Hi everyone!
Glad to see people enjoying the run. I just got my account here working, so I figured I'd drop by and answer a few questions:
First off, the dialogue is normal, I just memorized the dialogue choices that I needed to make beforehand. That way I minimized the time spent during those scenes. The choices are always in the same spot so this didn't take too much work. It's especially nice in situations like the end where I have to muscle the scientist into causing the meltdown; all of the dialogue options needed to do this are at the very top, so you can just click past it very rapidly.
As for wandering outside of San Francisco, someone else guessed correctly; it's to try and ensure that the shop owner had as many of the items I needed to complete this run the first time I went into town. The stock is randomized from a particular item set that the shop owner can possibly carry, and updates every so often (I think it's like every four days or something). Odds are not very good on getting all of those items to spawn on your very first trip, so I wait and kill time on the map to allow him time to gather more stock. This is just because, if I go in and he is missing something, I end up just wasting time running up to him and back again to the world map. You can see in that particular run he didn't even quite have everything the first time; it's a total crap shoot. BTW, the items needed to complete this particular route are as follows: (2) x Psycho, at least (5) x Super Stimpacks (as two can be acquired on my route on the Enclave), (4) x Plastique, and (1) x Power Armor.
The Psycho is, as someone else already figured out, to lower my INT so that AHS-9 will set up the tanker completely. If it weren't for the Temple of Trials, I could have also started with a low INT and used Mentats when I was on the Enclave, but it doesn't really matter because the store owner stocks Mentats and Psycho about equally. The Super Stimpacks were so that I could waste the President; if you're wondering why I used Super Stimpacks, it's because they have a 100% success rate. When you're doing a single-segment run like this, few things are as painful as getting that far and having something go wrong making you start all over again. The two Plastiques are pretty self-explainatory (make people go BOOM!) and the Power Armor is just plain required to walk around on the Enclave in the first place, otherwise the self-defense turrets turn you into tribal-flavored Jell-O.
Someone also asked how many attempts this run took: my only answer is basically "a lot". Considering this is a single-segment speed run, when just about anything goes wrong you're only left with the option to start over again. You don't know how many times I got near San Francisco only to be snuffed out by a Press Gang or Enclave Patrol...
Please, feel free to post any more questions, or offer any feedback on my run. I am glad to see other Fallout enthusiasts enjoying it.

Glad to see people enjoying the run. I just got my account here working, so I figured I'd drop by and answer a few questions:
First off, the dialogue is normal, I just memorized the dialogue choices that I needed to make beforehand. That way I minimized the time spent during those scenes. The choices are always in the same spot so this didn't take too much work. It's especially nice in situations like the end where I have to muscle the scientist into causing the meltdown; all of the dialogue options needed to do this are at the very top, so you can just click past it very rapidly.
As for wandering outside of San Francisco, someone else guessed correctly; it's to try and ensure that the shop owner had as many of the items I needed to complete this run the first time I went into town. The stock is randomized from a particular item set that the shop owner can possibly carry, and updates every so often (I think it's like every four days or something). Odds are not very good on getting all of those items to spawn on your very first trip, so I wait and kill time on the map to allow him time to gather more stock. This is just because, if I go in and he is missing something, I end up just wasting time running up to him and back again to the world map. You can see in that particular run he didn't even quite have everything the first time; it's a total crap shoot. BTW, the items needed to complete this particular route are as follows: (2) x Psycho, at least (5) x Super Stimpacks (as two can be acquired on my route on the Enclave), (4) x Plastique, and (1) x Power Armor.
The Psycho is, as someone else already figured out, to lower my INT so that AHS-9 will set up the tanker completely. If it weren't for the Temple of Trials, I could have also started with a low INT and used Mentats when I was on the Enclave, but it doesn't really matter because the store owner stocks Mentats and Psycho about equally. The Super Stimpacks were so that I could waste the President; if you're wondering why I used Super Stimpacks, it's because they have a 100% success rate. When you're doing a single-segment run like this, few things are as painful as getting that far and having something go wrong making you start all over again. The two Plastiques are pretty self-explainatory (make people go BOOM!) and the Power Armor is just plain required to walk around on the Enclave in the first place, otherwise the self-defense turrets turn you into tribal-flavored Jell-O.

Someone also asked how many attempts this run took: my only answer is basically "a lot". Considering this is a single-segment speed run, when just about anything goes wrong you're only left with the option to start over again. You don't know how many times I got near San Francisco only to be snuffed out by a Press Gang or Enclave Patrol...
Please, feel free to post any more questions, or offer any feedback on my run. I am glad to see other Fallout enthusiasts enjoying it.