[FO2] "+3 luck from Pariah dog ?"

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RE: Finally

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-00 AT 01:44PM (GMT)[p]search mako's post, He was describe it graphically.
The place was south of redding(desert)- in my case.
RE:I think it is a bug too but ý'm not sure

Because only way to get +3 luck from pariah dog is not losing 2 when you get jinxed trait (or perk).But I don't know why I gain +3 luck when I kill it.Normally you lose 2 luck when you get jinxed trait and you gain 2 luck when you kill the dog.May be it is not a bug.
the pariah dog

i am a new player
um, i would want to know, how the pariah dog help raise the LUCK by 3 points??

can anyone help me.......
RE: the pariah dog

You can search the forum archives, this was discussed a long time ago. I've heard of two methods to do this.

Method 1: Shoot the dog BEFORE moving from the hex you are standing in, then end combat. Let the dog follow you, making sure that you don't get Jinxed. If you do get Jinxed, start over. Leave the area, walk a bit, enter a new area and kill the dog. I can't seem to get it right with this method. I must be doing something wrong. :-(

Method 2: Shoot and kill the dog WITHOUT moving from the original hex. I've used this method with some success, mainly because I manage to kill the dog with an instant kill critical. Check out the screen shot in the "Little poll : best critical hit you've ever done" thread. It's good for a laugh. :D

Be sure to save as soon as you enter the random encounter.
RE: the pariah dog

What the hell is the pariah dog! im about to head to vault 13 did i miss it or am i not up to it or what =)?

LoSt BoY (Mike)
RE: the pariah dog

xellos, thx for your tips.
i will try it!!~~ thx
Pariah Dog

WTF does the pariah dog do? i know it lowers your luck and makes you jinxed if you kill it, i heard it can give you more luck, is this true?
RE: Pariah Dog

If it starts to follow you , it reduces your luck to 2. If AFTER that you kill it, your luck returns to what it was. It has 750 health (IIRC). And a long-lasting rumour is: if you kill it WITHOUT getting jinxed&luck reduced - it gives you +3 luck. I have yet to see the prove of that.
RE: Pariah Dog

I don't think that rumor is true because i killed it before it reduced my luck, my luck remained at 5 but the dog's dead body appeared everywhere i went and i was still jinxed...
RE: Pariah Dog

Sorry to tell you this, but if this happens, you have the non-patched version. if you have patched - you're playing an old save game. This does not happen in new games after the newest patch. Prove me wrong?
+4 luck from Pariah Dog

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-01 AT 05:05AM (GMT)[p]I think new players don't know how to do it.And I found +4 is possible.So I am going to try to explain it.To gain +4 luck your luck must be 6 and if you start 3 you can make it 10.If it is 5 you can gain +3 and if it is 4 you can gain +2.You must take gain luck perk it is very important.I can't do it without this perk.When you enter the PARIAHS don't walk (or run)(Save game). Shoot the dog once and hit space.Then close the combat mode.Walk somewhere close to dog or walk around it.But don't click on it.If you click on it your luck goes down.If you see "The dog seems to take a liking to you.This can't be good."Open the character screen and check out your luck.If your luck stat is same and you have jinxed perk(trait) you can kill the dog.If you lose luck reload and try again.Car and NPC's may cause a problem.So don't take them with you.It works with US version(patched).I have no idea about other versions.If you don't understand something you can ask about it.
Sorry for my English.
RE: +4 luck from Pariah Dog

I'll send people here from gamefaqs.com, maybe they'll ask you questions, because none of them ever could do it, I don't know.
RE: +4 luck from Pariah Dog

I didn't find it myself.I saw it here:
Hints and tips section
It is a little bit different.Try that way may be it works.
And important things:
1-When you find the Pariahs don't do anything and exit from Pariahs.
2-Get gain luck perk before.
3-Don't click on dog.
4-Do zeta scan thing in NCR.
I want to know which version are you playing.Because if it is US version I can send you my save game and you can try it yourself.If you do it like I say it will work.
Pariah Dog( again)

After I read the reply I tried to find what is wrong.And I found only important thing about it.Gain luck perk.Because I couldn't do it without this perk.Try this If you can pick a perk and you found the Pariahs.Go to Pariahs without picking perk.Save game.Try to take Pariahs dog without gain luck perk.Your luck will goes down.Then reload and pick the gain luck perk and and take the dog.I never lose luck when I do it.And when I kill the dog I gain luck.
Pariah dog question

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-01 AT 12:09PM (GMT)[p]just how low should my luck be to find the dog ?
I have 3 and menaged to find the Bridgekeeper, I am at San Fran and still no Pariah Dog (or whatever it's called).
and meybe it depends on the level - now I have 12th.

"You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone." - Al Capone (1899-1947)
RE: Pariah dog question

As it turns out, 3 is the maximum Luck requirement. Get the Explorer, Scout, and Ranger Perks, and you'll probably find it (though I don't know why you want to).
RE: Pariah dog question

I heard it can increase your luck if killed, that's why.

"You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone." - Al Capone (1899-1947)
RE: +4 luck from Pariah Dog

well...thank you very much for this tip ...it actually worked excellent:
find pariah -> leave -> gain luck -> zeta scan -> kill the dog ...and wohoo! - with starting 3 I got 10 luck

Found Willy with the Alien Blaster on 18th level and looking for him 4 days only (the "warm fuzzy feeling" made me even pay him for it - 10k $ I think).

thx again
btw - got the US patched ver.
RE: 4 luck from Pariah Dog

I dunno, all of this kinda stuff just seems more like game engine or bug manipulation than actual gameplay. Personally, I can't see the fun in it.

Why not just use an editor and have done with it - or am I tickling that fine line between 'exploitation' and 'cheating' that people get so titchy about? :)

One exploit or cheat I would like to see though, is a way to get straight to Arroyo Village at the start and avoid that interminable Temple Of Trials thing. It just goes on far too long...

RE: 4 luck from Pariah Dog

Yeah, after playing the gane for the zillionth time that thing is getting VERY annoying....

"A silent dagger cuts best..."