FO2- Your Ideal Squad? (RP and Vanilla)

I just read up (lightly) on the changes implemented in the Yet Another Ammo Mod (YAAM) which I installed through the RP, and I have a slightly better understanding of what was done, and why I was so confused by all the numbers. I thought DT Mods were a standard variable, but apparently they were specifically introduced via the YAAM. Also, the "Note that the ammo DT mod is a negative modifier. Therefore, positive values of ammo DT mod will have a negative impact on the armor (i.e. increased damage), while negative values will have a positive impact on the armor" just made it confusing as hell, because it was so different from the other numbers. One value being negative means it's negative, while another value being positive means it's negative made things very confusing when I'd look at the various ammo mods in the game under these rules. Hence my confusion.

Yeah, I think I'm definitely going to be playing more F2WR games than YAAM (or other mods) games, if going by nothing more than the numbers. =]

From your latest comments, it sounds an awful lot like your changes are really harsh against some endgame weapon choices. I can accept metal armor heavily reducing burst damage from SMGs, but a Minigun too? That seems a touch excessive.
From your latest comments, it sounds an awful lot like your changes are really harsh against some endgame weapon choices. I can accept metal armor heavily reducing burst damage from SMGs, but a Minigun too? That seems a touch excessive.

I was talking about Advanced Power Armor, the best armor you can find on the mainland. The Minigun is one of the first big guns, it's not fair that it should be able to pierce endgame armor. The Avenger minigun does 10-15 damage, which is enough that a few shots can pierce the APA's high DT, but if you want to do reliable damage against Enclave goons you want a high-end gun. The LSW, Bozar, Rocket Launcher and of course the almighty Vindicator are your best choices for Big Guns. For Small Guns I would recommend the FN FAL HPFA, XL703E and the kickass HK G11E, and of course the Gauss weapons.