Fan Made Fallout screenshots

I agree. These guys took their time ! As a matter of fact, I didn't know they were making a mod. I thought it was a PnP extension for fallout.

But, screens look nice. I'm waiting for the first mods to actually ARRIVE instead of making two maps, and quiting .. :roll:
Any idea on a release date ?
Those pics make me want to get back to Fallout 1 and 2! Great shots. I am looking forward to seeing this when it's finished. Good work guys. Keep at it.
Yeah, screenies are nice but the FAQ section looks even better:P. Anyway, this is the Fallout MOD I am looking forward to. And I like the style - say nothing until its [half-]done, gives some hope, ya know:P.
But yes, the screens gave FO2 and FO feeling, I hope they finish it before nuclear winter arrives while then there will be nothing left than few PIPboys...
Hello everyone, I'm Kotario, Chief Writer of the Fan Made Fallout project (blame DarkUnderlord for the FAQ). I'll be happy to answer any questions anyone might have, though we want to keep our story secret, giving people the chance to discover things for themselves (we hope to achieve a deep, engaging plot).

The release date is still far in the future, not before the end of this year at the earliest. We won't be giving out a specific date, because we will release it when it's finished, not on a strict timeline. There still is the possibility that everything might collapse, we hope not, but you never know. It's a risk.
Oo-ooK, answer then..
  • how much people are really working on the mod?
  • are the pop-culture references in reality be twice as much as in FO2? [guess, Dark Underlord claimed that somewhere on the site];
  • are there any engine improvements or it is just pure story scripting? [and, if no secret, what Fallout modding tools you use?]
  • will be there any INTRO movie?
  • any OUTRO (with diff. endings)?
  • how much gameplay-hours you prognose for average Fallout1,2 player? [oughta know today for better time-scheduling between family and Fallout, ya know:P]
  • is the project going slower than intended or it is as slow as predicted?
  • do you have periods of time when there is exactly 0 work done? I mean, weeks or months not days or hours:P.
  • are there any multi-solution quests coming? (shame on you if not:P) and what basic paths you plan - warrior, smooth talker, science boy?
  • have you considered implementing more quests to raise the importance of some skills (e.g. Outdoorsman was not so useful ..not as useful as unlock or I dunno, Plasma Weaps)?
  • are there any economy happening in background? I mean, caravans are going somewhere - and so on.
  • will be possible to accomplish game without killing anyone? [Directly, I mean, with gun, bare hands or melee]
  • are there going to be any new items
  • what about Harold? (I know that BoS is officially excluded from the MOD and this thought somehow comforts me:P)
  • any SpecialEncounters? I mean, the silly ones? Maybe thwe saga of HolyGranade continues:P
  • what about car? is it going to be in the game or not? with the old skin or somehow upgraded, downgraded (like old diesel pick-up) or a vertibird instead?
  • are there any plans to change weapon/armour balance? or overall world feeling (like less walking tanks and more caravans fighting wild dogs)
  • is the story-line concentrated of world-saving (again) and mutants (again) and are there any D-claws starring?(again) Or it is just brand new breath of roleplaying where you start in the skin of dog or brahmin and have to fight through the thousands of enemies in order to save your kind from extcinction?
  • Level-uping will be as "fast" as in original games?
That's for the start.
See Kotario? See what you've done? You get to answer those.

... if you want to add to what I've written, that is.

Question said:
how much people are really working on the mod?
17 on the team. There are only about 5 that are doing any actual "work" as such.

Question said:
are the pop-culture references in reality be twice as much as in FO2? [guess, Dark Underlord claimed that somewhere on the site];
HAHAH!!! We're not even that far past the story to be working on those. [In the FAQ].

Question said:
are there any engine improvements or it is just pure story scripting? [and, if no secret, what Fallout modding tools you use?]
No engine improvements, purely a new story and that is all. [Same tools you can download from NMA].

Question said:
will be there any INTRO movie?
*Hopefully* Check this thread at DaC to learn more!

Question said:
any OUTRO (with diff. endings)?
*Hopefully* Though if you start seeing badly drawn stick figures up on the site, fear for the worst.

Question said:
how much gameplay-hours you prognose for average Fallout1,2 player? [oughta know today for better time-scheduling between family and Fallout, ya know:P]
Fallout 1. The average FO player will probably top the game in a weekend without much trouble. Working on multiple replayability options though, so maybe a week or two if you play through all of it and take advantage of all the major options.

Question said:
is the project going slower than intended or it is as slow as predicted?
Slower than intended which is as slow as I originally predicted. I also predict it'll be cancelled.

Question said:
do you have periods of time when there is exactly 0 work done? I mean, weeks or months not days or hours:P.
So far we've had a few several month blocks of non-activity.

Question said:
are there any multi-solution quests coming? (shame on you if not:P) and what basic paths you plan - warrior, smooth talker, science boy?
Yes and they are as you suggest.

Question said:
have you considered implementing more quests to raise the importance of some skills (e.g. Outdoorsman was not so useful ..not as useful as unlock or I dunno, Plasma Weaps)?
Yes. (Yes. Gambling and some fun with Throwing)

Question said:
are there any economy happening in background? I mean, caravans are going somewhere - and so on.

