Fbos gets a honest opinion..


Carbon Dated and Proud
RPGDot is reporting of another review of Fbos, this one is done by EuroGamer and they really gave Fbos a score that it deserves (3/10). Here's the final verdict:<blockquote>Even if you're blissfully unaware of Fallout's award-winning heritage, there's every reason to suspect that even casual action gamers (which this has presumably been targeted at in a desperate stab at commerciality) will turn their noses up at this lazy and uninspired piece of action RPG fodder. If you have any respect for the way games should be made then give Interplay a clear message that it simply has to do better than this to compete in the games market. Treat BOS with contempt it deserves and avoid it at all costs - even buying this at a budget price would be irresponsible. For Fallout fans, this is basically a disaster of nuclear meltdown proportions. Duck and cover, if you know what's good for you.</blockquote>Damn, someone actually doing their job and writing an honest review...
Link: Fbos review@Eurogamer
A nice review by someone who seems to know what they are talking about, unlike some reviewers which got confused about the series and started saying things like Black isle developed FBOS etc..

Fallout was a great series, and our fondness for post-apocalyptic adventuring stretches right back to Interplay's seminal Wasteland on the C64 in 1988. To take this immensely rich source material and turn it into a mindlessly repetitive hackandslash slog with weak graphics and dreadful dialogue ought to be a punishable offence.
Sums it up best.
Yeah, good review... I think. I mean, I haven't played FOPOS yet, so I can't really say. Has anyone of you guys tried it? I mean, just TRIED it. I've been meaning to hire the game, but I simply can't find it in Gent, and I'm not going to buy it, that's for sure. But has anyone actually tried it yet?

Oh and don't flame me for this. I'm not pro FOPOS or anything, but sometimes I wonder if we aren't making a fool of ourselves by heavily criticizing this game without actually having played it ourselves... :roll:
I know what you mean. I suppose we have some reason to be annoyed at its existance because it came out instead of the game we (the fans) wanted. I don't think we would be as upset if was actualy a good game.
It's not a matter of them doing their job or not. Some people just will have different opinions of you. Their job is to review the game, not to agree with Odin.
I disagree, anyone with a right mind will see this game for what it is: a sellout of the Fallout name...

And of course there will be different opinions, but my point is... Alot of reviewers have said almost the exact same thing as this reviewer is saying, just more gently of course, but they all gave it a good score and some just outright didn't do their homework and learned about the initial games to begin with.... or bothered to say that they didn't know anything about the initial games..

So no it's not a matter of agreeing with me, but it's a matter of having the stones to write an honest review and giving it a score that will show the game for what it is..

Oh and I've tried it......
Blade Runner said:
Yeah, good review... I think. I mean, I haven't played FOPOS yet, so I can't really say. Has anyone of you guys tried it? I mean, just TRIED it. I've been meaning to hire the game, but I simply can't find it in Gent, and I'm not going to buy it, that's for sure. But has anyone actually tried it yet?

Nobody should, because even when you rent it, they get income.

In this case, I think its right to pirate it. :twisted:
Another fine example of Herve "Hamster Boy" Caen and Darth Interplay Molester (DIM for short) getting skullfucked by the press.

Which one of these lucky contestants will be the first to break out the rear skull of the Titus beast with their phallic pen?

Stay tuned to find out!
but they all gave it a good score

I disagree, i do have a lot of consoles at home, i buy console gaming mags and read a few sites, and the ammount of 60/70/3stars the game received isn`t normal when we talk of console games, where the reviews are normally a lot "softer" than in the case of PC games. The game was with an average of sixty something in reviews, last month, that means the game is considered generally as really, really weak. A few reviews with some hard critics but a not too bad score did happened, but generally the scores were really weak, don`t have any doubt about it, even D&D Heroes, a game that bombed completely causing the closing of the studio that made it, had better scores and reviews...
Aerothorn said:
It's not a matter of them doing their job or not. Some people just will have different opinions of you. Their job is to review the game, not to agree with Odin.

It's their job to properly research before reviewing a game too, if you take just one moment to scroll through the reviews you'll find some real gems of bad journalism.

I don't have a real problem with people giving Fo:BoS a positive review, though I will burn on them simply because I disagree, but I've seen too many "oh, but it is a Fallout lewl" reviews to stay amused.

Biosafreak said:
I disagree, i do have a lot of consoles at home, i buy console gaming mags and read a few sites, and the ammount of 60/70/3stars the game received isn`t normal when we talk of console games, where the reviews are normally a lot "softer" than in the case of PC games. The game was with an average of sixty something in reviews, last month, that means the game is considered generally as really, really weak. A few reviews with some hard critics but a not too bad score did happened, but generally the scores were really weak, don`t have any doubt about it, even D&D Heroes, a game that bombed completely causing the closing of the studio that made it, had better scores and reviews...

Actually, then Odin is still right. Whether the console reviewers give overly high scores to all games or to just Fo:BoS, it's still a twisted and wrong way of giving scores.

Briosafreak said:
But they don`t, with just a couple exceptions, that`s what i`m trying to tell you guys. Please stop saying that 60/70 scores are high because they aren`t.

