Final Death Knell?

Guys do remember that the original newsbit that got out on LeFigaro doesn`t say that Interplay is going to be liquidated, just the three companies the court was following, so Herve can just sell the Titus shares and remain within the company.
Entreprise France
Titus Interactive en liquidation judiciaire
[05/01/05 11:16 ]
Titus Interactive annonce dans un communiqué succint que le Tribunal de Commerce de Meaux vient de prononcer sa liquidation judiciaire. L'éditeur français de jeux video signale aussi que ses filiales Sofra Jeux, G.I.E Titus Interactive et Avalon France sont également en faillite.

Avalon Interactive, anciennement appelée Virgin Interactive Entertainment, était la filiale de distribution du groupe.

L'entreprise avait été placée en redressement judiciaire le 7 juin 2004. Sa filiale Interplay connaissait de graves problèmes de trésorerie en novembre, et n'avait plus de projets de développement de jeu.

Edit: On this link people are complaining about beeing him the one that will be in charge of the liquidation, meaning he can sell the 67% of Titus in Interplay and continue involved with the company for instance; the investors are worried that he will rig the books to his favour, wich wouldn`t be the first time...
No Psycho, the court intrusted him with the process of liquidation, so he can move the process to whatever status he finds it`s best for him and the governement can`t and won`t do a thing.
Is Herve Caen really the 'liquadateur amiable' ? I thought a company could nominate a 'liquidateur amiable' only if the said company wasn't in a situation of suspension of payment (cessation de paiement). And since Titus is bankrupt...Don't know, I may be missing something.

Anyway, if Herve Caen is indeed the 'liquidateur amiable', he can have some trouble if he mishandle something. Liquidateur amiable = penal responsibility. In others words, if a 'liquidateur amiable' screw up the liquidation process (and that includes preferential payments) he is responsible from a lawful point of view (that's why most of the time company rely on professional for this).
I like this person!

I would be so happy if herve got arested and went to jail and got assrtaped by some frenchie con who was a FO fan.

Hey Jebus, but on some weight and move to france.

If Herve gets arrested............................... :) :p
Herve is such a stumbling bozo of monumental proportions, you just know he is going to hose this up.
Ekodas said:
Is Herve Caen really the 'liquadateur amiable' ? I thought a company could nominate a 'liquidateur amiable' only if the said company wasn't in a situation of suspension of payment (cessation de paiement). And since Titus is bankrupt...Don't know, I may be missing something.

Anyway, if Herve Caen is indeed the 'liquidateur amiable', he can have some trouble if he mishandle something. Liquidateur amiable = penal responsibility. In others words, if a 'liquidateur amiable' screw up the liquidation process (and that includes preferential payments) he is responsible from a lawful point of view (that's why most of the time company rely on professional for this).

Very good points, i was surprised to read that on the Boursorama Titus investors forum too. If that`s true, and i still haven`t see any confirmation, the investors fears that he may rig the process seem very legitimate, even with penal sanctions and legal boundaries, he`s just like that... they are calling the Herve brothers thieves in there, the former employees aren`t the only ones doing that or so it seems :)
PsychoSniper said:
I would be so happy if herve got arested and went to jail and got assrtaped by some frenchie con who was a FO fan.

He'd probably enjoy that though.

I'd personally rather he get castrated with a very dull razor.
I hope you all realize that with Interplay gone, we will have nothing to channel our Fallout-Community hatred toward but each other. :P
calculon00 said:
I hope you al realize that with Interplay gone, we will have nothing to channel our Fallout-Community hatred toward but each other. :P

Crossed my mind too :D

Thank God we still have Chucky running around somewhere, and Bethesda might qualify too... Only time will tell.
This all sounds like a bad tv drama. Herve is the liquidator?
France is a strange place.