Favorite Fallout (2) Death Scene


It Wandered In From the Wastes
What is your favorite Fallout (2) death scene? I would have to say mine is lighting someone on fire, nothing beats someone dance around on fire, then falling to the ground in a bloody-ash mess. :D

Definitely getting blown up by a rocket launcher and pieces fly everywhere. I once blew up three or four Super mutants like that!
I have to say that is pretty awesome. Fallout (2) is deffinately original with its death scenes.
Well, I love it when you're shooting someone with a Minigun and his body twitches as all the bullets hit him... that looks so awesome. Also slicing someone in half, or shooting them with the Plasma rifle looks cool... as a matter of fact, I pretty much like all the death anims... except when you hit someone and they slide across the floor and they end up on the exit grid so you can't loot their bodys...
I love when you shoot a guy with the pulse rifle and he starts screaming and is filled with electrical shock. And half a second later his body falls apart into a dustpile in the desert! Now that's a cool death scene! :)
Critical with a normal single shot has its beauty and simplicity, it looks pretty cool. Other than that the plasma attack, love the soundbite.

The coolest special death scene has to be the Lou Tenant, though. Love that one.
ratsnack said:
Face kick and then they slide for 10 ft and bleed! Touchdown!
That is funny. Especially when you're in teh ring at San Fran and they hit the side and die.
Melchoir said:
I love when you shoot a guy with the pulse rifle and he starts screaming and is filled with electrical shock. And half a second later his body falls apart into a dustpile in the desert! Now that's a cool death scene!

I too love that death scene, the only thing I don't like is all the items are then on the floor. Its much easier to loot an "intact" body rather than a pile of ash :).
Newsflash: The death animations in F2 are exactly the same as the ones in F1.

That said, the plasma melt / single shot critical that blows a huge hole into a torso are my favourite.
Best would have to be where you shoot someone in the eyes, and it rips a hole the size of their head in their chest...
Yeah, true...

Or when you have the Bloody Mess perk and kill a rat with your fists, or brass knuckles... and then you get "splatch goes the rodent"...
I too love the exploding rats. I first saw it when I got to Redding and I had some kind of high-powered rifle. I found all those rinky-dink rats tooling around on the west side, so I shot at one of them. Rat went "Yeep-SPLAT". I couldn't stop laughing for a long time.
Pulse Rifle - fast, efiicent and deals a greatly painful death. Besides, you only have to sweep ashes after the massacre, instead of cleaning the whole place from blood/intestines/flesh/random pieces of inidentified biological goo. Great for... "resettlement operations" :twisted:
I love the energy weapons deaths, except for the pulse rifle, it may look cool but scouring through the mound of ashes that's left behind is damn annoying. what really sucks is that the head shots don't have a head blown to smithereens animation. the one in jagged alliance was nice.
I allways love the dancing death animation when I get a good burst with my assult rifle :twisted:
I know it's not a spactacular death scene butt I find it too funny when the guy in modoc dies of an heartattack because I told him his taughter is propably dead
Morpoggel said:
Well, I love it when you're shooting someone with a Minigun and his body twitches as all the bullets hit him... that looks so awesome.

Especially when you do it to an Enclave patrol.

I got bushwhacked by 15 (!) guards at one point, but I'd already beaten the game. I just pulled out my Vindicator and started piling up the bodies.