favorite DLC apperal

For practical use? Joshua Graham's Armor
Just for shtis and giggles, Lobotomite Googles and Dr Klein's Scrubs.
I'm partial to the Stealth Suit. Even though I don't like the fact that it keeps pumping me full of Med-X and Stimpacks when I don't want it to I still like it. I like the various versions of the Ranger/Army combat armour but find it annoying that the animation when it's on my back has them merged.
I love how Joshie's Armor provides a decent amount of defence while being light and looking cool. Wear a Pre War Hat or Vance's Hat with Joshie's Armor and you'll look really cool. Trust me.
Stealth suit. The voice is annoying and it pumps you full of heroin every time you encounter an enemy but the bonuses are awesome. Combined with Dr Mobius's glasses (with the four eyes trait for even more bonus) and Boon's beret that's like six extra SPECIAL points.
Larry the Ghoul said:
Scorched Sierra Power Armor. I got a mod that restores the helmet, so that's even better :D

...ugh, that thing is awful. Avellone's comment about it doesn't help either: "The armor was something one of the staff members saw, and we thought it would be the coolest thing to put in one of the last add-ons for Vegas."

So basically, it's some 12 year old's shitty Nexus mod.
Moe Canibo said:
Larry the Ghoul said:
Scorched Sierra Power Armor. I got a mod that restores the helmet, so that's even better :D

...ugh, that thing is awful. Avellone's comment about it doesn't help either: "The armor was something one of the staff members saw, and we thought it would be the coolest thing to put in one of the last add-ons for Vegas."

So basically, it's some 12 year old's shitty Nexus mod.
"It's okay to not like things
It's okay, but don't be a dick about it
It's okay to not like things
Don't be a dick about the things you don't like"