A few points about this project.
Most ambitious projects promise the moon, and never finish what they started out to do. Ideally, we want to make a full, new campaign, and have a plotline for that.
However, at the moment, the team's goal is not a full game. We are setting small, reasonable goals. We are working on one new city, and that will be your demo. Once we release said demo, we will look to expand our team further to develop new cities. Our future goals will be based upon the time it takes to develop one city, and the lessons we learn there. Other people have finished single cities, and this is a very reasonable end goal.
The size of the full campaign will also be based on how many people we can muster into helping when we expand the team further. I want at least one dedicated mapper, scripter and designer for each major location/city we have.
We have no positions open currently for writers/designers. We have a dedicated script-monkey, and I also have some C experience. However, I'd like to get an experienced Fallout scripter on the team. I believe that would help immensely. I believe our current mapper can tackle the city of Estes proper, however I wouldn't be opposed to the addition of another mapper as we may include another quest location in the demo so we can utilize the new world map.
Artists are always welcome. I have an rather extensive art wish list. Even if all you can do is some photoshopping, I have work for you. You can continue in Qwerty's footsteps in converting FOT graphics (namely tiles and items) over to the FO2 formats.
With Corpse's computer crash, we need someone to do the new world map. Corpse posted resources, and a simple tutorial. Push come to shove, I will end up doing the world map, but if someone else wants to volunteer, all the better.
I wouldn't mind seeing some new talking heads, and character portraits for the premade characters.
I can't divulge story ideas at this point, but believe me when I say it's pretty good, and it's very Fallout.
The initial inspiration was the "War never changes" speech.
We would very much like to see the Fallout mod community grow. We plan on trying to support other Fallout mod groups.