a stall to set up shop and sell your custom made weaponry or spare parts.

I tried to imagine that - in real life it's called a JOB...
Well, for me it sounds like what you can do in Second Life. Creating stuff, open a shop and sell stuff there. But... everyone is doing this, so you are flooded with this kind of stuff.
The Dutch Ghost said:
None of the new fans have ever played the original games

I guess I am considered one of these "new fans." :oops: Since I was first introduced to Fallout through Fallout 3 and I liked it. It was silly, but I liked it. Then I got my hands on Fallout and Fallout 2 and never looked back. After playing and beating the original Fallouts, it left me wanting more of that Fallout, the real Fallout, and made me mad and bitter toward Fallout 3. I tried playing Fallout 3 last night, again, and it was such a chore. Fallout 3 will always have an odd place in my heart for introducing me to the Fallout world, but it's pretty much a crap game.

So, I guess I'm a born again Fallout fan. :lol:

Anyway, this article was clearly written by a Fallout 3 fan who's only knowledge is of Fallout 3 and doesn't look into the other games, or upcoming games for that matter. Maybe some of these fans think only Fallout 3 exists, and the 3 is just there like those pizza restaurants just put the 3 or 2 after their name to attract customers. "Well, if they opened up a 3rd shop, it must be good!"

Seriously, Fallout is Fallout. It doesn't need a freakin' Playstation Home type interface, and it doesn't need a ton of junk for hoarders to sell to other hoarders. It doesn't need fanciful guns, Energy Weapons are enough. This is a post-apocalyptic future Earth people, not some new distant planet that resembles a dirty sandbox that cats use as a litter box. There shouldn't be much resources, and there should only be weaponry, broken and weathered mind you, that existed pre-war or made from scavenged parts. No freeze guns, no guns that shoot teddy bears.
Jesse Heinig said:
Blackened said:
Hey, what about riding horses? It would be sooo AWESOME!!!1111 Even Bethesda never thought of that, did they?
Given the state of brahmin, one must wonder about the state of horses . . .

Heh. I always assumed that, like cats, they all got eaten. If people'll eat cat, they'll definitely eat horse.
Heh. I always assumed that, like cats, they all got eaten. If people'll eat cat, they'll definitely eat horse.

[Leela and Hermes are at a concession stand at the track]
Concession Man: Get your piping hot horse burgers, horse fries, horse cakes and shakes. We got tongue, straight from the horse's mouth.
Leela: Hmmmmm.
Hermes Conrad: It all sounds good.
Concession Man: All our horses are 100% horse-fed for that double-horse "juiced-in" goodness.
Leela: I'll have the cholesterol-free omelet with horse-beaters.
Concession Man: And you, sir? How can I horse you?
Hermes Conrad: I'll have a horse Coke.
Concession Man: Horse Pepsi okay?
Hermes Conrad: Neeeiiiggghh.

I couldn't resist. :D
I would think they'd eat the cows before they eat the horses. Horses are better beasts of burden than cows.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
So, I guess I'm a born again Fallout fan.
I can relate to you on that, I have a great disgust for Fallout 3 after I played the originals. It probably helps that I'm obsessed with games from the 80s-90s and am the complete opposite of a graphics whore.
Older games just appeal to me more, they have a certain charm.

I still play Wolfenstein 3D. :)
Yeah, I have an affinity for older games. Hell, it wasn't until 2007/2008 that I started playing games with next-gen graphics. It makes me quite pissed when people dismiss a game because it has older graphics. The best games I've played don't have amazing realistic 3D graphics.

After I beat every episode in Wolfenstein 3D I stopped playing that. No need to continue having motion sickness. :) Although, there is Spear of Destiny to get through.
Hey, what about riding horses? It would be sooo AWESOME!!!1111 Even Bethesda never thought of that, did they?

Better yet, Horse Power Armor DLC!
terebikun said:
...what pizza restaurant puts 2 or 3 in their name?

You've never seen them? A Luigi's Pizza III or something of that nature, when you've never even heard of a Luigi's Pizza I or II. Well, maybe there are two Luigi's Pizza before that third- Unlikely! It's all marketing, see?
The greatest hope that Fallout's future possesses rests with Fallout New Vegas. Given what those guys did with New Reno in Fallout 2, I'm not so optimistic...
The Dutch Ghost said:
I think it is pretty obvious to everyone who has a brain and loves Fallout (the original, not Bethesda's) how stupid those weapon ideas are.

None of the new fans have ever played the original games, realizing that outside the inclusion of energy weapons there was none of this 'fantastic weaponry' crap like baseball ball mini guns or explosive fart cushions.

It was all weaponry inspired by real guns.

Having stupid weapons now isn't funny, its as the concept says, just stupid.
I think he was just kidding around. I mean, it's pretty silly so it's pretty obvious he's just playing around.

Player-run economies are kind of interesting, but I don't think they belong in a single-player game like Fallout.
I've had a horse burger before.

It's kind of chewy, but it's actually pretty damn good.
Dopemine Cleric said:
I've had a horse burger before.

It's kind of chewy, but it's actually pretty damn good.
Here. Let me quote Left 4 Dead 2.

"Man, horses are for ridin', not for eatin'."
Horse meat is pretty popular in Europe. Not in the US, though, most Americans find the idea a bit too much to swallow.