FO2 Mods Update

Dude101 said:
Oh and ubber lolz, one of the developers is moaning about his work being infringed on by people redistributing it. The irony:

Lol indeed. :lol:

Nah, but don't give such fool a second thought, Dude101, we know where the stuff comes from, and that is what matters. :)
x'il said:
Nah, but don't give such fool a second thought, Dude101, we know where the stuff comes from, and that is what matters. :)

Actually I would say it is a problem. Especially if it also hampers them from putting new art into PR.

Wouldn't know what to do about it tho
@ Chris Parks: Good to know you're making progress. Too bad about those assholes and their mobile game, that's quite ridiculous...

Screenshots and any other kind of eye-candy is always appreciated, but not essential to a news post ;) Just to hear you're alive and kickin is well enough. Good luck for the future

@BN, couldn't the art be released under some kind of Creative License ? (PARPG does that). The art can have nothing to do with Fallout and is created by their respective.. creators õ_o Just used in this fan-project. This way nobody could do any of this and get away with it. Or is there a hook somewhere I'm not aware of ?
Screenshots and any other kind of eye-candy is always appreciated, but not essential to a news post Just to hear you're alive and kickin is well enough. Good luck for the future

Whilst nice, after recent events we have decided not to post any new screens until the game is completed and released. No point if it just gets ripped off straight away!
Gaspard said:
BN, couldn't the art be released under some kind of Creative License ? (PARPG does that). The art can have nothing to do with Fallout and is created by their respective.. creators õ_o Just used in this fan-project. This way nobody could do any of this and get away with it. Or is there a hook somewhere I'm not aware of ?

I don't think Almemusic studios has any respect for licensing. We would not want to do this anyway. We WANT our art to be used in other projects when we release it, but would like to be credited for it. If they ripped off our screenshots and credited us, we would not be so upset: that would simply be rude. This is thievery.
Hehe. You guys care too much. Who the fuck even know this very redundant mobile game?

You as modders should be definitely more emotionally frigid. Eg. as mister Daemon @ Resurrection. This guy's a fucking stone!

Don't waste your energy at little evil things.

I myself faced X leaks or oh-this-might-be-a-leak situations from 2005 to now, which maked me kind of comfortably numb. (It often happened like I gave something to somebody and forgot instantly).

So, fuck the Spaniards.
Dude101 said:
I don't think Almemusic studios has any respect for licensing. We would not want to do this anyway. We WANT our art to be used in other projects when we release it, but would like to be credited for it. If they ripped off our screenshots and credited us, we would not be so upset: that would simply be rude. This is thievery.

But here's where a Creative Commons license would come in handy - it allows, even encourages other people to use your art, but forces them to give you credit.

But when Almemusic is a studio like that, then there really is nothing much one could do...
Have you guys contacted them and asked them to give you credit where it's due ?
Even without a license, there still is intellectual property, and as the guys live in Spain, they should know that. Here the legal owner of the art would be Continuum (or the other art creators), he is the one entitled to denounce the abusive use.

The best course of action would be to send send them an email explaining to them that the art they are using ain't supposed to be used yet, asking them to remove it until Mutant Rising is released, and then to credit the authors.

if they don't comply, you should send a second letter threatening of legal action, even if I doubt the art creators are willing to launch an international procedure against them.
But, you still could ask the hosting provider to remove the content of their game, since it use illegal content (you just have to prove it's yours with some screeshots). And of course the nma community could start a spoiling campaign of their work...

But I don't think it will come to that, since they don't really speak english, they probably didn't care to make the difference between whats free of use and what isn't, a friendly warning letter reminding them of their obligations should do the trick.

But doing nothing and ignoring them is fine too. :D
Grayswandir said:
And if they don't care, you sue them? Have fun. Razz
Where did I say they should be sued?

Grayswandir said:
if they don't comply, you should send a second letter threatening of legal action, even if I doubt the art creators are willing to launch an international procedure against them.

I'm confused.

Cease & Desists aren't self-enforcing but people generally follow them if they're threatened. Though not necessarily from a mod group (not very intimidating). In the end a lot of this is self-enforcing, depending on people being basically decent, and that's where it falls apart.

But it is a good Q: did you contact them, Dude101? No point in being angry with them if no one's ever asked them about it. Our Lost Vault compadres can no doubt help you translate to Spanish if the need be.
If these people aren't complete morons I bet an email in a nice and friendly manner to ask for a removal of said graphics wouldn't hurt.

Still a pretty low move doing such things. :/
I make a distinction between threatening to do it and really do it, which is why i added that the art creators wouldn't probably take legal action. A mod group doesnt have any legitimacy for ownership, the art creator does. Of course it's an empty threat, but they don't have to know it.
But asking the hosting service or the forums that advertise their game to remove it because of illegal content is still possible.

In the end a lot of this is self-enforcing, depending on people being basically decent, and that's where it falls apart.
Of course, but for example, I myself have ripped some propaganda posters from the interweb to put it in my mod, I didn't exactly cared to find who are the creators or the owners... But if they find me and ask me to remove it, i would. Which is why i think just ask them nicely to remove it is the first to do. Plus it's only till mutant rising release its work, shouldn't be that long now :D
There is a thread about this mobile project in the modding section of the Lost Vault web, here. Shouldn't be too hard to contact the developers there.

I don't think there's malice behind this theft. More like vultures, picking up fallout images here and there without giving second thought. Anyway it is very rude simply rob people's art without asking for permission first or even giving credit for the images. Of course taking exclusive art of still on going projects is very wrong.

The game itself was developed for a mobile competition in a university of Madrid. Not sure if there was money involved in that.

A few words to the devs should help avoid most of the drama.
Oh man, F:BGaE looks too nice.
Will probably be some time until one of these awesome TC mods are released but at least I can have something that isn't using Gamebryo to look forward to. :)
If someone is blatantly ripping stuff off, a polite email usually works. Then a less-polite email, explaining legal issues. Then a direct email to people like their web host, explaining they're showing what is in fact illegal material. People usually budge by that point and choose to at least credit the authors.

Jesterka said:
Skull, we (BGE) may run for more proofreaders if you want to. But definitely not for the temporary ones. Lets say ain't responsible for this part (in fact it's totally out of my control due the lack of time - Seto controlls it) but I do get to know that majority of them just makes like 3 proofreads and get the fuck out.
Eventually, drop me a line at marekfiser [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll at least redirect the thing to Seto.
Will do. Be glad to help in any capacity, even if I end up translating or proof-reading just a tiny bit.
This discussion got way out of hand :P I would rather the project existed and ripped us off, than not at all. I played the game and enjoyed it. Moar! FO projects please. There is no way I would even think about sending a cease and desist to a Fallout fan (except if they buggered me in game or something, like in that scene from Warriors of the wasteland).

Anyway, I can't find an e-mail address to contact this guy, and it is a bit pointless now since his game is being redistributed by numerous people claiming to be the real developers. I let the guys at FOG know the art came from us, so I imagine they will give us the credit anyway.

Water under the bridge. Maybe we can do a BGE and release low res images, to prevent this kind of thing in the future.
Gaspard said:
But here's where a Creative Commons license would come in handy - it allows, even encourages other people to use your art, but forces them to give you credit.

Forces? How?
Per said:
Gaspard said:
But here's where a Creative Commons license would come in handy - it allows, even encourages other people to use your art, but forces them to give you credit.

Forces? How?

The grimoire (grammer) will get them. Alexiuss the only person to make money on deviant art (mostly Creative Commons), gets his stuff ripped off commercially all the time by lazy artists:

Anyway. Can we let this conversation die please? it got way to serious for me *Goes to bed*