Favorite DLC Weapon


First time out of the vault
Just to have a bit of Fun I was curious about everyones favorite dlc weapon for each weapon type Ie Guns Energy Weapons Melee Unarmed and Explosive.

Rather then being completely superficial I'll list some of my favorites. ^_^

Guns: FIDO, might sound like silly. But FIDO is fun :D Uses .44 Mag rounds so easy to get so those SWC are great plus he is so cute! he moves his ears and barks for ya. he is like Rex except in dog form.

Energy Weapon: Compliance Regulator, Fun to shoot and paralysis people like crazy. Nothing more satisfying then stunning everything!

Explosive: MFC Cluster, Grenade shotgun. Nuff said

Unarmed: Fist of North Rawr. The Wild wasteland version of Fist of Rawr. Though it's the same thing. The reference to Fist of North Star made me laugh to myself so thumbs up!

Melee: Gehenna What do you do with a fantastic weapon? You make it better. And Shishkebab is awesome and Gehenna makes it better.
I loved the Holorifle and Esther, but the LAER owns pretty good with the Plasma perk that explodes (forget which it is)......Plasma Spaz or some shit.
.45 Auto

The M1911A1 was a badass weapon when it was used by the Army (better than M9s, yuck).

Not only can I carry it into Gomorrah or Ultraluxe, it can still give some nice dents to a securitron.

I even took all of Joshua Graham's .45 Autos and set them up in my Novac apartment, so I can pretend like I'm checking them like he did.

btw, whenever he talked in the Angel Cave, I was watching him check the weapons more than I listened to him talk. Anyone else feel the same?
Bozar was underwhelming for me - not enough stopping power.

I'd say my favorite weapons were the Automatic Rifle and the Light Shining in Darkness: The former 'cause it feels meaty, even though it eats .308 disturbingly fast, and the latter because it's pretty much the only pistol you can use to bitchslap Deathclaws.
I am a big fan of rifles and still need to see something better than Survivalist Rifle + Grunt perk.
Don't have any trouble with the front sights either.
If you thinked in GRA guns, remember you can use 12.7 JHP rounds, wich are nothing else than plain cheat. :)

Maybe the Brush Gun with Cowboy perk, but that's it.
TorontRayne said:
I loved the Holorifle and Esther, but the LAER owns pretty good with the Plasma perk that explodes (forget which it is)......Plasma Spaz or some shit.
Your thinking of the Meltdown Perk.On topic so far I like Old Glory.Just looking at this staff makes me want to start a casino fight just so I can chase and beat down gamblers and dealers :twisted:
Bakura said:
TorontRayne said:
I loved the Holorifle and Esther, but the LAER owns pretty good with the Plasma perk that explodes (forget which it is)......Plasma Spaz or some shit.
Your thinking of the Meltdown Perk.On topic so far I like Old Glory.Just looking at this staff makes me want to start a casino fight just so I can chase and beat down gamblers and dealers :twisted:

Yes! I love that perk. I didn't want to look it up thanks! :)
.45 auto pistol, the Holorifle (but I prefer to not use it often), She's Emrance (hey I killed that bear with my own two hands, literaly).
I just bought Old World Blues and GRA, but I started OWB inmediately so I haven't tried the GRA items except for the Optimized energy ammo (works rather well) but, is it just me or does the K-9000 cyber dog gun suck? I wanted to use it but the second I found some Lobotomites to use it on, I could barely hit anything and got a Brush Gun shot to my face, so I switched to my .45 Auto Pistol.
War Club. With the right build, that thing is amazing.
The Anti-Materiel Rifle was my favourite weapon overall, I used that thing for the longest time I could remember over my main playthrough. On hardcore mode too, so ammo for it weighed a ton! So it's only natural that I took to the fully modded GRA AM Rifle once it was available. Dunno if this really counts as a "DLC weapon".
A Light Shining in Darkness because it bitchslaps everything at range, and Fist of the North Rawr because the reference makes me smile and I am a firm believer in the Unarmed build master race, and this is one of the best unarmed weapons I've found.
Josan said:
For me, it's the fully modded LAER.

One of the most underrated energy weapons in the game. Ever!
Ok, the game mechanics also don't help, because is nearly impossible use merchants for repairing, so you need to carry some WRK with you and have Jury Rigging perk, but that's it.

Give me one and a fully modded Laser Rifle for sniping and I will rock your world.