Nalano said:
I was following your point right up until you said that District 9 blew your mind. I'm sorry, but that kinda undoes your previous points.
I'm sorry you feel that way, because you're wrong.
See how that works?
Inception has a bunch of holes in it (none, however, as large as the Matrix' "human batteries" nonsense),
Hahahahahaha. Are you fucking serious?
1) In the Matrix, the virtual reality is maintained by computers, clearly in MMO-fashion. There must be a server farm out there somewhere, keeping everything in sync and serving it to every connected client.
In the Matrix, your brain tells the computer "I am stepping forward" and the computer tells your brain "your foot met a stair".
In Inception, there's no central hub. There are several peer brains, connected. Yet somehow they remain perfectly in sync in regards to everything that happens in the virtual world around them, WHEREVER they are, without overriding each other's perception of it, unintentionally "griefing", etc.
Not only they do that, but they maintain perfect sync in SEVERAL SLEEP LEVELS at once. All the objects, physical laws, everything. Peer-to-peer. A magical, unspoken agreement.
Does that make any fucking sense?
2) When you're sleeping and then you put yourself to sleep INSIDE that sleep - why does that happen? That sedative is no longer a sedative, it's nothing. Who tells you it's a sedative? There's no central server to push this information into your subconscious, plus all these people were aware of themselves being asleep - unlike The Matrix.
Is it the "architect" that gives the sedative its properties? The movie does not imply that.
2.5) Why did they NEED a stronger primary sedative, if they could make up any strength they needed for the SECONDARY sedative (inside sleep) ?
3) How come the movie looks like no dream I ever had? How come there are no flexible walls, morphing images, distortion? How come there's not a single woman flashing her boobs in these men's subconscious?
4) Why is the second half of the film E3 2009 gameplay footage of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Did they splice the wrong reel? I almost fell asleep during that one.
5) What's with that contrived secret box and the father that cared, or whatever... oh god it's nauseating to even recall that idiocy.
6) How come the only geometrical distortion they could come up with was the stupid stair illusion, and it only happened once or twice? There's a hundred of mind-blowing tricks that could be exploited, especially with today's CGI.
7) If DiCaprio's baseline reality was a dream, then when the real wife killed herself, the VERY first thing she would do is WAKE him to a higher dream level (or reality). Since this didn't happen, it means that she killed herself for real, and there's no ambiguity in the ending, despite pretenses to the contrary. This movie is so stupid, Nolan didn't even realize this.
This movie is imagination-bankrupt, it's an abstract fantasy film with pretenses, and it doesn't even have the effects to compensate for it. The only scene in that movie worth watching was the city-bending one. That's it.
The Matrix created a whole subculture of imagery and quotes, but there's absolutely nothing memorable about Inception. Unlike Memento, it will be forgotten quickly and painlessly. Like a meaningless dream.