First public test of L.I.M.O.N. Fallout2 mod

Argonnot said:
Your using a 56k modem? damn... Anyways, What I have always wanted, was to fire BOTH rounds in the double barreled shotgun, also some 50. Caliber weapons would be cool. But mostly More things like the plasma spear, cause melea wepons doesn't have a very long progression. I'd like to see something like a plasma baton (Well I just like the sound of it Plasma baton, heh heh heh...). More hand to hand weapons, the new one you added, the kenetic glove thingumy was asskicking awsome, I didn't test it too much, so I dont know if it has splash damage or not. Although, I dont like how it has a long range, if the range was 5 hexes with a spash damage effect, that would be cool. Just punch hand blow all your enemies away.

Well, the problem with fist is that when you hit someone it makes an explosion effect, blasting everything near in to tiny bits... :twisted: That could be explained, but the buggy thing is that it passes all the enemies on it's way to the aimed enemy, which is unlikely for a force field... i'll see what a can do about the shotgun issue...

EDIT: well, i found out that making the shotgun needs new sound group, and weapon type... to much work!
Why dont you just modify the exsisting Double Barrled shotgun so it has a secondary mode where both shells are fired in usion?
won't work! If it's single mode, fires single, if it's burst, animation and sound is like you fire several shot's... need scripting... and that is what am i doing now... actually it's what i'm learning to do now... :roll:

NEED Help with scripting:

procedure use_p_proc begin
debug_msg("You palyed a EXP-LOTTO! Ticket...");
variable temp :=(random( 1, 100 ));
if temp := (1,75) then
else if temp := (76,99) then
else if temp := (100) then
debug_msg("You won some expiriance...");

says that line 39 which is
variable temp :=(random( 1, 100 ));
expecting ';' which it does have? What do i do wrong?
Oh, and I would like to make this item disappear after usage... what should i write? I'm sorry if all this seems stupid to some, but i'm still learning... :roll:
dvukomanovic said:
now here's trick question:

What is it that you would like to SEE in game. Maybe someone has good ideas...

...and don't worry, I CAN MAKE IT! 8) :lol: 8)

Lots of different enemies, lots of weapons and upgrades to them.....and 1 thing i seek in all fallouts ...... 1 place you could call the player "home", where you could keep all your "home" in fallout 2 was in gecko where i kept all items in different bookshelfs, weapons in one, ammo in other, healing items in other....that i would like to see!!

Maybe an final armor with the "skin" of Frank (the final boss of Fallout 2)

...humm maybe quests with upgrades to Fallout 2 car and pipboy?? :D
fix the major bugs in fallout 2...
don't put it too easy neither too hard...

And i think if we could have access to the world map of fallout and access to fallou2 world map plus the new locations that your making...imagine! it's like playing both of the games in a single one with extras... The main problem is the history...maybe you should found a problem in the "G.E.C.K." and Arroyo couldn't live well again....give it a try...(ok i'm a big fan of fallout! so what?)

there's some ideas.....

(i'm so sad i can't play the fallouts again because of XP SP2 :( )
Can't get it to work.

I am new to Fallout modding, I downloaded the L.I.M.O.N mod but can't seem to get it to work. I try to open the .exe icon but for some reason has no effect. Can anyone help me out. I am really interested in seeing the new stuff presented in this mod.
you don't even need to use .exe file. Just copy patch000.dat to your fallout 2 directory and run fallout2.exe. Make sure you removed/renamed any other patch000.dat file....
Still having difficulties.

I removed the original patch000.dat file and replaced it with the one in the LIMON file. For some reason I get this error message saying that it is having difficulty loading the cities. Is there something that I am missing? It goes to a white screen when the error message pops up. Anyone else have this problem?
oh, you need city patch for your fallout2.exe, or simply use the exe file that comes with the mod... i believe it's already patched... or i've messed up...
Finally got it to work.

Alright, I got the mod to work. I like what you have so far. I especially liked the artwork that you have for the new weapons and money. Keep it up, I can't wait for a more complete version of the mod.
demonslayer said:
I think you should include a mod button to chose mods, no?

A mod button to choose mods in a mod?


Make sense or don't post.
I think that positions and functions of buttons in title screen are hardcored in fallout2.exe file. I might be mistaken...

that's was i meant, like a mod button in Fo2 screen so it could change to mods selection, then select your mod and show your it possible to make? or that would bring lots of work and change the the Fo2 engine?

(Sorry of the lack of sense, can't express good >_>)
Dvukomanovic your mod looks quite promising. I see that you are skilled with graphic design - maybe you could create some cool new locations. Maybe a wrecked tank in the middle of the desert or some old plane.... There you could also make a shipwreck somewhere near the coast (accessible of course). It would be great if you could make a location similiar to The Glow from Fallout. I say, fill it with relics and stories of the past. Places like the Glow or Sierra Army Base are so awesome. I know it's not an easy thing but you seem to handle both scripting and modelling quite well.
Well, thanks! And you have some good ideas there too! Since the graphics are what I do best I promise there'll be things like you described! unfortunately, my graphic card (nVidia Gforce2 MX400 :lol: ) broke down on me last week so it all has to wait... for now (<- four years of service, was about time :twisted: )... But I'll be back with some new graphic (card AND arts) very soon...
You could also make some historical monuments that have, say, survived the war.
E.g. Cele kula i tako to...

Haven't downloaded the mod yet. I've got a 56k too you know...

Samo napred!