Fatman Thermobaric Warhead

Just tested it, it does.

Edit: use the newer version, the first one had messed up damage.
Dragula said:

MOAB is just a lot of explosives. Thermobaric means it releases a volatile gas cloud first, then ignites it. This causes tremendously devastating damage to troops and underground bunkers.

And was something I had planned on doing in the F3C! Very nice to see someone beat me to it.

Just one question... does it crawl through tunnels?
Unfortunately it doesn't use a real gas cloud effect, just one of the explosions found in Bethesda's files. That means it won't spread through tunnels correctly. Not sure but I think we might have to wait until the GECK to make such drastic modifications to the effects.
Look promising.

As much as I love the thought of nuking people with an atomic bomb, the Fatman weapon is just retarded. Way too "gimmicky" for me. Glad to see somebody attempted to make it somewhat more realistic.
Grave461 said:
Look promising.

As much as I love the thought of nuking people with an atomic bomb, the Fatman weapon is just retarded. Way too "gimmicky" for me. Glad to see somebody attempted to make it somewhat more realistic.

Ironically, the fatman is one of the few aspects I don't have a problem with considering the era fallout is based on. Back in the 50s, everything was atomic and they thought wars of the future would be fought with nukes.
I agree with the thermobaric mod. A mini nuke/ briefcase nuke would be more devastating than what they currently have. more range would be a plus as well.
just so you all know, the fat man is a REAL weapon....it exists in real life, its called the davy crocket

here is a link to the wiki about it


not too different really....only problem with the davy crockett was that its blast was huge (you couldn't launch it far enough not to be caught in the blast or atleast the fallout)

they also had a modern marvels episode on histroy channel - which is where i remembered this from
Tycn said:
Unfortunately it doesn't use a real gas cloud effect, just one of the explosions found in Bethesda's files. That means it won't spread through tunnels correctly. Not sure but I think we might have to wait until the GECK to make such drastic modifications to the effects.

U could use gas effect( thing that make air muzzy and when u shot it with a energy weapon it will fire everything in it) wich is in game already, add to it wide aoe and good instant dmg and some dot dmg eventualy some radiation so first it will spread the gas and then explode if its passible :D
The Fat Man looks like it's spring loaded or something, while the Davy Crockett was a recoilless rifle. The only similarity is that they are portable nuclear launchers. That doesn't make it any more viable.

mrowa said:
Tycn said:
Unfortunately it doesn't use a real gas cloud effect, just one of the explosions found in Bethesda's files. That means it won't spread through tunnels correctly. Not sure but I think we might have to wait until the GECK to make such drastic modifications to the effects.

U could use gas effect( thing that make air muzzy and when u shot it with a energy weapon it will fire everything in it) wich is in game already, add to it wide aoe and good instant dmg and some dot dmg eventualy some radiation so first it will spread the gas and then explode if its passible :D

That's a good idea, but I'm not sure if it's possible to attach multiple effects to one projectile, at least without the CS.
MJALowe said:
just so you all know, the fat man is a REAL weapon....it exists in real life, its called the davy crocket

here is a link to the wiki about it


not too different really....only problem with the davy crockett was that its blast was huge (you couldn't launch it far enough not to be caught in the blast or atleast the fallout)

they also had a modern marvels episode on histroy channel - which is where i remembered this from

Yeah, I'm familiar with the real world Davy Crocket... but it's just the way the game implements it. It would be near impossible for a human being to carry a Davy Crocket on their back while traveling across the countryside, it'd be way too heavy. Plus, the Fatman shoots about how far... 25 yards or so? That would make it a mini-mini-mini nuke.

I love the explosion effects of the Fatman, but I feel they should have been used for the Missile Launcher, instead, which was way underpowered to begin with.
It's been brought up countless times, and not only was it a complete failure as a weapon, but the Fatman is still far too different to be the same thing, the Davy Crocket was a tripod mounted weapon with a far higher yield warhead.

The Fatman is supposed to be catapult launched, which means the nuclear payload is propelled by the weapon itself and not its own propulsion system, thus for the weapon to explode the nuclear reaction has to occur when it simply strikes the target from such a weak physical propulsion.
Not only does it make any sense in real life, but it also doesn't make much sense in the Fallout world, not necessarily because it's a nuclear weapon being used in a post-nuclear environment, but rather because the majority of weaponry in Fallout is rare, scrounged and repaired from what was found, the fact that something like the Fatman is capable of operation and is found easily throughout the wastes is absurd.

This has been mentioned multiple times before, and people have presented far more compelling arguments than my simple assessment.
other than being informative i didn't really have a point....but either way neither of them are viable, especially in urban infantry warfare

side note: there is a minimum possible yield for there to BE a nuclear reaction and im pretty sure that that is why the davy crockett wasn't any smaller than it is
Tycn what about unique chines pistol its create dmg and dot dmg ( fire one) u could do the same thus dot dmg should be if passible set like 1-2 sec after hit
eventually make new gas that would look like good chemicals something like green smoke.
Dunno i can only shot since i don't know anything about modding :P
Tycn said:
Unfortunately it doesn't use a real gas cloud effect, just one of the explosions found in Bethesda's files. That means it won't spread through tunnels correctly. Not sure but I think we might have to wait until the GECK to make such drastic modifications to the effects.

Actually I'm kind of doubting that ;)

There's ample math functions available right now - all it needs is the ability to run a script when it impacts - and with the reference point being *where* it impacts.

Then it's just a matter of spawning a few dozen very tiny, invisible objects spreading outwards from the center, waiting for a small time delay, then deleting those dummy objects and setting off a small explosion at each one. The trick is the script has to check the navimesh validity of the spawning location. Since we're dealing with just X's and Y's, it's actually pretty simple... the spreading them around part, that is.

Complex, yes, but doable. If someone would like to confirm the necessary parts required to make this work for me, I'll write it myself.
Dubby is it passible to change item atributes dependable on x,y,z of surrounding??
Mainly since i like to make it a little more complicated ^^
U said about tunnel crawling explosion if changing attributes would be passible explosion radius could be changed depdndable on z ( high) so in tunnel explosion would be a lot wider than on open grounds but due this its power would be lowered thrugh wide range
So ther u would have crawling tunnel explosion and Tycn would have masterpice on his account ^^