Look, Ma! Two Heads!

brfritos said:Josan said:For me, it's the fully modded LAER.
One of the most underrated energy weapons in the game. Ever!
Ok, the game mechanics also don't help, because is nearly impossible use merchants for repairing, so you need to carry some WRK with you and have Jury Rigging perk, but that's it.
Give me one and a fully modded Laser Rifle for sniping and I will rock your world.
I used to love, and swear by, a fully modded laser rifle. Until I got my hands on the LAER. I tend to carry three weapons now: A fully modded LAER, the GRA 5.56 pistol and a fully modded Hunting Rifle. Man, that thing is the ultimate sniper rifle. Don't care for Christine's but the Hunting Rifle is sweet. Once a week or so I do a "Fallout party" with a couple friends.
I take my PS3 to my buddy's and the three of us just play our games side by side (we're occasionally distracted by what's on the other guy's screen) and they couldn't believe the ranged kills I was getting with that baby.