Favorite Ninja Turtle

Darkfox said:
HEY! Isn't that Turtle in Guns N' Roses?

OHHH NO HE DIDN'T! Get him hard, fast, and with no lube Kharn.

P.S. Where the hell did you get that slash figure? I have never seen it before, and I want one.
Yup, I used to have the same slash figure when I was a kid. In Mexico they used to sell the cheapass plastic-bag like "pirate versions" @ the local market, and you could buy the "real" ones in a normal toy store. I remember glueing huge firecrackers to the "foot soldiers" for additional special effects. :twisted:

As for the turtles, my favourite one was Leonardo.
Donatello, not just because he was the "smart" one, but because he was the superior turtle in the crappy Amiga game. The long reach of the bo staff made him the deadliest.