Odin said:Well Briosafreak informed me about a thread on the Quarter To Three forums which discussed the press kit for Fbos and let me put it like this, BWAAAHHAAA......Read it and laugh:<blockquote>Umm, when I opened the package and unlocked the metal canister, at the bottom of the canister was two condoms. WTF! And one of them was glow in the dark! As I was throwing out the press-sheet and the video, I noticed that the press sheet said that the video is a 'sex education video about post-armagedon intimacy'.
I take a look at the video's sticker, and it indeed was. So when I'm about to throw the video in the garbage can, I see something sticking out of the window of the cassete case. What was it?
Another fucking condom. :\
On top of that, there were four latex gloves inside the package, too. :\
I'm so not sleeping at night, with the fear of some Interplay rep breaking into my room and raping me if I don't give Fallout a decent score.
I feel so dirty.</blockquote>That's marketing for ya! It's really amazing that they still don't get it and remember kids this was the reason they dropped Fallout 3 and Bis, to focus on Fbos and consoles. I give them to March...at most...
Link: thread
Maybe Interplay wants a specimen. Did they include a pee cup, too?