You don't see anything wrong with the fact that casual gamers have to figure out that 60/70 scores mean "this game sucks" rather than "this game is average"? Sorry, but the scale goes from 0 to 100, there's no reason to give 60/70 scores to something that's bad.

So the review system is fucked y'all
Well, I guess it depends of what aspects of the game someone is concidering.
If we're taking only about graphics and story FPOS' scores could drop to 10/100. But when we concider facts like is it actually working, have bugs and gives errors or not, what is technical support etc. we'll see even game that totally sucks still gets scores like 60/100. So this way if game recived 10/100 it would mean it doesn't even launch but hey, it's cd has cool colours.

.... or so I see it. :)
Blade Runner said:
Yeah, good review... I think. I mean, I haven't played FOPOS yet, so I can't really say. Has anyone of you guys tried it? I mean, just TRIED it. I've been meaning to hire the game, but I simply can't find it in Gent, and I'm not going to buy it, that's for sure.

There has to be a game mania around, for sure. Or something alike ?
Briosafreak said:
to just Fo:BoS

But they don`t, with just a couple exceptions, that`s what i`m trying to tell you guys. Please stop saying that 60/70 scores are high because they aren`t.

A 60/70 score for Fbos is too high, which was my point. This magazine gave it a 3/10 which is a more fitting score for me.

I'm not saying a 60/70 score is good/high, but Fbos shouldn't have recieved that "high" score.. See the difference ?
Briosafreak said:
But they don`t, with just a couple exceptions, that`s what i`m trying to tell you guys. Please stop saying that 60/70 scores are high because they aren`t.

60-70 is a D to a C in a decimal grading system. I would consider that score to be more applicable towards Fallout Tactics. F:POS shouldn't even get a "passing grade".
In a console games context one has to compare those scores with other console games scores, not with academic scores or even pcgaming scores. And let`s face it even in PC games so many low scores isn`t something one sees everyday, particularly with so many bad scores coming from mainstream sites. All i`m saying is people can relax since the game was a failure even to the reviewrs in general terms, a big failure.

The one thing that could have helped FOBOS was the PSM review, with the 80 something score, and at the end it didn`t, as we expected.
Briosafreak said:
In a console games context one has to compare those scores with other console games scores, not with academic scores or even pcgaming scores.

All-Time Worst 20
Drake of the 99 Dragons XBOX 20.5%
Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis GC 22.7%
Gravity Games Bike: Street Vert Dirt XBOX 22.8%
Superman 64 N64 24.9%
Skydive! PC 25.6%
Mucha Lucha! Mascaritas of the Lost Code GBA 26.1%
Puzzle Bobble VS NGE 26.6%
Batman: Dark Tomorrow XBOX 26.8%
MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch PC 26.9%
Pulse Racer XBOX 27.0%
Charlie's Angels GC 27.2%
Legends of Wrestling II GBA 28.1%
Airport Tycoon 2 PC 28.6%
Mortal Kombat Advance GBA 29.0%
Batman: Dark Tomorrow GC 29.3%
Universal Studios Park Adventure GC 29.9%
Stake: Fortune Fighters XBOX 30.6%
World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks PS 30.6%
Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis XBOX 30.9%
ESPN NBA 2Night DC 31.4%

With only 3 PC titles in the top 20 worst, that tends to blow the whole "grade curve" theory, when in fact it's sackless reviewers that give high scores.

Now onto the more recent top worst:

Worst 20 Since 1/12/2004
Star Trek: Shattered Universe XBOX 40.8%
Star Trek: Shattered Universe PS2 46.9%
Universal Combat PC 51.3%
Seven Samurai 20XX PS2 53.1%
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge GBA 53.5%
Cy Girls PS2 54.7%
Auto Modellista XBOX 57.2%
ChopLifter: Crisis Shield PS2 57.2%
Intellivision Lives! XBOX 60.0%
Destruction Derby Arenas PS2 60.1%
Jack the Ripper PC 60.1%
Wrath Unleashed PS2 62.4%
Firefighter F.D. 18 PS2 62.4%
Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc PC 62.9%
Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death PS2 63.0%
Drakengard PS2 63.5%
Dead Man's Hand XBOX 64.0%
AirForce Delta Strike PS2 64.1%
Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku PS2 64.2%
LifeLine PS2 64.7%

Again, only 3 PC titles.

So it would stand to reason that low console scores are not only there, they can tend to be more negative than PC titles. One of those is a Square-Enix title, too.
True, i`m confusing the scores from my PS2 and Gamecube mags with online scores, thanks for pointing it out. But again let`s go to that list:

Intellivision Lives! XBOX 60.0%
Destruction Derby Arenas PS2 60.1%
Jack the Ripper PC 60.1%
Wrath Unleashed PS2 62.4%
Firefighter F.D. 18 PS2 62.4%
Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc PC 62.9%
Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death PS2 63.0%
Drakengard PS2 63.5%
Dead Man's Hand XBOX 64.0%
AirForce Delta Strike PS2 64.1%
Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku PS2 64.2%
LifeLine PS2 64.7%

Now tell me that FOBOS scores on the 60/70 are good... This proves how rotten the game is in the eyes of reviewrs, particularly since one average i saw last month pointed it as having a 60 something average on online scores.