February 14, 2012 is the day to go back (JA2)


Vault Senior Citizen
We all know a remake of Jagged Alliance 2 has been proposed. Now the gameplay video is out.

So mark your calendar now to remember when to go back to Arulco. :ugly:
Looks pretty soulless for some reason. They should also think about hiring some real artists because those character portraits look laughably bad.
why do their "small faces" look worse then this ...


as DocM said.

soulless game is soulless
30 quid for the game, doesn't really seem worth it. Not to rag on about the graphics but Silent Storm had better characterisation in it's portraits so it is possible in 3D games.
I just browsed the JA Back in action forums and this game is just a watered down version of JA2.

-No turn based combat but action with pause :roll:
-Far less sectors
-Possibly no stealth
-Limited destruction
-No more magazines for weapons and no advanced weapon tweaking (less gun porn)
-Looks characterless and ugly (my subjective opinion)

In other words this is yet another "remake" that cuts out the parts that made the originals excellent.

I'll go back to Arulco but not with this crap.
Dunno, looks pretty interesting to me, but i've never played the original. Would you recommend it?
I'm not entirely sure those faces are complete. It's worse than something you'd render back in the early 00s or something.

Am I right, or is this the complete, final version of the game shown in the trailer?
Re: February 14, 2012 is the day to go back

zioburosky13 said:
Now the gameplay video is out.

It's not the first gameplay video. In fact, there was quite a lot gameplay stuff already released.

From a graphic point of view, I think it looks pretty good (except the characters faces). But already now there is stuff I just don't like... Mainly the real time combat system and that you can't destroy every wall anymore. Meh...
Joelzania said:
Dunno, looks pretty interesting to me, but i've never played the original. Would you recommend it?

You can't go wrong with Jagged Alliance 2 and the v1.13 mod.

This video gives a good idea of what to expect:


(Part one of this LP shows the character creation if you are interested in learning more about that aspect of JA2.)

Apparently there is also a Jagged Alliance MMO in the works :| :( :cry:
PainlessDocM said:
I just browsed the JA Back in action forums and this game is just a watered down version of JA2.

-No turn based combat but action with pause :roll:
don't say no more !

AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the game already died for me.

No turn based combat ? Then its NO Jagged Alliance. Period. There is not even a discussion about that part. What you say ? You think TB gameplay is not needed ? Then sorry. Then you simply can not be a fan of JA. How so ? Because the story of JA while fun was NOT why people played it. The meat of the game was the excellent done TB combat. As simple as that. It would be like explaining that you enjoy using a bike but it would not really make a difference to remove the wheels. What ?

Anyway. Lets just not talk again about this JA game anymore. Never ever again. So it will be forgotten fast. And hopefully dieing.
What's the problem Crni? I am pretty sure Sirtech made JA1/2 turnbased only because of limitations of their time, if they could, Iam sure they would have used awesome Realtime combat (with optional FPS shooting ofcourse). Same goes for the Art, you probably just don't understand it, what with your Grandpa games from the 90ies, nowadays games are AWESOME!

Right? Right?

They destroyed Steroid :( He's no longer my "Ahnold" wannabe I have always include in my squad.

This game shouldn't exist. And taking off and on looks in the game's forums, through out the last few years, BitComposer has completely ignored their fan base to make "their" game. We want a Jagged Alliance 3. Not some real time, soulless remake of the 2nd one. It was a classic; no modern remake was needed. What did BC think? It was an inferior product that they could improve upon? Bullshit. Just look at the still thriving game community. This turd will be released, BC will sink and the JA name will go back into obscurity. For fuck's sake, is it really that hard to make a true turn based game?
ZeusComplex said:
... is it really that hard to make a true turn based game?

Technically no. But it's impossible for a company to do this sort of game if they have a marketing suit on the payroll (or even in charge) who had a two week course in game design and bases his decisions on metacritic shit.

And since investors demand the thumbs up of such a suit for tossing money into a project, none gets done.

Followed this project for a while now. I was never optimistic about the outcome but this looks worse every day its closer to release. JA2, still unbeaten in 2012.
Arden said:
ZeusComplex said:
... is it really that hard to make a true turn based game?

Technically no. But it's impossible for a company to do this sort of game if they have a marketing suit on the payroll (or even in charge) who had a two week course in game design and bases his decisions on metacritic shit.
I doubt that many marketing suits have studied game design. But I agree, such decisions are, unfortunately, made by marketing people when they shouldn't be.
Arden said:
JA2, still unbeaten in 2012.
Silent Storm pretty much beats it, at least the combat part, except it's set in WW2. I wonder why nobody has used that engine to make an X-COM or JA sequel.
fedaykin said:
Arden said:
ZeusComplex said:
... is it really that hard to make a true turn based game?

Technically no. But it's impossible for a company to do this sort of game if they have a marketing suit on the payroll (or even in charge) who had a two week course in game design and bases his decisions on metacritic shit.
I doubt that many marketing suits have studied game design. But I agree, such decisions are, unfortunately, made by marketing people when they shouldn't be.
Arden said:
JA2, still unbeaten in 2012.
Silent Storm pretty much beats it, at least the combat part, except it's set in WW2. I wonder why nobody has used that engine to make an X-COM or JA sequel.

Silent Storm is indeed nice, but I still prefer JA2 (mainly for the 2d look). Silent Storm also had an inferior interface and was set in a setting that I am not interested in.
but I could totally see a Jagged Alliance 3 with the gameplay of Silent Storm. Which if I remember right was even in the works for some time ...

Now ... what is this ? The third or fourth "reboot" of JA ?
PainlessDocM said:
Man, those are some sad, sad portraits. They're all the same face with different hair and skin color.

BTW, in case anyone missed it, a new version of 1.13 was released right around Christmas.