Question said:
will be possible to accomplish game without killing anyone? [Directly, I mean, with gun, bare hands or melee]
Plan to. Working on it though.

Question said:
are there going to be any new items

Question said:
what about Harold? (I know that BoS is officially excluded from the MOD and this thought somehow comforts me:P)

Question said:
any SpecialEncounters? I mean, the silly ones? Maybe thwe saga of HolyGranade continues:P
Yes. Yes. No.

Question said:
what about car? is it going to be in the game or not? with the old skin or somehow upgraded, downgraded (like old diesel pick-up) or a vertibird instead?
No. No. With the issues the FO2 dev team had getting the car in, we'd be fucked trying to figure it out. Plus that and I'm a hardcore "anti-car" Falloutist.

Question said:
are there any plans to change weapon/armour balance? or overall world feeling (like less walking tanks and more caravans fighting wild dogs)
Yes. (Yes and dunno.. yes?).

Question said:
is the story-line concentrated of world-saving (again) and mutants (again) and are there any D-claws starring?(again) Or it is just brand new breath of roleplaying where you start in the skin of dog or brahmin and have to fight through the thousands of enemies in order to save your kind from extcinction?
Yes, yes and yes! No, no and no.

Question said:
Level-uping will be as "fast" as in original games?
No plans on changing it (unless we need to).
Oh, I see..while I'm downloading the movie and watching the Night of All Mr.Handies in My Vault pics, got some questions:
  • Question wrote:
    have you considered implementing more quests to raise the importance of some skills (e.g. Outdoorsman was not so useful ..not as useful as unlock or I dunno, Plasma Weaps)?

    Yes. (Yes. Gambling and some fun with Throwing)

    It will be like "there are 3 special quests in a very special places where you can use your strictly special skills (at least 279% or fuck outta here ya'moron)" ? Or somehow bit different?
  • Question wrote:
    are there going to be any new items

    And I see you've allready added some improved/edited tiles, are you planing to "draw" [a lot] more of them? And are there going to be new custom ..i dunno..roofs, objects? (like in Vault-City the CityHall)
See? Its getting less and less, dont worry, once they run out
Man, I took it seriously and installed that crapy Q-time..well..must was worth it :P
See, that's Darky's sense of humor.

We are trying to revamp throwing, to make it a useful skill, complete with retuning the throwing items stats. With gambling, that is mostly just for fun. We most likely won't have super-single-stat quests to make that one stat useful for something; it's a tired gimmick.

Hmm... can you tell us which tiles are edited or improved? We won't be adding that much art, rather mostly making do with what is on hand (in new and creative ways). Not to say something new won't be here or there. We will wait and see though, it is not our priority for this project.

As for the other questions, depending on what needs clarification.

Right now, about five people heavy on mapping, quite a bit of earlier work from other people though. We eject people who have been tardy for three months, and cycle in new members. The core of the team remains the same. This system seems to work well for us.

We are trying to tone down the pop-culture references, recreate the atmosphere of the original Fallout (instead of Fallout 2). Not to say there won't be a few, just like in the original.

In all seriousness, we have an Intro Movie planned, but it depends if we can find someone to create it. We might just have a slideshow, if there isn't anyone to create such a movie. It's a bit early for us to think about such things yet though.

DarkUnderlord is a pessimist, we've survived two years and have some solid work behind us. The worst thing for us would be if Fallout 3 was released, and was good; there would no interest in our project then.

Summers are usually dead-time for us.

We've put quite a bit of thought into the economy. Which areas are self-sufficient, which rely on trade (and for what), the paths of the caravans, and how wildlife levels affect caravan paths. We even had a long discussion on what our currency or currencies would be.

That's everything, I think.
Of course you can expect the Highest quality thong armor to be included!


FMF Mapper.
Kamaz said:
Oh, I see..while I'm downloading the movie
Was it fun for you too?

Kamaz said:
It will be like "there are 3 special quests in a very special places where you can use your strictly special skills (at least 279% or fuck outta here ya'moron)" ? Or somehow bit different?
It'll somehow be a bit different.

Kamaz said:
And I see you've allready added some improved/edited tiles, are you planing to "draw" [a lot] more of them? And are there going to be new custom ..i dunno..roofs, objects? (like in Vault-City the CityHall)
Uhhh...? We have no new tiles. We do plan on some though. There's a distinct lack of water tiles with edges on the sides we need them. We're working on that. I think. Well, at least we were. A while ago.

Ozrat said:
How do you refuel the car?
With the power of your mind. Sprinkle some pixy dust and think happy thoughts!

Now because those bozo monkeys at DaC don't know news when it hits them in the face with a giant paint brush and hurts, causing severe pain and potentially bleeding, the thread that WAS posted at DaC but is now non-existant, I have replicated here: Linkage.
Strange. Some tiles seemed un-seen for me at moment. Like the one with big number "2" painted on the wall in some screenies you unleashed in thjat news post DAC refused to notice. Cannot remeber that "2" anywhere from Fallout..or it is just me...and yeah..some wall textures seemed kinda unseen..anyway..damn..I feel an intense need to replay Fallout.
But I wont...have to beat the Crimsonland record!:P