See Kotario? See what you've done? You get to answer those.
... if you want to add to what I've written, that is.
Question said:
how much people are really working on the mod?
17 on the team. There are only about 5 that are doing any actual "work" as such.
Question said:
are the pop-culture references in reality be twice as much as in FO2? [guess, Dark Underlord claimed that somewhere on the site];
HAHAH!!! We're not even that far past the story to be working on those. [In the FAQ].
Question said:
are there any engine improvements or it is just pure story scripting? [and, if no secret, what Fallout modding tools you use?]
No engine improvements, purely a new story and that is all. [Same tools you can download from NMA].
Question said:
will be there any INTRO movie?
Check this thread at DaC to learn more!
Question said:
any OUTRO (with diff. endings)?
*Hopefully* Though if you start seeing badly drawn stick figures up on the site, fear for the worst.
Question said:
how much gameplay-hours you prognose for average Fallout1,2 player? [oughta know today for better time-scheduling between family and Fallout, ya know

Fallout 1. The average FO player will probably top the game in a weekend without much trouble. Working on multiple replayability options though, so maybe a week or two if you play through all of it and take advantage of all the major options.
Question said:
is the project going slower than intended or it is as slow as predicted?
Slower than intended which is as slow as I originally predicted. I also predict it'll be cancelled.
Question said:
do you have periods of time when there is exactly 0 work done? I mean, weeks or months not days or hours

So far we've had a few several month blocks of non-activity.
Question said:
are there any multi-solution quests coming? (shame on you if not

) and what basic paths you plan - warrior, smooth talker, science boy?
Yes and they are as you suggest.
Question said:
have you considered implementing more quests to raise the importance of some skills (e.g. Outdoorsman was not so useful ..not as useful as unlock or I dunno, Plasma Weaps)?
Yes. (Yes. Gambling and some fun with Throwing)
Question said:
are there any economy happening in background? I mean, caravans are going somewhere - and so on.
Question said:
will be possible to accomplish game without killing anyone? [Directly, I mean, with gun, bare hands or melee]
Plan to. Working on it though.
Question said:
are there going to be any new items
Question said:
what about Harold? (I know that BoS is officially excluded from the MOD and this thought somehow comforts me

Question said:
any SpecialEncounters? I mean, the silly ones? Maybe thwe saga of HolyGranade continues
Yes. Yes. No.
Question said:
what about car? is it going to be in the game or not? with the old skin or somehow upgraded, downgraded (like old diesel pick-up) or a vertibird instead?
No. No. With the issues the FO2 dev team had getting the car in, we'd be fucked trying to figure it out. Plus that and I'm a hardcore "anti-car" Falloutist.
Question said:
are there any plans to change weapon/armour balance? or overall world feeling (like less walking tanks and more caravans fighting wild dogs)
Yes. (Yes and dunno.. yes?).
Question said:
is the story-line concentrated of world-saving (again) and mutants (again) and are there any D-claws starring?(again) Or it is just brand new breath of roleplaying where you start in the skin of dog or brahmin and have to fight through the thousands of enemies in order to save your kind from extcinction?
Yes, yes and yes! No, no and no.
Question said:
Level-uping will be as "fast" as in original games?
No plans on changing it (unless we need to).