February 2007, busiest month since ever

And then we could rent a big aeroplane and fly across the World and drop zillions of flyers everywhere!

Gowegius said:
i know we cant be truely sure that Fallout 3 will suck
but we can definetly make sure people know what the risk is and how evil Bethesda can be

ill informative posters/flyers in mass quantity if someone will make?

It's a noted phenomena. NMA has always been subject to influxes of new posters that filter away after awhile. It's like watching a tide, one that seems most felt by the General Fallout and Fallout 3 boards which get periodically bombarded with "wishlists".
Goweigus said:
aww no one wants to make a Bethesda bashing informative flyer for me?

:cry: i tried lol

I would, but Tannhauser would say I was trying too hard, so I'm saving myself from the embarassment...
I'm not sure if Bethesda bashing posters is the most productive way to use our time and numbers. I remember signing a "Make a Fallout 3" petition like six times. I feel that if NMA and DAC got together to come up with a list of things Fallout Fans need in the next game through a series of voting, and then we all sign the petition and deliver it to Bethesda's doorstep before they're too far along in the design process. And even if they are far along, we may save the game from sucking.

sounds good, except most people seem to agree they are not open to changes and are probably too far off anyway, though it cant hurt trying.

I am just thinking of flyers or something that can get people (yes they are human too guys) who think Oblivion is great even as an RPG.

If we could get them out to gamers and inform them of what fallout really is and what Bethesda has done wrong in life (optional part) then we can educate people so they have basically informed opinions on what the Fallout series is, should be, and has been.

I cant print off 300 black and white sheets at my local library per week
I'll try my best, i am just not too good at designing posters :(
Kharn said:
February 2007 gave it a massive whalloping despite being only 28 days long at 146,610. For comparison's sake, February 2007 had 114,200, roughly a 30% increase over the year.
Yes, I know it's obvious it should read February 2006 in the second instance, but I am compelled to nitpick such typos.
Styrofoam Peanuts said:
I'm not sure if Bethesda bashing posters is the most productive way to use our time and numbers

While I agree with the statement, we do need to present our desires in a 'by the numbers' way, when addressing naysayers on their own turf & boards, something concise, not like Luther's "95 Theses" mind you, but something that says:

1) Who we are
2) What we wish and hope to see, as a member of an influential, buying fan-base
3) Why we feel this way, with references to the original game and canon
4) And importantly, why Oblivion with guns will be unacceptable, or any derivation of that consensus. (Oblivion with guns is not the right choice of words, but something to that effect)

It is often hard to intimate why we have such a low opinion of Bethesda's games, when most, if not all Gaming Magazines and critics gush harmoniously over them. We are already vastly outnumbered in the gaming world, to surmount this we have to mobilize and counter their insults and insinuations with calm, reasoned responses. If we can make a case, for the making of a Fallout we can all love, we might be able to sway some of it in our favor....but again, I might be terribly off-base with this.

Goweigus, I did make a flier close to what you were asking for, but it's not a Bethesda basher, I actually do not want to bash Bethesda, I wish we could actually develop a repoire with them, that would be both beneficial and productive....just a thought....Dia


-edited after Wooz pointed out some glaring, crappy inconsistencies...
Goweigus, I study visual arts, so here's my cool anti-Bethesda poster.

You can use it if you want.


Oh yeah, but seriously I am making a Fo propaganda drawing based on the art of French revolution... Nationalism rocks!

More edit:
And it is going to be for my own fun. I am not going to print it out and post it all over Tampere :roll:
Diarmada said:
While I agree with the statement, we do need to present our desires in a 'by the numbers' way, something concise, not like Luther's "95 Theses" mind you, but something that says:

1) Who we are
2) What we wish and hope to see, as a member of an influential, buying fan-base
3) Why we feel this way, with references to the original game and canon
4) And importantly, why Oblivion with guns will be unacceptable, or any derivation of that consensus. (Oblivion with guns is not the right choice of words, but something to that effect)

Hello and welcome to last month.

Did you read the 'glittering gems' articles, along with what Bradylama and Sander wrote?
i am another former lurker , but i didn't join just to bash beth
which you guys :twisted: but to check out Afterfall which
i think will be something F3 should be like :!:
Wooz said:
Hello and welcome to last month.

Did you read the 'glittering gems' articles, along with what Bradylama and Sander wrote?

Uh yes Wooz, I did and since I responded in another thread on this very same topic about how Kharn did all of that, I simply forgot to reiterate that yes Kharn did say a ton with his GGoH 3 pager, but that when refering to others, in say an open dialog, on their own turf, we needed to do the 4 points I mentioned above, sorry it wasnt clearer, long night with baby....

I went back and edited it reflect what (close at least) I was trying to say, that we should be concise when dealing with naysayers and such, so as to reinvent our given moniker of insanity....

i dont know

maybe a flyer talking about how Bethesda has betrayed Trekkies and such

and remind people of what they promised Oblivion to be and how those things never happened

and to warn them not to believe everything they hear about Fallout 3 (tell em to play the 1st 2 so they get an idea)

should there be a separate thread for this?
Dude, I think I made myself clear.

If you don't have anything constructive or interesting to say, shut the fuck up.