Fav Band

The Beatles, Sonic Youth, Radiohead, The Pixies, Pavement, Beck, REM, The Strokes, Eels, The Velvet Underground...

Need I go any further?
Oh, no, not another "What's your favorite band/song/album/guitar/tamborin/balaika/concert/YMCA performance/folk music festival/Britney nipple slip/Britney pussy slip/Paris Hilton sex video"-thread. :roll:

My favorite band is SCOOTER! Remember it! :P
dEUS, The Smashing Pumkins, Tom McRae, Arno, Zita Swoon, Louis Armstrong, Bush, Jeff Buckley, ...

Plus: Scooter absolutely, completely, utterly sucks.
Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, The Analogs, the Henry Rollins Band, LARD, The Clash, Ministry, Agnostic Front, Circle Jerks, Ministry, The Ramones, The Misfits.

I don't have one favorite band, but here's a list of stuff that I'm jamming out right now:

Darkest Hour, Converge, The Bled, Give Up the Ghost, Radiohead, Shai Hulud, The Misfits, As I Lay Dying, Scarlet, Every Time I Die, Cursive, Thursday, The Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, Between the Buried and Me, Throwdown, Dimmu Borgir, Earth Crisis, Path of Resistance, Minor Threat, Down to Nothing, At the Gates, old Poison the Well, Outkast, Kanye West, Talib Kwali, Mos Def, TOOL, Since By Man, AFI, Milemarker, Refused, Deftones, Curlupanddie, Strike Anywhere, From Ashes Rise, Hatebreed, Black Dahlia Murder, nine inch nails, Iron Maiden, Manowar, Black Sabbath, old Metallica, many local bands...

When I saw your name I kind of wondered if you were a Converge fan, Albatross.
Jebus said:
Plus: Scooter absolutely, completely, utterly sucks.
Spoken like a true drone. I can already picture your logic:

while (Scooter == commercial German techno){
Scooter = sux;

Well, guess what? I don't care. Like HP himself says in Jigga Jigga - If you love me or you hate me, I don't give a damn!

Led Zeppelin, The White Stripes, The Grateful Dead, Queen, Steve Miller Band, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Cake, James Brown, Chuck Berry, Rage Against the Machine, Sublime, Nirvana,
Simon & Garfunkel, Pink Floyd, Miles Davis and Blood Sweat & Tears are all good peoples.