Sander said:England&Wales murder rate is higher than in Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Slovenia and Sweden.MutantScalper said:Well I would say Scotland is in the upper echelon, rest of UK is average - relatively low.
If we exclude non-Western European countries, only Belgium, Ireland, France, Finland and Portugal have a higher murder rate.
Which I would say is average, also note England AND Wales (The reason they are put together is due to the same legal systems, NI and Scotland have their own systems - NI has a much higher murder rate to the rest of the UK for very 'obvious' reasons.
Also have you ever seen how the Spanish police operate? I wouldnt trust their figures as far as I could throw them, same goes for the Greek authorities (especially when it boils down to sexually motivated crime, they have a SHOCKING detection rate...)